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Restoration Node

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Restoration Node

<buzzzzzz> ...Commencing overwrite of compliance policy... <buzzzzzz> ...Bypassing protocols for protection of intellectual property... <buzzzzzz> ...Replication process authorized.

— In-game description

Restoration Node is a Non-Humanoid in Azys Lla.

Items for Sale

Replicate Awoken Weapons

This section of the shop is unlocked after completing Repeatable Feature QuestComing into Its Own once.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Hauteclaire awoken replica icon1.png   Hauteclaire Awoken Replica Gladiator's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac ancile & almace icon1.png  Animaniac: Ancile & Almace
Prytwen awoken replica icon1.png   Prytwen Awoken Replica Shield CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac ancile & almace icon1.png  Animaniac: Ancile & Almace
Replica rising suns awoken icon1.png   Replica Rising Suns Awoken Pugilist's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac verethragna icon1.png  Animaniac: Verethragna
Parashu awoken replica icon1.png   Parashu Awoken Replica Marauder's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac ukonvasara icon1.png  Animaniac: Ukonvasara
Brionac awoken replica icon1.png   Brionac Awoken Replica Lancer's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac rhongomiant icon1.png  Animaniac: Rhongomiant
Berimbau awoken replica icon1.png   Berimbau Awoken Replica Archer's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac gandiva icon1.png  Animaniac: Gandiva
Replica yukimitsu awoken icon1.png   Replica Yukimitsu Awoken Rogue's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac kannagi icon1.png  Animaniac: Kannagi
Deathbringer awoken replica icon1.png   Deathbringer Awoken Replica Dark Knight's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac nothung icon1.png  Animaniac: Nothung
Ferdinand awoken replica icon1.png   Ferdinand Awoken Replica Machinist's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac armageddon icon1.png  Animaniac: Armageddon
Seraph cane awoken replica icon1.png   Seraph Cane Awoken Replica Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac majestas icon1.png  Animaniac: Majestas
Lunaris rod awoken replica icon1.png   Lunaris Rod Awoken Replica Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac hvergelmir icon1.png  Animaniac: Hvergelmir
Almandal awoken replica icon1.png   Almandal Awoken Replica Arcanist's Grimoire CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac the draconomicon icon1.png  Animaniac: The Draconomicon
Elements awoken replica icon1.png   Elements Awoken Replica Scholar's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac tetrabiblos icon1.png  Animaniac: Tetrabiblos
Atlas awoken replica icon1.png   Atlas Awoken Replica Astrologian's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 100 Animaniac deneb icon1.png  Animaniac: Deneb

Replicate Anima Weapons

This section of the shop is unlocked after completing Repeatable Feature QuestFinding Your Voice once.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Replica almace icon1.png   Replica Almace Gladiator's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac ancile & almace icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Ancile & Almace
Replica ancile icon1.png   Replica Ancile Shield ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac ancile & almace icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Ancile & Almace
Replica verethragna icon1.png   Replica Verethragna Pugilist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac verethragna icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Verethragna
Replica ukonvasara icon1.png   Replica Ukonvasara Marauder's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac ukonvasara icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Ukonvasara
Replica rhongomiant icon1.png   Replica Rhongomiant Lancer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac rhongomiant icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Rhongomiant
Replica gandiva icon1.png   Replica Gandiva Archer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac gandiva icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Gandiva
Replica kannagi icon1.png   Replica Kannagi Rogue's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac kannagi icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Kannagi
Replica nothung icon1.png   Replica Nothung Dark Knight's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac nothung icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Nothung
Replica armageddon icon1.png   Replica Armageddon Machinist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac armageddon icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Armageddon
Replica majestas icon1.png   Replica Majestas Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac majestas icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Majestas
Replica hvergelmir icon1.png   Replica Hvergelmir Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac hvergelmir icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Hvergelmir
Replica draconomicon icon1.png   Replica Draconomicon Arcanist's Grimoire ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac the draconomicon icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: The Draconomicon
Replica tetrabiblos icon1.png   Replica Tetrabiblos Scholar's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac tetrabiblos icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Tetrabiblos
Replica deneb icon1.png   Replica Deneb Astrologian's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 110 Hyper animaniac deneb icon1.png  Hyper Animaniac: Deneb

