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Mark Quartermaster/Wolf Marks (DoW Gear)

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< Mark Quartermaster
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Mark Quartermaster

Mark Quartermaster NPC.jpeg

Wolf Mark Exchange
Male ♂
Roegadyn (Sea Wolf)
Wolves' Den Pier (4.5,6.0)

Trade your hand-won marks for arms and other materiel that will serve you well in the fiercest of battles to come. May you walk in the light of the Crystal...to the end of the crystal line!

— In-game description

Mark Quartermaster is a Roegadyn in Wolves' Den Pier.

Items for Sale

Wolf Marks (DoW Gear)

Wolf Gear - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Wolf celata icon1.png   Wolf Celata Head ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf elmo icon1.png   Wolf Elmo Head ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf sallet icon1.png   Wolf Sallet Head ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf rangers hat icon1.png   Wolf Ranger's Hat Head ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf cuirass icon1.png   Wolf Cuirass Body ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf scale mail icon1.png   Wolf Scale Mail Body ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf jacket icon1.png   Wolf Jacket Body ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf tunic icon1.png   Wolf Tunic Body ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf gauntlets icon1.png   Wolf Gauntlets Hands ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf scale fingers icon1.png   Wolf Scale Fingers Hands ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf armguards icon1.png   Wolf Armguards Hands ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf bracers icon1.png   Wolf Bracers Hands ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf trousers icon1.png   Wolf Trousers Legs ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf breeches icon1.png   Wolf Breeches Legs ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf brais icon1.png   Wolf Brais Legs ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf kecks icon1.png   Wolf Kecks Legs ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 500
Wolf sabatons icon1.png   Wolf Sabatons Feet ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf scale greaves icon1.png   Wolf Scale Greaves Feet ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf leg guards icon1.png   Wolf Leg Guards Feet ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250
Wolf moccasins icon1.png   Wolf Moccasins Feet ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 250

Wolf Gear - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Wolf amber earrings icon1.png   Wolf Amber Earrings Earrings ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf rubellite earrings icon1.png   Wolf Rubellite Earrings Earrings ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf spinel earrings icon1.png   Wolf Spinel Earrings Earrings ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf amber choker icon1.png   Wolf Amber Choker Necklace ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf rubellite choker icon1.png   Wolf Rubellite Choker Necklace ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf spinel choker icon1.png   Wolf Spinel Choker Necklace ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf amber bracelet icon1.png   Wolf Amber Bracelet Bracelets ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf rubellite bracelet icon1.png   Wolf Rubellite Bracelet Bracelets ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf spinel bracelet icon1.png   Wolf Spinel Bracelet Bracelets ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf amber ring icon1.png   Wolf Amber Ring Ring ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf rubellite ring icon1.png   Wolf Rubellite Ring Ring ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125
Wolf spinel ring icon1.png   Wolf Spinel Ring Ring ABasic 50
Wolf Mark 125

Warwolf Gear - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Warwolf barbut of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Barbut of Fending Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf sallet of maiming icon1.png   Warwolf Sallet of Maiming Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf eyepatch of striking icon1.png   Warwolf Eyepatch of Striking Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf mask of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Mask of Aiming Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf cuirass of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Cuirass of Fending Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf haubergeon of maiming icon1.png   Warwolf Haubergeon of Maiming Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf corselet of striking icon1.png   Warwolf Corselet of Striking Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf jerkin of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Jerkin of Aiming Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf gauntlets of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Gauntlets of Fending Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf vambraces of maiming icon1.png   Warwolf Vambraces of Maiming Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf bracers of striking icon1.png   Warwolf Bracers of Striking Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf gloves of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Gloves of Aiming Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf trousers of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Trousers of Fending Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf skirt of maiming icon1.png   Warwolf Skirt of Maiming Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf kecks of striking icon1.png   Warwolf Kecks of Striking Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf breeches of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Breeches of Aiming Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Warwolf sollerets of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Sollerets of Fending Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf leg guards of maiming icon1.png   Warwolf Leg Guards of Maiming Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf caligae of striking icon1.png   Warwolf Caligae of Striking Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Warwolf boots of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Boots of Aiming Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500

