What's in the Box

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Feature Quest icon.png

What's in the Box

Arcanist Class Image.JPG
Quest giver
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:4.7, Y:11.4)
Experience 1,400
Gil 0
Previous quest
Feature QuestWay of the Arcanist
Feature QuestMy First Grimoire
Next quest
Feature QuestTactical Planning

Acting Guildmaster Thubyrgeim wishes to assess the improvement of your arcanima skills.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:



  • Acting Guildmaster Thubyrgeim wishes to assess the improvement of your arcanima skills.
  • In order to test your growing aptitude as an arcanist, Thubyrgeim sends you back to the wilds of lower La Noscea to battle more challenging opponents. Slay three wild dodos and three tiny mandragoras.
  • You have slain the designated creatures. Return to the Arcanists' Guild and report to Thubyrgeim.
  • Now that you have displayed your competence with Carbuncle, you are next to attempt an exercise that simulates the cargo inspections performed by Mealvaan's Gate assessors. Head south of Zephyr Gate and examine the crates found near the clifffs.
  • You have defeated the creatures that lurked within the crates you were ordered to inspect. Now that the cargo is safe to handle, collect the contents and prepare to return to the guild.
  • Upon gathering the inspected cargo, you turn to find that your actions had been observed by a strange Miqo'te-- Foreseer K'lyhia, a chief assessor for Mealvaan's Gate. As the elected supervisor for your training, the assessor happily appraises your performance and offers instruction to further improve your arcanist abilities. With the exercise at an end, she bids you return to Thubyrgeim at the Arcanists' Guild.
  • You return to the guild and give your report of the day's lesson. Thubyrgeim explains that the strategically gifted K'lyhia was able to rise to her current position as foreseer using nothing more than an initiate's grimoire. Urging you to heed well the Miqo'te's advice, the acting guildmaster instructs you to continue your tactical training with Carbuncle.
    • The next arcanist quest will be available from Thubyrgeim upon reaching level 10.