The Will to Resist
The Will to Resist
- Quest giver
- Zlatan
- Location
- Gangos (X:6.1, Y:4.9)
- Quest line
- Resistance Weapons Quests
- Level
- 80
- Required items
- 6 Bitter Memory of the Dying
1 Augmented Honorbound
1 Augmented Tenacity
1 Augmented Samsara
1 Augmented Skullrender
1 Augmented Dreizack
1 Augmented Brilliance
1 Augmented Ingrimm
1 Augmented Soulscourge
1 Augmented Espiritus
1 Augmented Akademos
1 Augmented Honeshirazu
1 Augmented Woeborn
1 Augmented Lawman
1 Augmented Solstice
1 Augmented Hoshikiri
1 Augmented Talekeeper
1 Augmented Crownsblade
1 Augmented Enchufla - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
For Want of a Memory
- Next quest
Change of Arms
- Patch
- 5.35
“Zlatan has a hopeful look in his eyes, as he understands your return can mean only one thing.
— In-game description
Depending on job:
- 1 Honorbound Recollection
- 1 Tenacity Recollection
- 1 Skullrender Recollection
- 1 Woeborn Recollection
- 1 Crownsblade Recollection
- 1 Dreizack Recollection
- 1 Samsara Recollection
- 1 Hoshikiri Recollection
- 1 Honeshirazu Recollection
- 1 Brilliance Recollection
- 1 Lawman Recollection
- 1 Enchufla Recollection
- 1 Soulscourge Recollection
- 1 Espiritus Recollection
- 1 Talekeeper Recollection
- 1 Ingrimm Recollection
- 1 Akademos Recollection
- 1 Solstice Recollection
- Main article: Recollection Weapons/Quest
6 Bitter Memory of the Dying which are obtained from Level 60 Dungeons, once per day from
Duty Roulette: Leveling or rarely from enemies found all across
The Bozjan Southern Front while this quest is active.
- Obtain bitter memories. 0/6
- With your Augmented Resistance Weapon in your inventory, deliver the bitter memories to Zlatan at Gangos.
- Zlatan has a hopeful look in his eyes, as he understands your return can mean only one thing.
- Eager to further strengthen your Resistance weapon, you consult Zlatan, who suggests you find another assortment of memories. Zlatan warns you, however, that the weapon will require much more potent memories if you expect to see any notable improvements. He then sends you on your way, certain the threat of imminent death will not deter you from seeing the job done.
- ※Bitter memories can be obtained in the field fighting at the southern front, by clearing any level 60 dungeon, or completing Duty Roulette: Leveling. The Undersized Party option cannot be enabled when clearing the aforementioned dungeons.
- You return to Gangos to find Gerolt surprisingly sober and ready to work. With his customary flourish and flair, Gerolt readies his forge, and before long you are the proud owner of a powerful new Resistance weapon. There is no time to celebrate, however, as an employee of Rowena soon arrives offering a means to pay for Gerolt's previous dealings with the House of Splendors. Matters of money aside, Zlatan prays for your continued success in the fight against the Empire.