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Disambig icon.png This article is about the feature overall. For the placeable interior furnishing item, see Armoire (Item).

The Armoire is special storage for limited-time and impossible-to-reacquire gear.

Gear that can go into the Armoire should be stored inside it as it has no limit. However, very few pieces of gear can be put into the Armoire, which is indicated by an icon on the item's screen. Gear in the Armoire can also be used on Glamour plate icon1.png  Glamour Plates.

You can find an Armoire in any Inn Rooms.

There is also a craftable version of the Armoire icon1.png  Armoire available for Player Housing.

Items Storable

Artifact Armor

Name Source Category Patch
Halcyon rod icon1.png  Halcyon Rod Feature QuestSo Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Artifact Armor 2.0
Rauni icon1.png  Rauni Feature QuestSeeds of Hope Artifact Armor 2.0
Mammon icon1.png  Mammon Feature QuestCanyon of Regret Artifact Armor 2.0
Chantico icon1.png  Chantico Feature QuestRevenge of the Chefsbane Artifact Armor 2.0
Paracelsus icon1.png  Paracelsus Feature QuestMomentary Miracle Artifact Armor 2.0
Clotho icon1.png  Clotho Feature QuestA Miner Reborn Artifact Armor 2.0
Pinga icon1.png  Pinga Feature QuestAccept No Imitations Artifact Armor 2.0
Urcaguary icon1.png  Urcaguary Feature QuestJaded Artifact Armor 2.0
Kurdalegon icon1.png  Kurdalegon Feature QuestRivalry and Respect Artifact Armor 2.0
Vulcan icon1.png  Vulcan Feature QuestWaiting in the Winglet Artifact Armor 2.0
Ullikummi icon1.png  Ullikummi Feature QuestSaving Captain Gairhard Artifact Armor 2.0
Scholars boots icon1.png  Scholar's Boots Feature QuestIn the Image of the Ancients Artifact Armor 2.0
Scholars gloves icon1.png  Scholar's Gloves Feature QuestIn the Image of the Ancients Artifact Armor 2.0
Scholars culottes icon1.png  Scholar's Culottes Feature QuestIn the Image of the Ancients Artifact Armor 2.0
Scholars gown icon1.png  Scholar's Gown Feature QuestThe Beast Within Artifact Armor 2.0
Scholars mortarboard icon1.png  Scholar's Mortarboard Feature QuestIn the Image of the Ancients Artifact Armor 2.0
Evokers thighboots icon1.png  Evoker's Thighboots Feature QuestAllagan Attire Artifact Armor 2.0
Evokers ringbands icon1.png  Evoker's Ringbands Feature QuestAllagan Attire Artifact Armor 2.0
Evokers waistclout icon1.png  Evoker's Waistclout Feature QuestAllagan Attire Artifact Armor 2.0
Evokers doublet icon1.png  Evoker's Doublet Feature QuestPrimal Burdens Artifact Armor 2.0
Evokers horn icon1.png  Evoker's Horn Feature QuestAllagan Attire Artifact Armor 2.0
Wizards crakows icon1.png  Wizard's Crakows Feature QuestThe Blood Must Flow Artifact Armor 2.0
Wizards gloves icon1.png  Wizard's Gloves Feature QuestThe Blood Must Flow Artifact Armor 2.0
Wizards tonban icon1.png  Wizard's Tonban Feature QuestThe Blood Must Flow Artifact Armor 2.0
Wizards coat icon1.png  Wizard's Coat Feature QuestAlways Bet on Black Artifact Armor 2.0
Wizards petasos icon1.png  Wizard's Petasos Feature QuestThe Blood Must Flow Artifact Armor 2.0
Healers boots icon1.png  Healer's Boots Feature QuestFollowing in His Footsteps Artifact Armor 2.0
