Culinarian Recipes/Level 60

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< Culinarian Recipes
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Confetti-making tools icon1.png  Confetti-making Tools Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 35 290 2700
Gyr abanian souvenir component icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Souvenir Component Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 60 290 1080
Heartfelt gift component icon1.png  Heartfelt Gift Component Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 60 290 1080
Gyr abanian souvenir icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Souvenir Culinarian 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 2160
Heartfelt gift icon1.png  Heartfelt Gift Culinarian 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 2160
Grade 2 skybuilders tea icon1.png  Grade 2 Skybuilders' Tea Culinarian 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Grade 3 skybuilders tea icon1.png  Grade 3 Skybuilders' Tea Culinarian 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Grade 4 skybuilders tea icon1.png  Grade 4 Skybuilders' Tea Culinarian 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Skybuilders tea icon1.png  Skybuilders' Tea Culinarian 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Alpine supper set icon1.png  Alpine Supper Set Culinarian 60 Tabletop 1 70 580 1350
Clam chowder icon1.png  Clam Chowder Culinarian 60 Meal 3 70 580 2700
Deep-fried okeanis icon1.png  Deep-fried Okeanis Culinarian 60 Meal 3 70 580 2700
Elixir mixing paraphernalia icon1.png  Elixir Mixing Paraphernalia Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Land diving gear icon1.png  Land Diving Gear Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Morel salad icon1.png  Morel Salad Culinarian 60 Meal 3 70 580 2700
Rarefied marron glace icon1.png  Rarefied Marron Glace Culinarian 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Stable supplies icon1.png  Stable Supplies Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Steeping accessory icon1.png  Steeping Accessory Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Stuffed chysahl icon1.png  Stuffed Chysahl Culinarian 60 Meal 3 70 580 2700
Effigy components icon1.png  Effigy Components Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 696 999
Ceremonial bow components icon1.png  Ceremonial Bow Components Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Culinary knife component icon1.png  Culinary Knife Component Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Dzo shear components icon1.png  Dzo Shear Components Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Korrigan doll icon1.png  Korrigan Doll Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Pristine fruit figurine icon1.png  Pristine Fruit Figurine Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Generous gift icon1.png  Generous Gift Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 870 2025
Drum parts icon1.png  Drum Parts Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 1044 1350
Mikoshi frippery icon1.png  Mikoshi Frippery Culinarian 60 Miscellany 1 70 1044 1350
Far eastern antique component icon1.png  Far Eastern Antique Component Culinarian 60 ★ Miscellany 1 60 297 1092
Orphanage donation component icon1.png  Orphanage Donation Component Culinarian 60 ★ Miscellany 1 60 330 1120
Far eastern antique icon1.png  Far Eastern Antique Culinarian 60 ★ Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 594 2212
Orphanage donation icon1.png  Orphanage Donation Culinarian 60 ★ Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 660 2240
Nameday cake icon1.png  Nameday Cake
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Tabletop 1 70 660 1400
Almond cream croissant icon1.png  Almond Cream Croissant
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 3 70 660 2800
Creme brulee icon1.png  Creme Brulee
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 3 70 660 2800
Hot chocolate icon1.png  Hot Chocolate
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 3 70 660 2800
Kingcake icon1.png  Kingcake
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 1 70 660 2800
Seafood stew icon1.png  Seafood Stew
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 3 70 660 2800
Snurbleberry tart icon1.png  Snurbleberry Tart
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 3 70 660 2800
Steamed staff icon1.png  Steamed Staff
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 3 70 660 2800
Urchin loaf icon1.png  Urchin Loaf
(Learned from: Master culinarian iii icon1.png  Master Culinarian III)
Culinarian 60 ★ Meal 3 70 660 2800
Angler stew icon1.png  Angler Stew
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★ Meal 3 70 740 2900
Oyster confit icon1.png  Oyster Confit
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★ Meal 3 70 740 2900
Sweet gnomefish icon1.png  Sweet Gnomefish
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★ Meal 1 70 740 2900
Apple strudel icon1.png  Apple Strudel
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★ Meal 3 70 880 3300
Boscaiola icon1.png  Boscaiola
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★ Meal 3 70 880 3300
Loaghtan steak icon1.png  Loaghtan Steak
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★ Meal 3 70 880 3300
Peperoncino icon1.png  Peperoncino
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★ Meal 3 70 880 3300
Spiced cider icon1.png  Spiced Cider
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★ Meal 3 70 880 3300
Heavensegg soup icon1.png  Heavensegg Soup
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★ Meal 3 70 900 3390
Pasta ortolano icon1.png  Pasta Ortolano
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★ Meal 3 70 900 3390
Flaugnarde icon1.png  Flaugnarde
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★★ Meal 3 70 1000 3800
Heavenly eggnog icon1.png  Heavenly Eggnog
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★★ Meal 3 70 1000 3800
Loaghtan cordon bleu icon1.png  Loaghtan Cordon Bleu
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★★ Meal 3 70 1000 3800
Priestly omelette icon1.png  Priestly Omelette
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★★ Meal 3 70 1000 3800
Spaghetti carbonara icon1.png  Spaghetti Carbonara
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★★ Meal 3 70 1000 3800
Spaghetti pescatore icon1.png  Spaghetti Pescatore
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★★ Meal 3 70 1000 3800
Wildwood scrambled eggs icon1.png  Wildwood Scrambled Eggs
(Learned from: Master culinarian iv icon1.png  Master Culinarian IV)
Culinarian 60 ★★★★ Meal 3 70 1000 3800