Replicate Hyperconductive Weapons

This section of the shop is unlocked after completing Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled once.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Hyperconductive almace replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Almace Replica Gladiator's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the twin thegns icon1.png  It's Alive: The Twin Thegns
Hyperconductive ancile replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Ancile Replica Shield ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the twin thegns icon1.png  It's Alive: The Twin Thegns
Hyperconductive verethragna replicas icon1.png   Hyperconductive Verethragna Replicas Pugilist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the sultan icon1.png  It's Alive: The Sultan
Hyperconductive ukonvasara replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Ukonvasara Replica Marauder's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the blood emperor icon1.png  It's Alive: The Blood Emperor
Hyperconductive rhongomiant replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Rhongomiant Replica Lancer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the overlord icon1.png  It's Alive: The Overlord
Hyperconductive gandiva replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Gandiva Replica Archer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the autarch icon1.png  It's Alive: The Autarch
Hyperconductive kannagi replicas icon1.png   Hyperconductive Kannagi Replicas Rogue's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the thorn prince icon1.png  It's Alive: The Thorn Prince
Hyperconductive nothung replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Nothung Replica Dark Knight's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the tyrant icon1.png  It's Alive: The Tyrant
Hyperconductive armageddon replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Armageddon Replica Machinist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the dynast icon1.png  It's Alive: The Dynast
Hyperconductive majestas replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Majestas Replica Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the white tsar icon1.png  It's Alive: The White Tsar
Hyperconductive hvergelmir replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Hvergelmir Replica Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the black khan icon1.png  It's Alive: The Black Khan
Hyperconductive draconomicon replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Draconomicon Replica Arcanist's Grimoire ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the mad queen icon1.png  It's Alive: The Mad Queen
Hyperconductive tetrabiblos replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Tetrabiblos Replica Scholar's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the magnate icon1.png  It's Alive: The Magnate
Hyperconductive deneb replica icon1.png   Hyperconductive Deneb Replica Astrologian's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 120 It's alive the last heir icon1.png  It's Alive: The Last Heir

Replicate Anima Weapons II

This section of the shop is unlocked after completing Repeatable Feature QuestFuture Proof once.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Sword of the twin thegns replica icon1.png   Sword of the Twin Thegns Replica Gladiator's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the twin thegns icon1.png  It's Smart: The Twin Thegns
Shield of the twin thegns replica icon1.png   Shield of the Twin Thegns Replica Shield ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the twin thegns icon1.png  It's Smart: The Twin Thegns
Replica sultans fists icon1.png   Replica Sultan's Fists Pugilist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the sultan icon1.png  It's Smart: The Sultan
Axe of the blood emperor replica icon1.png   Axe of the Blood Emperor Replica Marauder's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the blood emperor icon1.png  It's Smart: The Blood Emperor
Trident of the overlord replica icon1.png   Trident of the Overlord Replica Lancer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the overlord icon1.png  It's Smart: The Overlord
Bow of the autarch replica icon1.png   Bow of the Autarch Replica Archer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the autarch icon1.png  It's Smart: The Autarch
Replica spurs of the thorn prince icon1.png   Replica Spurs of the Thorn Prince Rogue's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the thorn prince icon1.png  It's Smart: The Thorn Prince
Guillotine of the tyrant replica icon1.png   Guillotine of the Tyrant Replica Dark Knight's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the tyrant icon1.png  It's Smart: The Tyrant
Flame of the dynast replica icon1.png   Flame of the Dynast Replica Machinist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the dynast icon1.png  It's Smart: The Dynast
Cane of the white tsar replica icon1.png   Cane of the White Tsar Replica Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the white tsar icon1.png  It's Smart: The White Tsar
Rod of the black khan replica icon1.png   Rod of the Black Khan Replica Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the black khan icon1.png  It's Smart: The Black Khan
Book of the mad queen replica icon1.png   Book of the Mad Queen Replica Arcanist's Grimoire ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the mad queen icon1.png  It's Smart: The Mad Queen
Word of the magnate replica icon1.png   Word of the Magnate Replica Scholar's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the magnate icon1.png  It's Smart: The Magnate
Sphere of the last heir replica icon1.png   Sphere of the Last Heir Replica Astrologian's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 130 It's smart the last heir icon1.png  It's Smart: The Last Heir