Healers gloves icon1.png  Healer's Gloves Feature QuestFollowing in His Footsteps Artifact Armor 2.0
Healers culottes icon1.png  Healer's Culottes Feature QuestFollowing in His Footsteps Artifact Armor 2.0
Healers robe icon1.png  Healer's Robe Feature QuestHeart of the Forest Artifact Armor 2.0
Healers circlet icon1.png  Healer's Circlet Feature QuestFollowing in His Footsteps Artifact Armor 2.0
Choral sandals icon1.png  Choral Sandals Feature QuestPieces of the Past Artifact Armor 2.0
Choral ringbands icon1.png  Choral Ringbands Feature QuestPieces of the Past Artifact Armor 2.0
Choral tights icon1.png  Choral Tights Feature QuestPieces of the Past Artifact Armor 2.0
Choral shirt icon1.png  Choral Shirt Feature QuestRequiem for the Fallen Artifact Armor 2.0
Choral chapeau icon1.png  Choral Chapeau Feature QuestPieces of the Past Artifact Armor 2.0
Drachen greaves icon1.png  Drachen Greaves Feature QuestDouble Dragoon Artifact Armor 2.0
Drachen gauntlets icon1.png  Drachen Gauntlets Feature QuestDouble Dragoon Artifact Armor 2.0
Drachen breeches icon1.png  Drachen Breeches Feature QuestDouble Dragoon Artifact Armor 2.0
Drachen mail icon1.png  Drachen Mail Feature QuestInto the Dragon's Maw Artifact Armor 2.0
Drachen armet icon1.png  Drachen Armet Feature QuestDouble Dragoon Artifact Armor 2.0
Fighters jackboots icon1.png  Fighter's Jackboots Feature QuestLooking the Part Artifact Armor 2.0
Fighters gauntlets icon1.png  Fighter's Gauntlets Feature QuestLooking the Part Artifact Armor 2.0
Fighters breeches icon1.png  Fighter's Breeches Feature QuestLooking the Part Artifact Armor 2.0
Fighters cuirass icon1.png  Fighter's Cuirass Feature QuestHow to Quit You Artifact Armor 2.0
Fighters burgeonet icon1.png  Fighter's Burgeonet Feature QuestLooking the Part Artifact Armor 2.0
Temple boots icon1.png  Temple Boots Feature QuestGood Vibrations Artifact Armor 2.0
Temple gloves icon1.png  Temple Gloves Feature QuestGood Vibrations Artifact Armor 2.0
Temple gaskins icon1.png  Temple Gaskins Feature QuestGood Vibrations Artifact Armor 2.0
Temple cyclas icon1.png  Temple Cyclas Feature QuestFive Easy Pieces Artifact Armor 2.0
Temple circlet icon1.png  Temple Circlet Feature QuestGood Vibrations Artifact Armor 2.0
Gallant sollerets icon1.png  Gallant Sollerets Feature QuestPoisoned Hearts Artifact Armor 2.0
Gallant gauntlets icon1.png  Gallant Gauntlets Feature QuestPoisoned Hearts Artifact Armor 2.0
Gallant cuisses icon1.png  Gallant Cuisses Feature QuestPoisoned Hearts Artifact Armor 2.0
Gallant surcoat icon1.png  Gallant Surcoat Feature QuestKeeping the Oath Artifact Armor 2.0
Gallant coronet icon1.png  Gallant Coronet Feature QuestPoisoned Hearts Artifact Armor 2.0
Ninja kyahan icon1.png  Ninja Kyahan Feature QuestTough Guys Artifact Armor 2.4
Ninja tekko icon1.png  Ninja Tekko Feature QuestTough Guys Artifact Armor 2.4
Ninja hakama icon1.png  Ninja Hakama Feature QuestTough Guys Artifact Armor 2.4
Ninja chainmail icon1.png  Ninja Chainmail Feature QuestMaster and Student Artifact Armor 2.4
Ninja hatsuburi icon1.png  Ninja Hatsuburi Feature QuestTough Guys Artifact Armor 2.4

