The Lost City of Amdapor

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the optional level 50 dungeon. For the optional level 60 dungeon from Heavensward, see The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard).

The Lost City of Amdapor

The Lost City of Amdapor (image).png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
55 (Sync: 110)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (A Realm Reborn)
Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons"Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 40 
Req. quest
Feature quest One Night in Amdapor
South Shroud

Born in magic, the ancient city of Amdapor lived in splendor and died in agony. As the Fifth Astral Era gave way to the Sixth Umbral and the ensuing catastrophe, the agent of Amdapor's destruction slept. Now, the seal that has held so long is softening like windfallen fruit—and what blind worms writhe underneath the skin of the dead city?

— In-game description

The Lost City of Amdapor is a level 50 dungeon introduced in patch 2.2.


  1. Clear the Halcyon Court: 0/1
  2. Clear the Tower of White: 0/1
  3. Defeat Diabolos: 0/1



The Lost City of Amdapor Guide

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Decaying Gourmand

The Decaying Gourmand will inflict a random player with Prey. The person targeted with prey will get sucked in and Devour.png  Devoured by the Decaying Gourmand. When they do, attack the Voracious Maw to break out the person eaten. Decaying Gourmand will also drop AoE circles on the ground that remain there, inflicting damage over time to whoever stays in it.

Passive difficulty r5.png Arioch

At first there will be a single Aggressive difficulty r1.png Ranch Wamoura add with the actual boss, Arioch, flying around. Kill it and have the tank stand in front of it when it dies. Anyone that stands in front of the Ranch Wamoura when it dies will get a stacking debuff called Scale flakes icon1.png Scale Flakes. ("Dusted with wamoura scales and giving off a scent which attracts Arioch. Damage taken is increased.") The boss attacks whoever has the highest stacks of Scale flakes icon1.png Scale Flakes, so make sure the tank is the one that gets the debuff. When the Scale flakes icon1.png Scale Flakes debuff is running out, pull another Aggressive difficulty r1.png Ranch Wamoura add and kill it facing the tank. If the debuff runs out Arioch will start flying overhead, regenerating massive amounts of hp. Arioch also uses the Blue Mage frame icon.png Blue Mage spell Eerie Soundwave.png  Eerie Soundwave.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Diabolos

There are 8 doors divided into pairs of 2 in the boss room. They have four symbols, the blue goobbue, red demon, the light green dragon-like, and the dark green moth. Each symbol will appear above 2 doors. When you open both doors of the same symbol, you will get sucked into a void and you become immune to attacks for a short period of time. When Diabolos casts Ruinous Omen, you need to activate a matching pair of doors or the party will wipe. If you activate doors of the wrong symbol, they will close and there will be no effect.

The symbols will only appear at the start of the fight, and during a successful door opening. At the beginning of the fight, a responsible party member should select a symbol and remember or waymark both doors of the chosen symbol. Then, the party member should open one of these doors. When you get to about 60% of Diabolos health, he will go to the center of the arena and start to cast Ruinous Omen, once it gets about halfway through the cast bar have the party member open his matching door. If timed right you will get into the void as soon as he casts Ruinous Omen and you won't take any damage. If your damage is halfway decent you should only see Ruinous Omen once or twice.

Avoid the orbs when they appear, they apply heavy and deal more damage as the debuff gets stacked on the party.

Note: Players with the prey marker (gravity orb) should move away from the party (and waymarked/open doors, if any)


See also: Ilvl 70 Dungeon Armor, Darklight Armor and Darklight Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Decaying Gourmand

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight band of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Aiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of casting icon1.png  Darklight Band of Casting Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of fending icon1.png  Darklight Band of Fending Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of healing icon1.png  Darklight Band of Healing Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Maiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of striking icon1.png  Darklight Band of Striking Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight boots of casting icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Casting Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight boots of healing icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Healing Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Striking Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight caligae of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Aiming Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight caligae of striking icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Striking Feet 70 CBlue 1
Darklight sollerets icon1.png  Darklight Sollerets Feet 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackboots icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Hussars jackboots icon1.png  Hussar's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Magicians shoes icon1.png  Magician's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims shoes icon1.png  Pilgrim's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Protectors sollerets icon1.png  Protector's Sollerets Feet 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees boots icon1.png  Shikaree's Boots Feet 70 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Arioch

