Sightseeing Log 55: The Burning Wall

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The Burning Wall

ARR sightseeing log 55.png
Log Entry
A Realm Reborn: #55
Eastern Thanalan (X:30.7, Y:26.5)
Lookout.png  Lookout
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies or
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Eorzea Time
12PM - 5PM
Speak to Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0) after completing ARR entries 1-20.

Overheard in an alehouse: "Standing atop the crystal affords you the best view of the place, if you're brave enough to make the climb..."

— Sightseeing Log Impressions

Once an unscalable precipice severing eastern Thanalan from the Grand Wake, the Burning Wall earned its name for the deep-red glow it would emit each evening as the sun set. Toppled by the Calamity, that cliff no longer exist—in its place a queer forest of crystalline sentinels and malformed creatures shunned by Nature herself.

— Sightseeing Log Vista Record

The Burning Wall is part of the Sightseeing Log for A Realm Reborn.


On top of the small crystal that looks like a cobra, drop down from the ledge just above at (X:30.7, Y:26.7, Z:0.0). Alternatively, can use a flying mount.

View from the correct location and weather