Shield/Level 71 - 80

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< Shield
Revision as of 04:01, 15 January 2023 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Lakeland Kite Shield Lakeland kite shield icon1.png 71 390 GLA, PLD 600 600 0 Strength +41, Vitality +43, Critical Hit +40, Tenacity +28
Deepgold Shield Deepgold shield icon1.png 72 395 GLA, PLD 540 540 0 Strength +37, Vitality +40, Critical Hit +26, Determination +37
Fae Shield Fae shield icon1.png 73 400 GLA, PLD 600 600 0 Strength +42, Vitality +46, Determination +29, Tenacity +41
Bluespirit Tower Shield Bluespirit tower shield icon1.png 74 403 GLA, PLD 576 576 0 Strength +38, Vitality +43, Critical Hit +37, Skill Speed +26
Ravel Keeper's Shield Ravel keepers shield icon1.png 75 406 GLA, PLD 680 680 0 Strength +43, Vitality +47, Critical Hit +30, Tenacity +43
Titanbronze Tower Shield Titanbronze tower shield icon1.png 76 409 GLA, PLD 648 648 0 Strength +39, Vitality +43, Determination +27, Tenacity +39
Nabaath Shield Nabaath shield icon1.png 77 412 GLA, PLD 760 760 0 Strength +44, Vitality +47, Determination +31, Skill Speed +44
Dwarven Mythril Shield Dwarven mythril shield icon1.png 78 415 GLA, PLD 720 720 0 Strength +39, Vitality +42, Critical Hit +29, Tenacity +40
Shield of the Forgiven Shield of the forgiven icon1.png 79 418 GLA, PLD 840 840 0 Strength +45, Vitality +47, Determination +45, Tenacity +32
Matte Replica Blade's Fortitude Matte replica blades fortitude icon1.png 80 1 PLD 37 37 0
Replica Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield Replica augmented laws order kite shield icon1.png 80 1 PLD 37 37 0
Replica Blade's Fortitude Replica blades fortitude icon1.png 80 1 PLD 37 37 0
Replica Law's Order Kite Shield Replica laws order kite shield icon1.png 80 1 PLD 37 37 0
Replica Tenacity Recollection Replica tenacity recollection icon1.png 80 1 PLD 37 37 0
Tenacity Replica Tenacity replica icon1.png 80 1 PLD 37 37 0
Augmented Eulabeia Augmented eulabeia icon1.png 80 430 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +43, Vitality +43, Determination +43, Tenacity +29
Srivatsa Srivatsa icon1.png 80 430 PLD 867 867 0 Strength +47, Vitality +48, Determination +33, Tenacity +47
The Fae's Crown Shield The faes crown shield icon1.png 80 430 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +43, Vitality +43, Critical Hit +43, Determination +29
Ronkan Kite Shield Ronkan kite shield icon1.png 80 440 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +48, Vitality +48, Critical Hit +49, Tenacity +34
Dominus Shield Dominus shield icon1.png 80 450 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +45, Vitality +45, Determination +32, Tenacity +45
The King's Shield The kings shield icon1.png 80 450 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +50, Vitality +50, Critical Hit +50, Determination +35
Augmented Dominus Shield Augmented dominus shield icon1.png 80 460 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +46, Vitality +46, Determination +33, Tenacity +46
Deepshadow Shield Deepshadow shield icon1.png 80 460 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +51, Vitality +51, Critical Hit +51, Determination +36
Eulabeia Eulabeia icon1.png 80 465 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +51, Vitality +52, Determination +51, Tenacity +36
Augmented Deepshadow Shield Augmented deepshadow shield icon1.png 80 470 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +52, Vitality +53, Critical Hit +52, Determination +36
Edengrace Shield Edengrace shield icon1.png 80 475 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Critical Hit +37, Determination +53
Ultimate Ancile Ultimate ancile icon1.png 80 475 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Critical Hit +37, Determination +53
Neo-Ishgardian Shield Neo-ishgardian shield icon1.png 80 480 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +47, Vitality +50, Critical Hit +47, Tenacity +33
Ruby Scutum Ruby scutum icon1.png 80 485 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +54, Vitality +55, Critical Hit +54, Determination +38
Tenacity Tenacity icon1.png 80 485 PLD 867 867 0 Strength +54, Vitality +55, Determination +38, Tenacity +54
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Shield Augmented neo-ishgardian shield icon1.png 80 490 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +50, Vitality +50, Critical Hit +49, Tenacity +34
Crystarium Kite Shield Crystarium kite shield icon1.png 80 490 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +55, Vitality +56, Determination +54, Tenacity +38
Shield of Light Shield of light icon1.png 80 495 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +55, Vitality +57, Critical Hit +39, Determination +55
Augmented Crystarium Kite Shield Augmented crystarium kite shield icon1.png 80 500 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +56, Vitality +58, Determination +55, Tenacity +39
Augmented Tenacity Augmented tenacity icon1.png 80 500 PLD 867 867 0 Strength +56, Vitality +58, Determination +39, Tenacity +55
Tenacity Recollection Tenacity recollection icon1.png 80 500 PLD 867 867 0 Strength +56, Vitality +58, Determination +39, Tenacity +55
Edenchoir Scutum Edenchoir scutum icon1.png 80 505 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +57, Vitality +59, Critical Hit +56, Determination +39
Exarchic Tower Shield Exarchic tower shield icon1.png 80 510 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +52, Vitality +54, Determination +36, Tenacity +51
Law's Order Kite Shield Laws order kite shield icon1.png 80 510 PLD 867 867 0 Strength +58, Vitality +60, Determination +57, Tenacity +40
Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield Augmented laws order kite shield icon1.png 80 515 PLD 867 867 0 Strength +58, Vitality +61
Emerald Shield Emerald shield icon1.png 80 515 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +58, Vitality +61, Critical Hit +57, Determination +40
High Durium Shield High durium shield icon1.png 80 515 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +53, Vitality +55, Critical Hit +36, Determination +51
Augmented Exarchic Tower Shield Augmented exarchic tower shield icon1.png 80 520 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +53, Vitality +55, Determination +37, Tenacity +53
Cryptlurker's Kite Shield Cryptlurkers kite shield icon1.png 80 520 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +59, Vitality +62, Critical Hit +41, Tenacity +58
Diamond Zeta Scutum Diamond zeta scutum icon1.png 80 525 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +60, Vitality +63, Critical Hit +59, Determination +41
Augmented Cryptlurker's Kite Shield Augmented cryptlurkers kite shield icon1.png 80 530 GLA, PLD 867 867 0 Strength +61, Vitality +64, Critical Hit +41, Tenacity +59
Blade's Fortitude Blades fortitude icon1.png 80 535 PLD 967 967 0 Strength +62, Vitality +65
Edenmorn Scutum Edenmorn scutum icon1.png 80 535 GLA, PLD 967 967 0 Strength +62, Vitality +65, Critical Hit +60, Determination +42
Rubellux Scutum Rubellux scutum icon1.png 80 430 GLA, PLD 780 780 0 Strength +43, Vitality +43, Critical Hit +43, Determination +29