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight bracers of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracers of Aiming Hands 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracers of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracers of Striking Hands 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Aiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of casting icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Casting Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of fending icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Fending Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of healing icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Healing Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Maiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of striking icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Striking Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Aiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of casting icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Casting Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of fending icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Fending Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of healing icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Healing Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Maiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of striking icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Striking Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight eyepatch of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Eyepatch of Aiming Head 70 CBlue 1
Darklight eyepatch of striking icon1.png  Darklight Eyepatch of Striking Head 70 CBlue 1
Darklight gauntlets icon1.png  Darklight Gauntlets Hands 70 CBlue 1
Darklight gloves of casting icon1.png  Darklight Gloves of Casting Hands 70 CBlue 1
Darklight gloves of healing icon1.png  Darklight Gloves of Healing Hands 70 CBlue 1
Darklight helm icon1.png  Darklight Helm Head 70 CBlue 1
Eerie Soundwave.png  Eerie Soundwave N/A 1
Fistfighters gloves icon1.png  Fistfighter's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Fistfighters goggles icon1.png  Fistfighter's Goggles Head 70 BGreen 1
Heavy darklight gauntlets icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Gauntlets Hands 70 CBlue 1
Hussars gloves icon1.png  Hussar's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Hussars goggles icon1.png  Hussar's Goggles Head 70 BGreen 1
Magicians gloves icon1.png  Magician's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Magicians hat icon1.png  Magician's Hat Head 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims eyepatch icon1.png  Pilgrim's Eyepatch Head 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims gloves icon1.png  Pilgrim's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Protectors barbut icon1.png  Protector's Barbut Head 70 BGreen 1
Protectors gauntlets icon1.png  Protector's Gauntlets Hands 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees gloves icon1.png  Shikaree's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees mask icon1.png  Shikaree's Mask Head 70 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Diabolos

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight breeches of casting icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Casting Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight breeches of healing icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Healing Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight corselet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Aiming Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight corselet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Striking Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight cowl of casting icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Casting Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight cowl of healing icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Healing Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight cuirass icon1.png  Darklight Cuirass Body 70 CBlue 1
Darklight kecks icon1.png  Darklight Kecks Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight subligar icon1.png  Darklight Subligar Legs 70 CBlue 1
Darklight trousers icon1.png  Darklight Trousers Legs 70 CBlue 1
Faded copy of the scars of battle icon1.png  Faded Copy of The Scars of Battle   This item is guaranteed to drop. Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Fistfighters breeches icon1.png  Fistfighter's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Fistfighters jackcoat icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Heavy darklight armor icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Armor Body 70 CBlue 1
Heavy darklight flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Flanchard Legs 70 CBlue 1
Hussars breeches icon1.png  Hussar's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Hussars jackcoat icon1.png  Hussar's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Magicians robe icon1.png  Magician's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Magicians slops icon1.png  Magician's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims robe icon1.png  Pilgrim's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims slops icon1.png  Pilgrim's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Protectors cuirass icon1.png  Protector's Cuirass Body 70 BGreen 1
Protectors trousers icon1.png  Protector's Trousers Legs 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees doublet icon1.png  Shikaree's Doublet Body 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees gaskin icon1.png  Shikaree's Gaskin Legs 70 BGreen 1