Replicate Sharp Anima Weapons

This section of the shop is unlocked after completing Repeatable Feature QuestBorn Again Anima once.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Sharpened sword of the twin thegns replica icon1.png   Sharpened Sword of the Twin Thegns Replica Gladiator's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened shield of the twin thegns replica icon1.png   Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns Replica Shield ERelic 60
Gil 140
Replica sharpened sultans fists icon1.png   Replica Sharpened Sultan's Fists Pugilist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened axe of the blood emperor replica icon1.png   Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor Replica Marauder's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened trident of the overlord replica icon1.png   Sharpened Trident of the Overlord Replica Lancer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened bow of the autarch replica icon1.png   Sharpened Bow of the Autarch Replica Archer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Replica sharpened spurs of the thorn prince icon1.png   Replica Sharpened Spurs of the Thorn Prince Rogue's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened guillotine of the tyrant replica icon1.png   Sharpened Guillotine of the Tyrant Replica Dark Knight's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened flame of the dynast replica icon1.png   Sharpened Flame of the Dynast Replica Machinist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened cane of the white tsar replica icon1.png   Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar Replica Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened rod of the black khan replica icon1.png   Sharpened Rod of the Black Khan Replica Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened book of the mad queen replica icon1.png   Sharpened Book of the Mad Queen Replica Arcanist's Grimoire ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened word of the magnate replica icon1.png   Sharpened Word of the Magnate Replica Scholar's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140
Sharpened sphere of the last heir replica icon1.png   Sharpened Sphere of the Last Heir Replica Astrologian's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 140

Replicate Complete Anima Weapons

This section of the shop is unlocked after completing Repeatable Feature QuestBest Friends Forever once.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Aettir replica icon1.png   Aettir Replica Gladiator's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Priwen replica icon1.png   Priwen Replica Shield ERelic 60
Gil 150
Replica nyepels icon1.png   Replica Nyepels Pugilist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Minos replica icon1.png   Minos Replica Marauder's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Areadbhar replica icon1.png   Areadbhar Replica Lancer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Terpander replica icon1.png   Terpander Replica Archer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Replica sandungs icon1.png   Replica Sandungs Rogue's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Cronus replica icon1.png   Cronus Replica Dark Knight's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Deathlocke replica icon1.png   Deathlocke Replica Machinist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Sindri replica icon1.png   Sindri Replica Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Kaladanda replica icon1.png   Kaladanda Replica Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Mimesis replica icon1.png   Mimesis Replica Arcanist's Grimoire ERelic 60
Gil 150
Anabasis replica icon1.png   Anabasis Replica Scholar's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150
Canopus replica icon1.png   Canopus Replica Astrologian's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 150

Replicate Anima Lux Weapons

This section of the shop is unlocked after completing Repeatable Feature QuestBest Friends Forever once.

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Aettir lux replica icon1.png   Aettir Lux Replica Gladiator's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Priwen lux replica icon1.png   Priwen Lux Replica Shield ERelic 60
Gil 160
Replica nyepels lux icon1.png   Replica Nyepels Lux Pugilist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Minos lux replica icon1.png   Minos Lux Replica Marauder's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Areadbhar lux replica icon1.png   Areadbhar Lux Replica Lancer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Terpander lux replica icon1.png   Terpander Lux Replica Archer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Replica sandungs lux icon1.png   Replica Sandungs Lux Rogue's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Cronus lux replica icon1.png   Cronus Lux Replica Dark Knight's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Deathlocke lux replica icon1.png   Deathlocke Lux Replica Machinist's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Sindri lux replica icon1.png   Sindri Lux Replica Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Kaladanda lux replica icon1.png   Kaladanda Lux Replica Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Mimesis lux replica icon1.png   Mimesis Lux Replica Arcanist's Grimoire ERelic 60
Gil 160
Anabasis lux replica icon1.png   Anabasis Lux Replica Scholar's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160
Canopus lux replica icon1.png   Canopus Lux Replica Astrologian's Arm ERelic 60
Gil 160