UserWiki:Dr Agon

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Revision as of 04:43, 3 August 2023 by Dr Agon (talk | contribs)
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Enchanted palladium ink icon1.png  Enchanted Palladium Ink Alchemist 68 Reagent 1 40 490 2736
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Alchemist 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Alchemist 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Luminol icon1.png  Luminol Alchemist 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Gazelleskin codex icon1.png  Gazelleskin Codex Alchemist 68 Scholar's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin grimoire icon1.png  Gazelleskin Grimoire Alchemist 68 Arcanist's Grimoire 1 80 980 3420
Rarefied growth formula icon1.png  Rarefied Growth Formula Alchemist 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot Armorer 68 Metal 1 40 490 2736
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Armorer 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Armorer 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Tournament somen icon1.png  Tournament Somen Armorer 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Hingan mansion roof (kura-zukuri) icon1.png  Hingan Mansion Roof (Kura-zukuri) Armorer 68 Roof 1 80 980 1710
Hingan mansion wall (kura-zukuri) icon1.png  Hingan Mansion Wall (Kura-zukuri) Armorer 68 Exterior Wall 1 80 980 1710
Hingan placard (kura-zukuri) icon1.png  Hingan Placard (Kura-zukuri) Armorer 68 Placard 1 80 980 1710
Molybdenum headgear of fending icon1.png  Molybdenum Headgear of Fending Armorer 68 Head 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum headgear of maiming icon1.png  Molybdenum Headgear of Maiming Armorer 68 Head 1 80 980 3420
Rarefied doman steel tabard icon1.png  Rarefied Doman Steel Tabard Armorer 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot Blacksmith 68 Metal 1 40 490 2736
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Blacksmith 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Blacksmith 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Custom-made hammer icon1.png  Custom-made Hammer Blacksmith 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Hingan mansion roof (mokuzo) icon1.png  Hingan Mansion Roof (Mokuzo) Blacksmith 68 Roof 1 80 980 1710
Molybdenum chakrams icon1.png  Molybdenum Chakrams Blacksmith 68 Dancer's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum daggers icon1.png  Molybdenum Daggers Blacksmith 68 Rogue's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum gunblade icon1.png  Molybdenum Gunblade Blacksmith 68 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum knuckles icon1.png  Molybdenum Knuckles Blacksmith 68 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum longblade icon1.png  Molybdenum Longblade Blacksmith 68 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum longsword icon1.png  Molybdenum Longsword Blacksmith 68 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum rimfire icon1.png  Molybdenum Rimfire Blacksmith 68 Machinist's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum uchigatana icon1.png  Molybdenum Uchigatana Blacksmith 68 Samurai's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum war axe icon1.png  Molybdenum War Axe Blacksmith 68 Marauder's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Rarefied doman steel patas icon1.png  Rarefied Doman Steel Patas Blacksmith 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber Carpenter 68 Lumber 1 40 490 2736
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Carpenter 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Carpenter 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Ornate partition icon1.png  Ornate Partition Carpenter 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Doman partition icon1.png  Doman Partition Carpenter 68 Furnishing 1 80 980 1710
Hingan flooring icon1.png  Hingan Flooring Carpenter 68 Flooring 1 80 980 1710
Hingan hanging toro lamp icon1.png  Hingan Hanging Toro Lamp Carpenter 68 Ceiling Light 1 80 980 1710
Hingan mansion wall (mokuzo) icon1.png  Hingan Mansion Wall (Mokuzo) Carpenter 68 Exterior Wall 1 80 980 1710
Hingan mansion wall (nanpu) icon1.png  Hingan Mansion Wall (Nanpu) Carpenter 68 Exterior Wall 1 80 980 1710
Hingan open-shelf bookcase icon1.png  Hingan Open-shelf Bookcase Carpenter 68 Table 1 80 980 1710
Hingan placard (nanpu) icon1.png  Hingan Placard (Nanpu) Carpenter 68 Placard 1 80 980 1710
Molybdenum trident icon1.png  Molybdenum Trident Carpenter 68 Lancer's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Rarefied persimmon bracelets icon1.png  Rarefied Persimmon Bracelets Carpenter 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Zelkova cane icon1.png  Zelkova Cane Carpenter 68 Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Zelkova longbow icon1.png  Zelkova Longbow Carpenter 68 Archer's Arm 1 80 980 3420
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Culinarian 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Culinarian 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Nigiri-zushi icon1.png  Nigiri-zushi Culinarian 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Boiled amberjack head icon1.png  Boiled Amberjack Head Culinarian 68 Meal 3 80 980 3420
Doman tea icon1.png  Doman Tea Culinarian 68 Meal 3 80 980 3420
Onigara-yaki icon1.png  Onigara-yaki Culinarian 68 Meal 3 80 980 3420
Rarefied persimmon pudding icon1.png  Rarefied Persimmon Pudding Culinarian 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Imperial jade icon1.png  Imperial Jade Goldsmith 68 Stone 1 40 490 2736
Palladium nugget icon1.png  Palladium Nugget Goldsmith 68 Metal 1 40 490 2736
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Goldsmith 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Goldsmith 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Sample Chronometer.jpg  Sample Chronometer Goldsmith 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Hingan awning (mokuzo) icon1.png  Hingan Awning (Mokuzo) Goldsmith 68 Exterior Wall Decoration 1 80 980 1710
