Miner Tools/Secondary

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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bronze Sledgehammer Bronze sledgehammer icon1.png 10 11 MIN 0 Gathering +20 HQ icon.png23Perception +35 HQ icon.png40
Recruit's Sledgehammer Recruits sledgehammer icon1.png 15 16 MIN 0 Gathering +24 Perception +42 GP +1 
Initiate's Sledgehammer Initiates sledgehammer icon1.png 19 19 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +26 HQ icon.png30Perception +46 HQ icon.png52
Iron Sledgehammer Iron sledgehammer icon1.png 22 22 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +29 HQ icon.png32Perception +50 HQ icon.png57
Novice's Sledgehammer Novices sledgehammer icon1.png 26 27 MIN 0 Gathering +32 Perception +56 GP +2 
Steel Sledgehammer Steel sledgehammer icon1.png 30 30 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +35 HQ icon.png39Perception +60 HQ icon.png68
Wrapped Steel Sledgehammer Wrapped steel sledgehammer icon1.png 33 33 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +37 HQ icon.png42Perception +64 HQ icon.png73
Apprentice's Sledgehammer Apprentices sledgehammer icon1.png 38 39 MIN 0 Gathering +41 Perception +72 GP +3 
Mythril Sledgehammer Mythril sledgehammer icon1.png 43 43 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +44 HQ icon.png50Perception +77 HQ icon.png88
Cobalt Sledgehammer Cobalt sledgehammer icon1.png 47 47 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +47 HQ icon.png54Perception +83 HQ icon.png94
Militia Sledgehammer Militia sledgehammer icon1.png 50 55 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +56 HQ icon.png64Perception +99 HQ icon.png112
Forager's Sledgehammer Foragers sledgehammer icon1.png 50 70 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +72 HQ icon.png82Perception +126 HQ icon.png143
Mythrite Sledgehammer Mythrite sledgehammer icon1.png 53 90 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +90 HQ icon.png102Perception +158 HQ icon.png179
Titanium Sledgehammer Titanium sledgehammer icon1.png 56 110 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +94 HQ icon.png106Perception +164 HQ icon.png186
Adamantite Sledgehammer Adamantite sledgehammer icon1.png 59 140 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +98 HQ icon.png111Perception +172 HQ icon.png195
Weighted Adamantite Sledgehammer Weighted adamantite sledgehammer icon1.png 60 170 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +120 HQ icon.png136Perception +210 HQ icon.png238
Minekeep's Sledgehammer Minekeeps sledgehammer icon1.png 60 180 MIN 0 Gathering +146 Perception +256 
High Mythrite Sledgehammer High mythrite sledgehammer icon1.png 60 195 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +143 HQ icon.png162Perception +249 HQ icon.png283
Augmented Minekeep's Sledgehammer Augmented minekeeps sledgehammer icon1.png 60 200 MIN 0 Gathering +167 Perception +292 
High Steel Sledgehammer High steel sledgehammer icon1.png 63 200 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +147 HQ icon.png167Perception +257 HQ icon.png292
Doman Iron Sledgehammer Doman iron sledgehammer icon1.png 66 230 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +159 HQ icon.png181Perception +279 HQ icon.png316
Doman Steel Sledgehammer Doman steel sledgehammer icon1.png 68 260 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +166 HQ icon.png188Perception +290 HQ icon.png329
Molybdenum Sledgehammer Molybdenum sledgehammer icon1.png 70 290 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +173 HQ icon.png196Perception +302 HQ icon.png342
Nightsteel Sledgehammer Nightsteel sledgehammer icon1.png 70 325 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +225 HQ icon.png255Perception +394 HQ icon.png446
Mineking's Sledgehammer Minekings sledgehammer icon1.png 70 330 MIN 0 Gathering +264 Perception +461 
Deepgold Sledgehammer Deepgold sledgehammer icon1.png 71 330 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +233 HQ icon.png264Perception +407 HQ icon.png461
Bluespirit Sledgehammer Bluespirit sledgehammer icon1.png 74 370 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +270 HQ icon.png306Perception +473 HQ icon.png536
Titanbronze Sledgehammer Titanbronze sledgehammer icon1.png 77 400 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +291 HQ icon.png330Perception +510 HQ icon.png578
Dwarven Mythril Sledgehammer Dwarven mythril sledgehammer icon1.png 80 430 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +312 HQ icon.png354Perception +547 HQ icon.png620
Facet Sledgehammer Facet sledgehammer icon1.png 80 460 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +360 HQ icon.png408Perception +630 HQ icon.png714
Minefiend's Sledgehammer Minefiends sledgehammer icon1.png 80 470 MIN 0 Gathering +425 Perception +744 
Aesthete's Sledgehammer Aesthetes sledgehammer icon1.png 80 490 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +405 HQ icon.png459Perception +709 HQ icon.png803
Landsaint's Sledgehammer Landsaints sledgehammer icon1.png 80 500 MIN 0 Gathering +476 Perception +833 
High Durium Sledgehammer High durium sledgehammer icon1.png 81 480 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +390 HQ icon.png442Perception +683 HQ icon.png773
Bismuth Sledgehammer Bismuth sledgehammer icon1.png 84 520 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +450 HQ icon.png510Perception +788 HQ icon.png893
Manganese Sledgehammer Manganese sledgehammer icon1.png 87 540 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +482 HQ icon.png546Perception +843 HQ icon.png955
Chondrite Sledgehammer Chondrite sledgehammer icon1.png 90 560 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +513 HQ icon.png581Perception +898 HQ icon.png1,017
Pactmaker's Sledgehammer Pactmakers sledgehammer icon1.png 90 590 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +565 HQ icon.png640Perception +988 HQ icon.png1,120
Perfectionist's Sledgehammer Perfectionists sledgehammer icon1.png 90 590 MIN 1 Gathering +640 Perception +1,120 
Afflatus Sledgehammer Afflatus sledgehammer icon1.png 90 620 MIN 1 Gathering +701 Perception +1,227 
Indagator's Sledgehammer Indagators sledgehammer icon1.png 90 620 MIN 1 (5) Gathering +619 HQ icon.png701Perception +1,083 HQ icon.png1,227