Seasonal Gear 1

Name Source Category Patch
Chocobo egg ring icon1.png  Chocobo Egg Ring Hatching-tide (2012) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Midnight egg ring icon1.png  Midnight Egg Ring Hatching-tide (2012) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Brilliant egg ring icon1.png  Brilliant Egg Ring Hatching-tide (2012) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Vibrant egg ring icon1.png  Vibrant Egg Ring Hatching-tide (2012) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Pristine egg ring icon1.png  Pristine Egg Ring Hatching-tide (2012) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Chocobo egg cap icon1.png  Chocobo Egg Cap Hatching-tide (2011) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Midnight egg cap icon1.png  Midnight Egg Cap Hatching-tide (2011) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Brilliant egg cap icon1.png  Brilliant Egg Cap Hatching-tide (2011) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Vibrant egg cap icon1.png  Vibrant Egg Cap Hatching-tide (2011) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Pristine egg cap icon1.png  Pristine Egg Cap Hatching-tide (2011) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Peach blossoms icon1.png  Peach Blossoms Little Ladies' Day (2012) Seasonal Gear 1 1.0
Peach blossom choker icon1.png  Peach Blossom Choker Little Ladies' Day (2015) Seasonal Gear 1 2.51
Vibrant egg earrings icon1.png  Vibrant Egg Earrings Hatching-tide (2015) Seasonal Gear 1 2.55
Brilliant egg earrings icon1.png  Brilliant Egg Earrings Hatching-tide (2015) Seasonal Gear 1 2.55
Midnight egg earrings icon1.png  Midnight Egg Earrings Hatching-tide (2015) Seasonal Gear 1 2.55
Egg earrings icon1.png  Egg Earrings Hatching-tide (2015) Seasonal Gear 1 2.55
Little ladys clogs icon1.png  Little Lady's Clogs Little Ladies' Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 1 3.15
Little lords clogs icon1.png  Little Lord's Clogs Little Ladies' Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 1 3.15
Ladys suikan icon1.png  Lady's Suikan Little Ladies' Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 1 3.15
Lords suikan icon1.png  Lord's Suikan Little Ladies' Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 1 3.15
Songbird boots icon1.png  Songbird Boots Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Royal seneschals boots icon1.png  Royal Seneschal's Boots Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Songbird skirt icon1.png  Songbird Skirt Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Royal seneschals breeches icon1.png  Royal Seneschal's Breeches Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Songbird gloves icon1.png  Songbird Gloves Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Royal seneschals fingerless gloves icon1.png  Royal Seneschal's Fingerless Gloves Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Songbird jacket icon1.png  Songbird Jacket Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Royal seneschals coat icon1.png  Royal Seneschal's Coat Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Songbird hat icon1.png  Songbird Hat Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Royal seneschals chapeau icon1.png  Royal Seneschal's Chapeau Little Ladies' Day (2017) Seasonal Gear 1 3.5
Spriggan boots icon1.png  Spriggan Boots Hatching-tide (2019) Seasonal Gear 1 4.5
Spriggan bottoms icon1.png  Spriggan Bottoms Hatching-tide (2019) Seasonal Gear 1 4.5
Spriggan jacket icon1.png  Spriggan Jacket Hatching-tide (2019) Seasonal Gear 1 4.5
Flower crown icon1.png  Flower Crown Little Ladies' Day (2019) Seasonal Gear 1 4.5
Dapper rabbit suit icon1.png  Dapper Rabbit Suit Hatching-tide (2020) Seasonal Gear 1 5.2
Rabbit suit icon1.png  Rabbit Suit Hatching-tide (2020) Seasonal Gear 1 5.2
Rabbit head icon1.png  Rabbit Head Hatching-tide (2020) Seasonal Gear 1 5.2
Princesss peach corsage icon1.png  Princess's Peach Corsage Little Ladies' Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 1 5.2
Seneschals monocle icon1.png  Seneschal's Monocle Little Ladies' Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 1 5.2
Chicken Suit.png  Chicken Suit Hatching-tide (2021) Seasonal Gear 1 5.5
Chicken Head.png  Chicken Head Hatching-tide (2021) Seasonal Gear 1 5.5
Little ladys crown icon1.png  Little Lady's Crown Little Ladies' Day (2022) Seasonal Gear 1 6.0
Tonberry head icon1.png  Tonberry Head Hatching-tide (2023) Seasonal Gear 1 6.3
Tonberry body icon1.png  Tonberry Body Hatching-tide (2023) Seasonal Gear 1 6.3
Tonberry hands icon1.png  Tonberry Hands Hatching-tide (2023) Seasonal Gear 1 6.3
Tonberry culottes icon1.png  Tonberry Culottes Hatching-tide (2023) Seasonal Gear 1 6.3
Tonberry boots icon1.png  Tonberry Boots Hatching-tide (2023) Seasonal Gear 1 6.3
Imp head icon1.png  Imp Head The Make It Rain Campaign 2024 Seasonal Gear 1 6.5
Imp suit icon1.png  Imp Suit The Make It Rain Campaign 2024 Seasonal Gear 1 6.5