Hingan mansion roof (nanpu) icon1.png  Hingan Mansion Roof (Nanpu) Goldsmith 68 Roof 1 80 980 1710
Molybdenum earring of aiming icon1.png  Molybdenum Earring of Aiming Goldsmith 68 Earrings 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum earring of casting icon1.png  Molybdenum Earring of Casting Goldsmith 68 Earrings 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum earring of fending icon1.png  Molybdenum Earring of Fending Goldsmith 68 Earrings 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum earring of healing icon1.png  Molybdenum Earring of Healing Goldsmith 68 Earrings 1 80 980 3420
Molybdenum earring of slaying icon1.png  Molybdenum Earring of Slaying Goldsmith 68 Earrings 1 80 980 3420
Palladium bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Palladium Bracelet of Aiming Goldsmith 68 Bracelets 1 80 980 3420
Palladium bracelet of casting icon1.png  Palladium Bracelet of Casting Goldsmith 68 Bracelets 1 80 980 3420
Palladium bracelet of fending icon1.png  Palladium Bracelet of Fending Goldsmith 68 Bracelets 1 80 980 3420
Palladium bracelet of healing icon1.png  Palladium Bracelet of Healing Goldsmith 68 Bracelets 1 80 980 3420
Palladium bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Palladium Bracelet of Slaying Goldsmith 68 Bracelets 1 80 980 3420
Palladium choker of aiming icon1.png  Palladium Choker of Aiming Goldsmith 68 Necklace 1 80 980 3420
Palladium choker of casting icon1.png  Palladium Choker of Casting Goldsmith 68 Necklace 1 80 980 3420
Palladium choker of fending icon1.png  Palladium Choker of Fending Goldsmith 68 Necklace 1 80 980 3420
Palladium choker of healing icon1.png  Palladium Choker of Healing Goldsmith 68 Necklace 1 80 980 3420
Palladium choker of slaying icon1.png  Palladium Choker of Slaying Goldsmith 68 Necklace 1 80 980 3420
Palladium ring of aiming icon1.png  Palladium Ring of Aiming Goldsmith 68 Ring 1 80 980 3420
Palladium ring of casting icon1.png  Palladium Ring of Casting Goldsmith 68 Ring 1 80 980 3420
Palladium ring of fending icon1.png  Palladium Ring of Fending Goldsmith 68 Ring 1 80 980 3420
Palladium ring of healing icon1.png  Palladium Ring of Healing Goldsmith 68 Ring 1 80 980 3420
Palladium ring of slaying icon1.png  Palladium Ring of Slaying Goldsmith 68 Ring 1 80 980 3420
Rarefied durium rod icon1.png  Rarefied Durium Rod Goldsmith 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Gazelle leather icon1.png  Gazelle Leather Leatherworker 68 Leather 1 40 490 2736
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Leatherworker 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Leatherworker 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Dashing dhalmelskin jacket icon1.png  Dashing Dhalmelskin Jacket Leatherworker 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Gazelleskin boots of aiming icon1.png  Gazelleskin Boots of Aiming Leatherworker 68 Feet 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin boots of casting icon1.png  Gazelleskin Boots of Casting Leatherworker 68 Feet 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin boots of healing icon1.png  Gazelleskin Boots of Healing Leatherworker 68 Feet 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin bracers of fending icon1.png  Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending Leatherworker 68 Hands 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin bracers of healing icon1.png  Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing Leatherworker 68 Hands 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin open-toed boots of maiming icon1.png  Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Maiming Leatherworker 68 Feet 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin open-toed boots of scouting icon1.png  Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Scouting Leatherworker 68 Feet 1 80 980 3420
Gazelleskin open-toed boots of striking icon1.png  Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Striking Leatherworker 68 Feet 1 80 980 3420
Rarefied marid leather corset icon1.png  Rarefied Marid Leather Corset Leatherworker 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Twinsilk icon1.png  Twinsilk Weaver 68 Cloth 1 40 490 2736
Twinthread icon1.png  Twinthread Weaver 68 Cloth 3 40 490 2736
Arkhi brewing vat materials icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Vat Materials Weaver 68 Miscellany 1 60 490 1368
Arkhi brewing set icon1.png  Arkhi Brewing Set Weaver 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 980 2736
Seductive bustier icon1.png  Seductive Bustier Weaver 68 Other 1 80 686 1881
Rarefied serge hose icon1.png  Rarefied Serge Hose Weaver 68 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 980 3420
Twinsilk hood of casting icon1.png  Twinsilk Hood of Casting Weaver 68 Head 1 80 980 3420
Twinsilk hood of healing icon1.png  Twinsilk Hood of Healing Weaver 68 Head 1 80 980 3420
Twinsilk hood of striking icon1.png  Twinsilk Hood of Striking Weaver 68 Head 1 80 980 3420
Twinsilk turban of aiming icon1.png  Twinsilk Turban of Aiming Weaver 68 Head 1 80 980 3420
Twinsilk turban of scouting icon1.png  Twinsilk Turban of Scouting Weaver 68 Head 1 80 980 3420

fending > maiming > striking > scouting > aiming > casting > healing

  • 027000 - pomanders
  • 28-29 - fish
  • 30-49 - gear
  • 50-57 - furniture, belts, accessories
  • 58-59 - barding, minions, mounts
  • 60 - some ui, weather, map symbol
  • 061000 - custom delivery portraits
  • 062000 - job icons
  • 070000 - misc location banners, variant dungeon lore
  • 072000/073000 - blue mage, bozja lore, duty support/trust, solo duty portraits
  • 081000 - sightseeing
  • 110000 - fishing log banners?
  • 112000 - duty banners
  • 113000 - WT banners

Category:Needs role future proofing

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