Warwolf Gear - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Warwolf earrings of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Earrings of Fending Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf earrings of slaying icon1.png   Warwolf Earrings of Slaying Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf earrings of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Earrings of Aiming Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf choker of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Choker of Fending Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf choker of slaying icon1.png   Warwolf Choker of Slaying Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf choker of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Choker of Aiming Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf bracelet of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Bracelet of Fending Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf bracelet of slaying icon1.png   Warwolf Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf bracelet of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf ring of fending icon1.png   Warwolf Ring of Fending Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf ring of slaying icon1.png   Warwolf Ring of Slaying Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Warwolf ring of aiming icon1.png   Warwolf Ring of Aiming Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250

Direwolf Gear - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Direwolf helm of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Helm of Fending Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf mask of maiming icon1.png   Direwolf Mask of Maiming Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf bandana of striking icon1.png   Direwolf Bandana of Striking Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf rangers hat icon1.png   Direwolf Ranger's Hat Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf cuirass of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Cuirass of Fending Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf cuirass of maiming icon1.png   Direwolf Cuirass of Maiming Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf shirt of striking icon1.png   Direwolf Shirt of Striking Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf tabard of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Tabard of Aiming Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf gauntlets of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Gauntlets of Fending Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf gauntlets of maiming icon1.png   Direwolf Gauntlets of Maiming Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf gloves of striking icon1.png   Direwolf Gloves of Striking Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf gloves of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Gloves of Aiming Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf cuisses of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Cuisses of Fending Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf trousers of maiming icon1.png   Direwolf Trousers of Maiming Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf skirt of striking icon1.png   Direwolf Skirt of Striking Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf skirt of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Skirt of Aiming Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Direwolf sabatons of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Sabatons of Fending Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf sabatons of maiming icon1.png   Direwolf Sabatons of Maiming Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf thighboots of striking icon1.png   Direwolf Thighboots of Striking Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Direwolf boots of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Boots of Aiming Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500

Direwolf Gear - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Direwolf earrings of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Earrings of Fending Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf earrings of slaying icon1.png   Direwolf Earrings of Slaying Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf earrings of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Earrings of Aiming Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf choker of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Choker of Fending Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf choker of slaying icon1.png   Direwolf Choker of Slaying Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf choker of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Choker of Aiming Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf armillae of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Armillae of Fending Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf wristbands of slaying icon1.png   Direwolf Wristbands of Slaying Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf wristbands of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Wristbands of Aiming Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf ring of fending icon1.png   Direwolf Ring of Fending Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf ring of slaying icon1.png   Direwolf Ring of Slaying Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Direwolf ring of aiming icon1.png   Direwolf Ring of Aiming Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250

Pack Gear - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Lionsmane armet icon1.png   Lionsmane Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Bearsmaw armet icon1.png   Bearsmaw Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lynxfang armet icon1.png   Lynxfang Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Snakestongue helm icon1.png   Snakestongue Helm Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Hawkwing armet icon1.png   Hawkwing Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Batsight okabuto icon1.png   Batsight Okabuto Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Birdsong mask icon1.png   Birdsong Mask Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Parrotbeak mask icon1.png   Parrotbeak Mask Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lionsmane cuirass icon1.png   Lionsmane Cuirass Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Bearsmaw cuirass icon1.png   Bearsmaw Cuirass Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lynxfang cuirass icon1.png   Lynxfang Cuirass Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Snakestongue scale mail icon1.png   Snakestongue Scale Mail Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Hawkwing cyclas icon1.png   Hawkwing Cyclas Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Batsight osode icon1.png   Batsight Osode Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Birdsong coat icon1.png   Birdsong Coat Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Parrotbeak coat icon1.png   Parrotbeak Coat Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lionsmane gauntlets icon1.png   Lionsmane Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Bearsmaw gauntlets icon1.png   Bearsmaw Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lynxfang gauntlets icon1.png   Lynxfang Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Snakestongue gauntlets icon1.png   Snakestongue Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Hawkwing gauntlets icon1.png   Hawkwing Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Batsight kote icon1.png   Batsight Kote Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Birdsong gloves icon1.png   Birdsong Gloves Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Parrotbeak gloves icon1.png   Parrotbeak Gloves Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lionsmane breeches icon1.png   Lionsmane Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Bearsmaw hose icon1.png   Bearsmaw Hose Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lynxfang breeches icon1.png   Lynxfang Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Snakestongue brais icon1.png   Snakestongue Brais Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Hawkwing gaskins icon1.png   Hawkwing Gaskins Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Batsight haidate icon1.png   Batsight Haidate Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Birdsong breeches icon1.png   Birdsong Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Parrotbeak breeches icon1.png   Parrotbeak Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lionsmane sabatons icon1.png   Lionsmane Sabatons Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Bearsmaw sabatons icon1.png   Bearsmaw Sabatons Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lynxfang sabatons icon1.png   Lynxfang Sabatons Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Snakestongue greaves icon1.png   Snakestongue Greaves Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Hawkwing boots icon1.png   Hawkwing Boots Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Batsight sune-ate icon1.png   Batsight Sune-ate Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Birdsong boots icon1.png   Birdsong Boots Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Parrotbeak boots icon1.png   Parrotbeak Boots Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500

