Custom Deliveries/Anden

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Anden CD.png

Custom Deliveries for Anden were introduced in patch 6.3.



Quest Type Level Quest Giver
That's So Anden Feature quest 80 Supplicant Sheep
Every Anden of the Rainbow Feature quest 80 Anden
A Labor of Leaf Feature quest 80 Eo Tyr



Rank Crafted Gathered Fished
Level 1 Sheep equipment icon1.png  Sheep EquipmentCollectable Raw sheep fodder icon1.png  Raw Sheep FodderCollectable Ondo kelp icon1.png  Ondo KelpCollectable
Level 2 Mountain garb icon1.png  Mountain GarbCollectable Combustible fuel icon1.png  Combustible FuelCollectable Ken kiln icon1.png  Ken KilnCollectable
Level 3 Classic voeburtite cuisine icon1.png  Classic Voeburtite CuisineCollectable Natural ingredients icon1.png  Natural IngredientsCollectable Purpure cod icon1.png  Purpure CodCollectable
Level 4 Traditional voeburtite handicraft icon1.png  Traditional Voeburtite HandicraftCollectable Crafters supplies icon1.png  Crafters' SuppliesCollectable Gloriandas tear icon1.png  Glorianda's TearCollectable
Level 5 Lovely box of pretty things icon1.png  Lovely Box of Pretty ThingsCollectable Lovely knickknacks icon1.png  Lovely KnickknacksCollectable Il lydha icon1.png  Il LydhaCollectable



Custom deliveries for this NPC are associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Satisfaction guaranteed anden i icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden I 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Anden. - 6.3
Satisfaction guaranteed anden ii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden II 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Anden. - 6.3
Satisfaction guaranteed anden iii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden III 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Anden. - 6.3
Satisfaction guaranteed anden iv icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden IV 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Anden. - 6.3
Satisfaction guaranteed anden v icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden V 10 Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Anden. Achievement title icon.png Leaf Whisperer 6.3
The customer is always right anden i icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Anden I 5 Deliver 36 collectables to Anden. - 6.3
The customer is always right anden ii icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Anden II 5 Deliver 48 collectables to Anden. - 6.3
The customer is always right anden iii icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Anden III 5 Deliver 60 collectables to Anden. - 6.3
The customer is always right anden iv icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Anden IV 5 Deliver 90 collectables to Anden. - 6.3
The customer is always right anden v icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Anden V 5 Deliver 120 collectables to Anden. - 6.3
The customer is always right anden vi icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Anden VI 10 Deliver 150 collectables to Anden. Achievement title icon.png Man-maker 6.3