Seasonal Gear 2

Name Source Category Patch
Lunar summer tanga icon1.png  Lunar Summer Tanga Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Solar summer tanga icon1.png  Solar Summer Tanga Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Blue summer tanga icon1.png  Blue Summer Tanga Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Green summer tanga icon1.png  Green Summer Tanga Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Red summer tanga icon1.png  Red Summer Tanga Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lunar summer trunks icon1.png  Lunar Summer Trunks Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Solar summer trunks icon1.png  Solar Summer Trunks Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Blue summer trunks icon1.png  Blue Summer Trunks Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Green summer trunks icon1.png  Green Summer Trunks Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Red summer trunks icon1.png  Red Summer Trunks Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lunar summer halter icon1.png  Lunar Summer Halter Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Solar summer halter icon1.png  Solar Summer Halter Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Blue summer halter icon1.png  Blue Summer Halter Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Green summer halter icon1.png  Green Summer Halter Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Red summer halter icon1.png  Red Summer Halter Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lunar summer top icon1.png  Lunar Summer Top Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Solar summer top icon1.png  Solar Summer Top Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Blue summer top icon1.png  Blue Summer Top Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Green summer top icon1.png  Green Summer Top Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Red summer top icon1.png  Red Summer Top Firefall Faire (2011) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Ladys clogs icon1.png  Lady's Clogs Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lords clogs icon1.png  Lord's Clogs Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Ladys knickers (gold) icon1.png  Lady's Knickers (Gold) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Ladys knickers (white) icon1.png  Lady's Knickers (White) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Ladys knickers (black) icon1.png  Lady's Knickers (Black) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lords drawers (gold) icon1.png  Lord's Drawers (Gold) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lords drawers (white) icon1.png  Lord's Drawers (White) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lords drawers (black) icon1.png  Lord's Drawers (Black) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Ladys yukata (black) icon1.png  Lady's Yukata (Black) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Ladys yukata (blue) icon1.png  Lady's Yukata (Blue) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Ladys yukata (red) icon1.png  Lady's Yukata (Red) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lords yukata (grey) icon1.png  Lord's Yukata (Grey) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lords yukata (green) icon1.png  Lord's Yukata (Green) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Lords yukata (blue) icon1.png  Lord's Yukata (Blue) Moonfire Faire (2012) Seasonal Gear 2 1.0
Striped summer tanga icon1.png  Striped Summer Tanga Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Summer morning tanga icon1.png  Summer Morning Tanga Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Striped summer trunks icon1.png  Striped Summer Trunks Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Summer evening trunks icon1.png  Summer Evening Trunks Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Striped summer halter icon1.png  Striped Summer Halter Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Summer morning halter icon1.png  Summer Morning Halter Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Striped summer top icon1.png  Striped Summer Top Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Summer evening top icon1.png  Summer Evening Top Moonfire Faire (2013) Seasonal Gear 2 2.0