Pack Gear - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Hellwolf earrings of fending icon1.png   Hellwolf Earrings of Fending Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf earrings of slaying icon1.png   Hellwolf Earrings of Slaying Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf earrings of aiming icon1.png   Hellwolf Earrings of Aiming Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf choker of fending icon1.png   Hellwolf Choker of Fending Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf choker of slaying icon1.png   Hellwolf Choker of Slaying Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf choker of aiming icon1.png   Hellwolf Choker of Aiming Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf bracelet of fending icon1.png   Hellwolf Bracelet of Fending Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf bracelet of slaying icon1.png   Hellwolf Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf bracelet of aiming icon1.png   Hellwolf Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf ring of fending icon1.png   Hellwolf Ring of Fending Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf ring of slaying icon1.png   Hellwolf Ring of Slaying Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Hellwolf ring of aiming icon1.png   Hellwolf Ring of Aiming Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250

Packliege Gear - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Lionliege armet icon1.png   Lionliege Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Bearliege armet icon1.png   Bearliege Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lynxliege armet icon1.png   Lynxliege Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Snakeliege helm icon1.png   Snakeliege Helm Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Hawkliege armet icon1.png   Hawkliege Armet Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Batliege okabuto icon1.png   Batliege Okabuto Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Birdliege mask icon1.png   Birdliege Mask Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Parrotliege mask icon1.png   Parrotliege Mask Head BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lionliege cuirass icon1.png   Lionliege Cuirass Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Bearliege cuirass icon1.png   Bearliege Cuirass Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lynxliege cuirass icon1.png   Lynxliege Cuirass Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Snakeliege scale mail icon1.png   Snakeliege Scale Mail Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Hawkliege cyclas icon1.png   Hawkliege Cyclas Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Batliege osode icon1.png   Batliege Osode Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Birdliege coat icon1.png   Birdliege Coat Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Parrotliege coat icon1.png   Parrotliege Coat Body BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lionliege gauntlets icon1.png   Lionliege Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Bearliege gauntlets icon1.png   Bearliege Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lynxliege gauntlets icon1.png   Lynxliege Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Snakeliege gauntlets icon1.png   Snakeliege Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Hawkliege gauntlets icon1.png   Hawkliege Gauntlets Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Batliege kote icon1.png   Batliege Kote Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Birdliege gloves icon1.png   Birdliege Gloves Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Parrotliege gloves icon1.png   Parrotliege Gloves Hands BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lionliege breeches icon1.png   Lionliege Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Bearliege hose icon1.png   Bearliege Hose Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lynxliege breeches icon1.png   Lynxliege Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Snakeliege brais icon1.png   Snakeliege Brais Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Hawkliege gaskins icon1.png   Hawkliege Gaskins Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Batliege haidate icon1.png   Batliege Haidate Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Birdliege breeches icon1.png   Birdliege Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Parrotliege breeches icon1.png   Parrotliege Breeches Legs BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 1,000
Lionliege sabatons icon1.png   Lionliege Sabatons Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Bearliege sabatons icon1.png   Bearliege Sabatons Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Lynxliege sabatons icon1.png   Lynxliege Sabatons Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Snakeliege greaves icon1.png   Snakeliege Greaves Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Hawkliege boots icon1.png   Hawkliege Boots Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Batliege sune-ate icon1.png   Batliege Sune-ate Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Birdliege boots icon1.png   Birdliege Boots Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500
Parrotliege boots icon1.png   Parrotliege Boots Feet BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 500