Other Loot

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 15.3 Y: 10.7)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Protectors sollerets icon1.png  Protector's Sollerets Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight sollerets icon1.png  Darklight Sollerets Feet 70 CBlue 1
Hussars jackboots icon1.png  Hussar's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight caligae of striking icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Striking Feet 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackboots icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight caligae of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Caligae of Aiming Feet 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees boots icon1.png  Shikaree's Boots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight boots of casting icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Casting Feet 70 CBlue 1
Magicians shoes icon1.png  Magician's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight boots of healing icon1.png  Darklight Boots of Healing Feet 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims shoes icon1.png  Pilgrim's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Striking Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of fending icon1.png  Darklight Band of Fending Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Maiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of striking icon1.png  Darklight Band of Striking Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Aiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of casting icon1.png  Darklight Band of Casting Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of healing icon1.png  Darklight Band of Healing Ring 70 CBlue 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 13.7 Y: 11.6)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Protectors barbut icon1.png  Protector's Barbut Head 70 BGreen 1
Darklight helm icon1.png  Darklight Helm Head 70 CBlue 1
Hussars goggles icon1.png  Hussar's Goggles Head 70 BGreen 1
Darklight eyepatch of striking icon1.png  Darklight Eyepatch of Striking Head 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters goggles icon1.png  Fistfighter's Goggles Head 70 BGreen 1
Darklight eyepatch of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Eyepatch of Aiming Head 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees mask icon1.png  Shikaree's Mask Head 70 BGreen 1
Magicians hat icon1.png  Magician's Hat Head 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims eyepatch icon1.png  Pilgrim's Eyepatch Head 70 BGreen 1
Heavy darklight gauntlets icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Gauntlets Hands 70 CBlue 1
Protectors gauntlets icon1.png  Protector's Gauntlets Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight gauntlets icon1.png  Darklight Gauntlets Hands 70 CBlue 1
Hussars gloves icon1.png  Hussar's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracers of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracers of Striking Hands 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters gloves icon1.png  Fistfighter's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracers of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracers of Aiming Hands 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees gloves icon1.png  Shikaree's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight gloves of casting icon1.png  Darklight Gloves of Casting Hands 70 CBlue 1
Magicians gloves icon1.png  Magician's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight gloves of healing icon1.png  Darklight Gloves of Healing Hands 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims gloves icon1.png  Pilgrim's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight earrings of fending icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Fending Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Maiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of striking icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Striking Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Aiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of casting icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Casting Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of healing icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Healing Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of fending icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Fending Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Maiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of striking icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Striking Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Aiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of casting icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Casting Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of healing icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Healing Necklace 70 CBlue 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.5 Y: 11.2)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Heavy darklight armor icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Armor Body 70 CBlue 1
Protectors cuirass icon1.png  Protector's Cuirass Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cuirass icon1.png  Darklight Cuirass Body 70 CBlue 1
Hussars jackcoat icon1.png  Hussar's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight corselet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Striking Body 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackcoat icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackcoat Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight corselet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Corselet of Aiming Body 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees doublet icon1.png  Shikaree's Doublet Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cowl of casting icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Casting Body 70 CBlue 1
Magicians robe icon1.png  Magician's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Darklight cowl of healing icon1.png  Darklight Cowl of Healing Body 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims robe icon1.png  Pilgrim's Robe Body 70 BGreen 1
Heavy darklight flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Flanchard Legs 70 CBlue 1
Protectors trousers icon1.png  Protector's Trousers Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight trousers icon1.png  Darklight Trousers Legs 70 CBlue 1
Hussars breeches icon1.png  Hussar's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight subligar icon1.png  Darklight Subligar Legs 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters breeches icon1.png  Fistfighter's Breeches Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight kecks icon1.png  Darklight Kecks Legs 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees gaskin icon1.png  Shikaree's Gaskin Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight breeches of casting icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Casting Legs 70 CBlue 1
Magicians slops icon1.png  Magician's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight breeches of healing icon1.png  Darklight Breeches of Healing Legs 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims slops icon1.png  Pilgrim's Slops Legs 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Striking Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png  Darklight Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of fending icon1.png  Darklight Band of Fending Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Maiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of striking icon1.png  Darklight Band of Striking Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Band of Aiming Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of casting icon1.png  Darklight Band of Casting Ring 70 CBlue 1
Darklight band of healing icon1.png  Darklight Band of Healing Ring 70 CBlue 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 12.6 Y: 10.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight earrings of fending icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Fending Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Maiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of striking icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Striking Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Aiming Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of casting icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Casting Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight earrings of healing icon1.png  Darklight Earrings of Healing Earrings 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of fending icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Fending Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of maiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Maiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of striking icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Striking Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of aiming icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Aiming Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of casting icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Casting Necklace 70 CBlue 1
Darklight choker of healing icon1.png  Darklight Choker of Healing Necklace 70 CBlue 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm the lost city of amdapor icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Lost City of Amdapor 10 Discover every location within the Lost City of Amdapor. - 2.2


Dungeon Images


City of Decay

The twilight years of the Fifth Astral Era saw magical civilizations reach their zenith, among them the nation of Amdapor, which prospered through the blessings of white magic. But with this prosperity came a bitter rivalry. In a bid to destroy them once and for all, their Mhachi enemies unleashed a powerful voidsent upon the city, and it was only at great cost that the Amdapori succeeded in sealing away the being. Alas, their home devastated by the onslaught, the civilization did not survive the catastrophic arrival of the Sixth Umbral Era.

Since that time, the elementals had kept the ruins of Amdapor hidden from mortal eyes, but the Calamity weakened the seal to reveal the city, long thought to have been lost. To compound matters, the concurrent dwindling of earth-aspected aether gave rise to a moldering blight that swiftly ravaged the overgrown vegetation within the ruins and threatened to spread without. In response, Seedseer Raya-O-Senna raised a great ward to contain the blight, but the darkness that had begun to stir deep within the city would not be so easily stayed.

The Last Guardians

Following the defeat of Diabolos, the unnatural pall choking, the crumbling city of Amdapor was lifted, and tranquility restored to the Twelveswood. Or so it had seemed. When the Hearers entered the ruins, however, they had scarce begun consigning the stones to the forest when their elemental allies fled in a sudden panic. By the spirits' agitated whispers did the Seedseers learn that a daunting and hostile presence yet lingered within Amdapor's smoldering walls.

Unable to complete their ritual of cleaning, once more the Padjals called upon the aid of fearless adventurers, who set out to bring this unknown evil to light. And what should they find inside the ancient city's husk but the stone guardians of the Amdapori, roused to life by the awakening of a voidsent, their mortal foe. The adventurers laid these relics to rest, and thus did the city sleep soundly once more.


Charged with leading the Mhachi's voidsent army against Amdapor, the mighty Diabolos was shorn of power in a desperate counterattack and imprisoned within a potent seal. He awakened centuries later when the Calamity broke the seal, only to be humbled once more by adventurers sent to investigate the ruins vanishing in flurry of leathern wings. He would reemerge at the heart of a sinister plot aboard the Void Ark.


Created by Amdapori mages to protect their city, this winged golem is animated by gems infused with the power of white magic. To better contend with voidsent, it is said to have been made in the image of transcendent beings from yet another plane.