Ladys yukata (pinkfly) icon1.png  Lady's Yukata (Pinkfly) Moonfire Faire (2014) Seasonal Gear 2 2.3
Ladys yukata (bluefly) icon1.png  Lady's Yukata (Bluefly) Moonfire Faire (2014) Seasonal Gear 2 2.3
Ladys yukata (redfly) icon1.png  Lady's Yukata (Redfly) Moonfire Faire (2014) Seasonal Gear 2 2.3
Lords yukata (blueflame) icon1.png  Lord's Yukata (Blueflame) Moonfire Faire (2014) Seasonal Gear 2 2.3
Lords yukata (whiteflame) icon1.png  Lord's Yukata (Whiteflame) Moonfire Faire (2014) Seasonal Gear 2 2.3
Lords yukata (blackflame) icon1.png  Lord's Yukata (Blackflame) Moonfire Faire (2014) Seasonal Gear 2 2.3
Striped southern seas swimsuit icon1.png  Striped Southern Seas Swimsuit Moonfire Faire (2015) Seasonal Gear 2 3.07
Striped southern seas vest icon1.png  Striped Southern Seas Vest Moonfire Faire (2015) Seasonal Gear 2 3.07
Southern seas tanga icon1.png  Southern Seas Tanga Moonfire Faire (2015) Seasonal Gear 2 3.07
Southern seas trunks icon1.png  Southern Seas Trunks Moonfire Faire (2015) Seasonal Gear 2 3.07
Southern seas swimsuit icon1.png  Southern Seas Swimsuit Moonfire Faire (2015) Seasonal Gear 2 3.07
Southern seas vest icon1.png  Southern Seas Vest Moonfire Faire (2015) Seasonal Gear 2 3.07
Legacy warrior sabatons icon1.png  Legacy Warrior Sabatons Moonfire Faire (2016) Seasonal Gear 2 3.35
Legacy warrior breeches icon1.png  Legacy Warrior Breeches Moonfire Faire (2016) Seasonal Gear 2 3.35
Legacy warrior armguards icon1.png  Legacy Warrior Armguards Moonfire Faire (2016) Seasonal Gear 2 3.35
Legacy warrior mail icon1.png  Legacy Warrior Mail Moonfire Faire (2016) Seasonal Gear 2 3.35
Legacy warrior coronet icon1.png  Legacy Warrior Coronet Moonfire Faire (2016) Seasonal Gear 2 3.35
Faire zori icon1.png  Faire Zori Moonfire Faire (2017) Seasonal Gear 2 4.01
Faire kohakama icon1.png  Faire Kohakama Moonfire Faire (2017) Seasonal Gear 2 4.01
Faire joi icon1.png  Faire Joi Moonfire Faire (2017) Seasonal Gear 2 4.01
Endless summer sandals icon1.png  Endless Summer Sandals Moonfire Faire (2018) Seasonal Gear 2 4.3
Endless summer bottom icon1.png  Endless Summer Bottom Moonfire Faire (2018) Seasonal Gear 2 4.3
Endless summer top icon1.png  Endless Summer Top Moonfire Faire (2018) Seasonal Gear 2 4.3
Endless summer glasses icon1.png  Endless Summer Glasses Moonfire Faire (2018) Seasonal Gear 2 4.3
Moonfire Tabi.png  Moonfire Tabi Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
Black Moonfire Happi.png  Black Moonfire Happi Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
Red Moonfire Happi.png  Red Moonfire Happi Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
White Moonfire Happi.png  White Moonfire Happi Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
Painted Namazu Mask.png  Painted Namazu Mask Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
Black Painted Moogle Mask.png  Black Painted Moogle Mask Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
White Painted Moogle Mask.png  White Painted Moogle Mask Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
Moonfire Hachimaki.png  Moonfire Hachimaki Moonfire Faire (2019) Seasonal Gear 2 5.0
Summers flame sandals icon1.png  Summer's Flame Sandals Moonfire Faire (2020) Seasonal Gear 2 5.3
Summers flame pareo icon1.png  Summer's Flame Pareo Moonfire Faire (2020) Seasonal Gear 2 5.3
Summers flame wrist torque icon1.png  Summer's Flame Wrist Torque Moonfire Faire (2020) Seasonal Gear 2 5.3
Summers flame top icon1.png  Summer's Flame Top Moonfire Faire (2020) Seasonal Gear 2 5.3
Summers flame hat icon1.png  Summer's Flame Hat Moonfire Faire (2020) Seasonal Gear 2 5.3
Summer sunset sandals icon1.png  Summer Sunset Sandals Moonfire Faire (2022) Seasonal Gear 2 6.1
Summer sunset bottoms icon1.png  Summer Sunset Bottoms Moonfire Faire (2022) Seasonal Gear 2 6.1
Summer sunset wrist torques icon1.png  Summer Sunset Wrist Torques Moonfire Faire (2022) Seasonal Gear 2 6.1
Summer sunset beach cover-up icon1.png  Summer Sunset Beach Cover-up Moonfire Faire (2022) Seasonal Gear 2 6.1
Summer sunset bandana icon1.png  Summer Sunset Bandana Moonfire Faire (2022) Seasonal Gear 2 6.1
Phoenix riser helmet icon1.png  Phoenix Riser Helmet Moonfire Faire (2023) Seasonal Gear 2 6.4
Phoenix riser suit icon1.png  Phoenix Riser Suit Moonfire Faire (2023) Seasonal Gear 2 6.4