Packliege Gear - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Werewolf earrings of fending icon1.png   Werewolf Earrings of Fending Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf earrings of slaying icon1.png   Werewolf Earrings of Slaying Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf earrings of aiming icon1.png   Werewolf Earrings of Aiming Earrings BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf choker of fending icon1.png   Werewolf Choker of Fending Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf choker of slaying icon1.png   Werewolf Choker of Slaying Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf choker of aiming icon1.png   Werewolf Choker of Aiming Necklace BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf bracelet of fending icon1.png   Werewolf Bracelet of Fending Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf bracelet of slaying icon1.png   Werewolf Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf bracelet of aiming icon1.png   Werewolf Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf ring of fending icon1.png   Werewolf Ring of Fending Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf ring of slaying icon1.png   Werewolf Ring of Slaying Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250
Werewolf ring of aiming icon1.png   Werewolf Ring of Aiming Ring BGreen 50
Wolf Mark 250

Beastlord Gear - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Helm of the behemoth king icon1.png   Helm of the Behemoth King Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Helm of the behemoth queen icon1.png   Helm of the Behemoth Queen Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Helm of the rising dragon icon1.png   Helm of the Rising Dragon Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Helm of the falling dragon icon1.png   Helm of the Falling Dragon Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Horn of the last unicorn icon1.png   Horn of the Last Unicorn Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Armor of the behemoth king icon1.png   Armor of the Behemoth King Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Armor of the behemoth queen icon1.png   Armor of the Behemoth Queen Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Jacket of the rising dragon icon1.png   Jacket of the Rising Dragon Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Jacket of the falling dragon icon1.png   Jacket of the Falling Dragon Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Robe of the last unicorn icon1.png   Robe of the Last Unicorn Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Gauntlets of the behemoth king icon1.png   Gauntlets of the Behemoth King Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Gauntlets of the behemoth queen icon1.png   Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Gloves of the rising dragon icon1.png   Gloves of the Rising Dragon Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Gloves of the falling dragon icon1.png   Gloves of the Falling Dragon Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Armguards of the last unicorn icon1.png   Armguards of the Last Unicorn Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Cuisses of the behemoth king icon1.png   Cuisses of the Behemoth King Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Cuisses of the behemoth queen icon1.png   Cuisses of the Behemoth Queen Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Gaskins of the rising dragon icon1.png   Gaskins of the Rising Dragon Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Gaskins of the falling dragon icon1.png   Gaskins of the Falling Dragon Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Longkilt of the last unicorn icon1.png   Longkilt of the Last Unicorn Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Sabatons of the behemoth king icon1.png   Sabatons of the Behemoth King Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Sabatons of the behemoth queen icon1.png   Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Gaiters of the rising dragon icon1.png   Gaiters of the Rising Dragon Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Gaiters of the falling dragon icon1.png   Gaiters of the Falling Dragon Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Leg guards of the last unicorn icon1.png   Leg Guards of the Last Unicorn Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000

Beastlord Gear - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Battleliege earrings of fending icon1.png   Battleliege Earrings of Fending Earrings BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege earrings of slaying icon1.png   Battleliege Earrings of Slaying Earrings BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege earrings of aiming icon1.png   Battleliege Earrings of Aiming Earrings BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege choker of fending icon1.png   Battleliege Choker of Fending Necklace BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege choker of slaying icon1.png   Battleliege Choker of Slaying Necklace BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege choker of aiming icon1.png   Battleliege Choker of Aiming Necklace BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege bracelet of fending icon1.png   Battleliege Bracelet of Fending Bracelets BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege bracelet of slaying icon1.png   Battleliege Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege bracelet of aiming icon1.png   Battleliege Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege ring of fending icon1.png   Battleliege Ring of Fending Ring BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege ring of slaying icon1.png   Battleliege Ring of Slaying Ring BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
Battleliege ring of aiming icon1.png   Battleliege Ring of Aiming Ring BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500

