Custom Deliveries/Zhloe Aliapoh

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< Custom Deliveries
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Zhloe Aliapoh CD.png
Zhloe Aliapoh2.jpg
Zhloe Aliapoh3.jpg

Custom Deliveries for Zhloe Aliapoh were introduced in patch 3.55a.



Quest Type Level Quest Giver Rewards
Arms Wide Open Feature quest 60 Geimlona 3 Landtrap salad icon1.png  Landtrap Salad
3 Bouillabaisse icon1.png  Bouillabaisse


Remember Khloe? Well, get ready to meet Zhloe—your new best friend (if you want to get your hands on some juicy rewards). Disciples of the Hand/Land will be able to experience new content, accessed by raising the satisfaction of certain NPCs.


Rank Crafted Gathered Fished
Level 1 Near eastern antique icon1.png  Near Eastern AntiqueCollectable Dated radz-at-han coin icon1.png  Dated Radz-at-Han CoinCollectable Thavnairian leaf icon1.png  Thavnairian LeafCollectable
Level 2 Coerthan souvenir icon1.png  Coerthan SouvenirCollectable Ice stalagmite icon1.png  Ice StalagmiteCollectable Ghost faerie icon1.png  Ghost FaerieCollectable
Level 3 Maelstrom materiel icon1.png  Maelstrom MaterielCollectable Duskfall moss icon1.png  Duskfall MossCollectable Red sky coral icon1.png  Red Sky CoralCollectable
Level 4 Heartfelt gift icon1.png  Heartfelt GiftCollectable Glass eye icon1.png  Glass EyeCollectable Lovers clam icon1.png  Lovers' ClamCollectable
Level 5 Orphanage donation icon1.png  Orphanage DonationCollectable Rainbow pigment icon1.png  Rainbow PigmentCollectable River shrimp icon1.png  River ShrimpCollectable

Crafting materials may be purchased from the Scrap Salvager in Idyllshire (x5.9, y7.3) Upon reaching maximum satisfaction level, the player is able to glamour Zhloe's outfit.



Custom deliveries for this NPC are associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Satisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh i icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh I 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55a
Satisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh ii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh II 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55a
Satisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh iii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh III 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55a
Satisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh iv icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh IV 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55a
Satisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh v icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh V 10 Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Zhloe Aliapoh. Achievement title icon.png Zhloe's Friend 3.55a
The customer is always right zhloe aliapoh i icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh I 5 Deliver 36 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55b
The customer is always right zhloe aliapoh ii icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh II 5 Deliver 48 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55b
The customer is always right zhloe aliapoh iii icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh III 5 Deliver 60 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55b
The customer is always right zhloe aliapoh iv icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh IV 5 Deliver 90 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55b
The customer is always right zhloe aliapoh v icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh V 5 Deliver 120 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. - 3.55b
The customer is always right zhloe aliapoh vi icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh VI 10 Deliver 150 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. Achievement title icon.png Zhloe's Best Friend 3.55b