Seasonal Gear 3

Name Source Category Patch
Ripened pumpkin head icon1.png  Ripened Pumpkin Head All Saints' Wake (2011) Seasonal Gear 3 1.0
White pumpkin head icon1.png  White Pumpkin Head All Saints' Wake (2011) Seasonal Gear 3 1.0
Unripened pumpkin head icon1.png  Unripened Pumpkin Head All Saints' Wake (2011) Seasonal Gear 3 1.0
Pumpkin head icon1.png  Pumpkin Head All Saints' Wake (2011) Seasonal Gear 3 1.0
The wailing spirit icon1.png  The Wailing Spirit All Saints' Wake (2013) Seasonal Gear 3 2.0
The howling spirit icon1.png  The Howling Spirit All Saints' Wake (2013) Seasonal Gear 3 2.0
Pumpkin earrings icon1.png  Pumpkin Earrings All Saints' Wake (2014) Seasonal Gear 3 2.38
Eerie crakows icon1.png  Eerie Crakows All Saints' Wake (2014) Seasonal Gear 3 2.38
Eerie tights icon1.png  Eerie Tights All Saints' Wake (2014) Seasonal Gear 3 2.38
Eerie robe icon1.png  Eerie Robe All Saints' Wake (2014) Seasonal Gear 3 2.38
Eerie hat icon1.png  Eerie Hat All Saints' Wake (2014) Seasonal Gear 3 2.38
Witchs thighboots icon1.png  Witch's Thighboots All Saints' Wake (2015) Seasonal Gear 3 3.07
Witchs gloves icon1.png  Witch's Gloves All Saints' Wake (2015) Seasonal Gear 3 3.07
Witchs coatee icon1.png  Witch's Coatee All Saints' Wake (2015) Seasonal Gear 3 3.07
Witchs hat icon1.png  Witch's Hat All Saints' Wake (2015) Seasonal Gear 3 3.07
Vampires vest icon1.png  Vampire's Vest All Saints' Wake (2016) Seasonal Gear 3 3.4
Werewolf legs icon1.png  Werewolf Legs All Saints' Wake (2017) Seasonal Gear 3 4.1
Werewolf feet icon1.png  Werewolf Feet All Saints' Wake (2017) Seasonal Gear 3 4.1
Werewolf bottoms icon1.png  Werewolf Bottoms All Saints' Wake (2017) Seasonal Gear 3 4.1
Werewolf arms icon1.png  Werewolf Arms All Saints' Wake (2017) Seasonal Gear 3 4.1
Werewolf body icon1.png  Werewolf Body All Saints' Wake (2017) Seasonal Gear 3 4.1
Werewolf head icon1.png  Werewolf Head All Saints' Wake (2017) Seasonal Gear 3 4.1
Clowns boots icon1.png  Clown's Boots All Saints' Wake (2021) Seasonal Gear 3 6.0
Clowns bottoms icon1.png  Clown's Bottoms All Saints' Wake (2021) Seasonal Gear 3 6.0
Clowns shortgloves icon1.png  Clown's Shortgloves All Saints' Wake (2021) Seasonal Gear 3 6.0
Clowns top icon1.png  Clown's Top All Saints' Wake (2021) Seasonal Gear 3 6.0
Clowns hat icon1.png  Clown's Hat All Saints' Wake (2021) Seasonal Gear 3 6.0
Wake doctors mask icon1.png  Wake Doctor's Mask All Saints' Wake (2022) Seasonal Gear 3 6.2
Wake doctors white coat icon1.png  Wake Doctor's White Coat All Saints' Wake (2022) Seasonal Gear 3 6.2
Wake doctors rubber gloves icon1.png  Wake Doctor's Rubber Gloves All Saints' Wake (2022) Seasonal Gear 3 6.2
Wake doctors bottoms icon1.png  Wake Doctor's Bottoms All Saints' Wake (2022) Seasonal Gear 3 6.2
Wake doctors shoes icon1.png  Wake Doctor's Shoes All Saints' Wake (2022) Seasonal Gear 3 6.2
Night of devilry horns icon1.png  Night of Devilry Horns All Saints' Wake (2024) Seasonal Gear 3 7.0
Night of devilry shirt icon1.png  Night of Devilry Shirt All Saints' Wake (2024) Seasonal Gear 3 7.0
Night of devilry fingerless gloves icon1.png  Night of Devilry Fingerless Gloves All Saints' Wake (2024) Seasonal Gear 3 7.0
Night of devilry trousers icon1.png  Night of Devilry Trousers All Saints' Wake (2024) Seasonal Gear 3 7.0
Night of devilry boots icon1.png  Night of Devilry Boots All Saints' Wake (2024) Seasonal Gear 3 7.0