Twelve Gear - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Halones helm of fending icon1.png   Halone's Helm of Fending Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Halones helm of maiming icon1.png   Halone's Helm of Maiming Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Althyks helm of striking icon1.png   Althyk's Helm of Striking Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Althyks helm of scouting icon1.png   Althyk's Helm of Scouting Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Oschons helm of aiming icon1.png   Oschon's Helm of Aiming Head BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Halones mail of fending icon1.png   Halone's Mail of Fending Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Halones mail of maiming icon1.png   Halone's Mail of Maiming Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Althyks mail of striking icon1.png   Althyk's Mail of Striking Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Althyks mail of scouting icon1.png   Althyk's Mail of Scouting Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Oschons mail of aiming icon1.png   Oschon's Mail of Aiming Body BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Halones gauntlets of fending icon1.png   Halone's Gauntlets of Fending Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Halones gauntlets of maiming icon1.png   Halone's Gauntlets of Maiming Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Althyks gauntlets of striking icon1.png   Althyk's Gauntlets of Striking Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Althyks gauntlets of scouting icon1.png   Althyk's Gauntlets of Scouting Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Oschons gauntlets of aiming icon1.png   Oschon's Gauntlets of Aiming Hands BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Halones breeches of fending icon1.png   Halone's Breeches of Fending Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Halones breeches of maiming icon1.png   Halone's Breeches of Maiming Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Althyks cuisses of striking icon1.png   Althyk's Cuisses of Striking Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Althyks cuisses of scouting icon1.png   Althyk's Cuisses of Scouting Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Oschons cuisses of aiming icon1.png   Oschon's Cuisses of Aiming Legs BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 2,000
Halones sollerets of fending icon1.png   Halone's Sollerets of Fending Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Halones sollerets of maiming icon1.png   Halone's Sollerets of Maiming Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Althyks sollerets of striking icon1.png   Althyk's Sollerets of Striking Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Althyks sollerets of scouting icon1.png   Althyk's Sollerets of Scouting Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000
Oschons sollerets of aiming icon1.png   Oschon's Sollerets of Aiming Feet BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 1,000

Twelve Gear - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
The twelves earrings of fending icon1.png   The Twelve's Earrings of Fending Earrings BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves earrings of slaying icon1.png   The Twelve's Earrings of Slaying Earrings BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves earrings of aiming icon1.png   The Twelve's Earrings of Aiming Earrings BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves necklace of fending icon1.png   The Twelve's Necklace of Fending Necklace BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves necklace of slaying icon1.png   The Twelve's Necklace of Slaying Necklace BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves necklace of aiming icon1.png   The Twelve's Necklace of Aiming Necklace BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves bracelet of fending icon1.png   The Twelve's Bracelet of Fending Bracelets BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves bracelet of slaying icon1.png   The Twelve's Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves bracelet of aiming icon1.png   The Twelve's Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves ring of fending icon1.png   The Twelve's Ring of Fending Ring BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves ring of slaying icon1.png   The Twelve's Ring of Slaying Ring BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500
The twelves ring of aiming icon1.png   The Twelve's Ring of Aiming Ring BGreen 60
Wolf Mark 500

Genyo Gear

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Aka oni somen icon1.png   Aka Oni Somen Head BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Ao oni somen icon1.png   Ao Oni Somen Head BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Tengu bo icon1.png   Tengu Bo Head BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Karasu bo icon1.png   Karasu Bo Head BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Nue somen icon1.png   Nue Somen Head BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Aka oni hara-ate icon1.png   Aka Oni Hara-ate Body BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Ao oni hara-ate icon1.png   Ao Oni Hara-ate Body BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Tengu togi icon1.png   Tengu Togi Body BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Karasu togi icon1.png   Karasu Togi Body BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Nue togi icon1.png   Nue Togi Body BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Aka oni kote icon1.png   Aka Oni Kote Hands BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Ao oni kote icon1.png   Ao Oni Kote Hands BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Tengu tekko icon1.png   Tengu Tekko Hands BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Karasu tekko icon1.png   Karasu Tekko Hands BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Nue kote icon1.png   Nue Kote Hands BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Aka oni tsutsu-hakama icon1.png   Aka Oni Tsutsu-hakama Legs BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Ao oni tsutsu-hakama icon1.png   Ao Oni Tsutsu-hakama Legs BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Tengu hakama icon1.png   Tengu Hakama Legs BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Karasu hakama icon1.png   Karasu Hakama Legs BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Nue tsutsu-hakama icon1.png   Nue Tsutsu-hakama Legs BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Aka oni sune-ate icon1.png   Aka Oni Sune-ate Feet BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Ao oni sune-ate icon1.png   Ao Oni Sune-ate Feet BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Tengu kyahan icon1.png   Tengu Kyahan Feet BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Karasu kyahan icon1.png   Karasu Kyahan Feet BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Nue sune-ate icon1.png   Nue Sune-ate Feet BGreen 1
Wolf Mark 1,500

