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Male ♂
Yanxia (28.2,25.6)
Quest NPC

Clean as a baby's behind, it is! But when we get to work, it will be anything but, heh heh! Day and night, day and night I will soon be laboring. Far too much to be done!

— In-game description

Tsuranuki is a Hyur in Yanxia.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Broken Steel, Broken Men Main Scenario quest 67 Tsuranuki

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Limits of Our Endurance Main Scenario quest 67 Alisaie
The Doma Within Main Scenario quest 67 Lyse

Additional Information

“All the armor I can provide, you will have. I will labor until I can no longer lift my hammer!”

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 2

A smith in the Doman Enclave, Tsuranuki was a fervent proponent of Doman liberation. He and others of like mind spurred Lord Kaien to rise up against the Empire, but the rebellion failed and their beloved master was slain trying to protect his people from the carnage that swept through the enclave. Filled with regret and despair, the Hyur turned his back on smithing—his life’s purpose—and, sequestering himself within Kusakari, he would ridicule all who spoke to him of freedom.

But win her freedom Doma eventually did, and at the grizzled age of sixty-two, Tsuranuki found his purpose once more. Declaring that he would devote his remaining years to the rebuilding effort, he set about his work with a fire to rival his blazing forge. At this time, his long-standing rivalry with the papermaker Araragi was also renewed, the sounds of their public bickering ringing sweetly to those who had known the enclave in better days.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 2