Seasonal Gear 4

Name Source Category Patch
Reindeer suit icon1.png  Reindeer Suit Starlight Celebration (2011) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Reindeer antlers icon1.png  Reindeer Antlers Starlight Celebration (2011) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Moonlet icon1.png  Moonlet Hunter's Moon (2011) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Band of eternal passion icon1.png  Band of Eternal Passion Valentione's Day (2012) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Platinum paramours pendant icon1.png  Platinum Paramour's Pendant Valentione's Day (2012) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Paramours pendant icon1.png  Paramour's Pendant Valentione's Day (2012) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Black dragon kabuto icon1.png  Black Dragon Kabuto Heavensturn (2012) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Golden dragon kabuto icon1.png  Golden Dragon Kabuto Heavensturn (2012) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Crimson dragon kabuto icon1.png  Crimson Dragon Kabuto Heavensturn (2012) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Dragon kabuto icon1.png  Dragon Kabuto Heavensturn (2012) Seasonal Gear 4 1.0
Silver snake kabuto icon1.png  Silver Snake Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.0
Snowman mitts icon1.png  Snowman Mitts Starlight Celebration (2013) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Snowman suit icon1.png  Snowman Suit Starlight Celebration (2013) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Snowman head icon1.png  Snowman Head Starlight Celebration (2013) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Valentione pattens icon1.png  Valentione Pattens Valentione's Day (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Valentione skirt icon1.png  Valentione Skirt Valentione's Day (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Valentione trousers icon1.png  Valentione Trousers Valentione's Day (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Valentione mitts icon1.png  Valentione Mitts Valentione's Day (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Valentione apron dress icon1.png  Valentione Apron Dress Valentione's Day (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Valentione apron icon1.png  Valentione Apron Valentione's Day (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Valentione hat icon1.png  Valentione Hat Valentione's Day (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Black uma kabuto icon1.png  Black Uma Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Golden uma kabuto icon1.png  Golden Uma Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Crimson uma kabuto icon1.png  Crimson Uma Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
Uma kabuto icon1.png  Uma Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.1
False mustache icon1.png  False Mustache Starlight Celebration (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Starlight boots icon1.png  Starlight Boots Starlight Celebration (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Starlight tights icon1.png  Starlight Tights Starlight Celebration (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Starlight tunic icon1.png  Starlight Tunic Starlight Celebration (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Starlight sugarloaf hat icon1.png  Starlight Sugarloaf Hat Starlight Celebration (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