Republican Gear

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Republican hoplomachuss headgear icon1.png   Republican Hoplomachus's Headgear Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican equess headgear icon1.png   Republican Eques's Headgear Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican secutors mask icon1.png   Republican Secutor's Mask Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican dimachaeriuss mask icon1.png   Republican Dimachaerius's Mask Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican sagittariuss headband icon1.png   Republican Sagittarius's Headband Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican hoplomachuss lorica icon1.png   Republican Hoplomachus's Lorica Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican equess chiton icon1.png   Republican Eques's Chiton Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican secutors lorica icon1.png   Republican Secutor's Lorica Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican dimachaeriuss lorica icon1.png   Republican Dimachaerius's Lorica Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican sagittariuss chiton icon1.png   Republican Sagittarius's Chiton Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican hoplomachuss manicae icon1.png   Republican Hoplomachus's Manicae Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican equess manicae icon1.png   Republican Eques's Manicae Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican secutors manicae icon1.png   Republican Secutor's Manicae Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican dimachaeriuss manicae icon1.png   Republican Dimachaerius's Manicae Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican sagittariuss wrist torque icon1.png   Republican Sagittarius's Wrist Torque Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican hoplomachuss loincloth icon1.png   Republican Hoplomachus's Loincloth Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican equess loincloth icon1.png   Republican Eques's Loincloth Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican secutors loincloth icon1.png   Republican Secutor's Loincloth Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican dimachaeriuss loincloth icon1.png   Republican Dimachaerius's Loincloth Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican sagittariuss loincloth icon1.png   Republican Sagittarius's Loincloth Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 3,000
Republican hoplomachuss greaves icon1.png   Republican Hoplomachus's Greaves Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican equess caligae icon1.png   Republican Eques's Caligae Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican secutors caligae icon1.png   Republican Secutor's Caligae Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican dimachaeriuss caligae icon1.png   Republican Dimachaerius's Caligae Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500
Republican sagittariuss caligae icon1.png   Republican Sagittarius's Caligae Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 1,500

Late Allagan Gear

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Late allagan mask of fending icon1.png   Late Allagan Mask of Fending Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan mask of maiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Mask of Maiming Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan mask of striking icon1.png   Late Allagan Mask of Striking Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan mask of scouting icon1.png   Late Allagan Mask of Scouting Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan mask of aiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Mask of Aiming Head ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan armor of fending icon1.png   Late Allagan Armor of Fending Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan armor of maiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Armor of Maiming Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan armor of striking icon1.png   Late Allagan Armor of Striking Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan armor of scouting icon1.png   Late Allagan Armor of Scouting Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan armor of aiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Armor of Aiming Body ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan gloves of fending icon1.png   Late Allagan Gloves of Fending Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan gloves of maiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Gloves of Maiming Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan gloves of striking icon1.png   Late Allagan Gloves of Striking Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan gloves of scouting icon1.png   Late Allagan Gloves of Scouting Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan gloves of aiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Gloves of Aiming Hands ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan bottoms of fending icon1.png   Late Allagan Bottoms of Fending Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan bottoms of maiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Bottoms of Maiming Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan bottoms of striking icon1.png   Late Allagan Bottoms of Striking Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan bottoms of scouting icon1.png   Late Allagan Bottoms of Scouting Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan bottoms of aiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Bottoms of Aiming Legs ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 4,000
Late allagan sollerets of fending icon1.png   Late Allagan Sollerets of Fending Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan sollerets of maiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Sollerets of Maiming Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan sollerets of striking icon1.png   Late Allagan Sollerets of Striking Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan sollerets of scouting icon1.png   Late Allagan Sollerets of Scouting Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000
Late allagan sollerets of aiming icon1.png   Late Allagan Sollerets of Aiming Feet ABasic 1
Wolf Mark 2,000