White hitsuji kabuto icon1.png  White Hitsuji Kabuto Heavensturn (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Crimson hitsuji kabuto icon1.png  Crimson Hitsuji Kabuto Heavensturn (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Black hitsuji kabuto icon1.png  Black Hitsuji Kabuto Heavensturn (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Hitsuji kabuto icon1.png  Hitsuji Kabuto Heavensturn (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 2.45
Saints beard icon1.png  Saint's Beard Starlight Celebration (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
Saints cap icon1.png  Saint's Cap Starlight Celebration (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
Reindeer hooves icon1.png  Reindeer Hooves Starlight Celebration (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
Reindeer gloves icon1.png  Reindeer Gloves Starlight Celebration (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
Reindeer antler headband icon1.png  Reindeer Antler Headband Starlight Celebration (2015) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
Hear no helm icon1.png  Hear No Helm Heavensturn (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
Speak no helm icon1.png  Speak No Helm Heavensturn (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
See no helm icon1.png  See No Helm Heavensturn (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.1
Paramours earrings icon1.png  Paramour's Earrings Valentione's Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.15
Platinum paramours earrings icon1.png  Platinum Paramour's Earrings Valentione's Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.15
Red-feathered flat hat icon1.png  Red-feathered Flat Hat Valentione's Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.15
Black-feathered flat hat icon1.png  Black-feathered Flat Hat Valentione's Day (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.15
Starlight robe icon1.png  Starlight Robe Starlight Celebration (2016) Seasonal Gear 4 3.45
Black tori kabuto icon1.png  Black Tori Kabuto Heavensturn (2017) Seasonal Gear 4 3.45
Red tori kabuto icon1.png  Red Tori Kabuto Heavensturn (2017) Seasonal Gear 4 3.45
Black inu kabuto icon1.png  Black Inu Kabuto Heavensturn (2018) Seasonal Gear 4 4.15
White inu kabuto icon1.png  White Inu Kabuto Heavensturn (2018) Seasonal Gear 4 4.15
Choir shoes icon1.png  Choir Shoes Starlight Celebration (2018) Seasonal Gear 4 4.4
Choir robe icon1.png  Choir Robe Starlight Celebration (2018) Seasonal Gear 4 4.4
Choir hat icon1.png  Choir Hat Starlight Celebration (2018) Seasonal Gear 4 4.4
Crimson inoshishi kabuto icon1.png  Crimson Inoshishi Kabuto Heavensturn (2019) Seasonal Gear 4 4.45
Inoshishi kabuto icon1.png  Inoshishi Kabuto Heavensturn (2019) Seasonal Gear 4 4.45
Tonberry knife icon1.png  Tonberry Knife Valentione's Day (2019) Seasonal Gear 4 4.5
Gigas greatsword icon1.png  Gigas Greatsword Valentione's Day (2019) Seasonal Gear 4 4.5
Valentione acacia heels icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Heels Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia tights icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Tights Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia ribboned gloves icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Ribboned Gloves Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia dress icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Dress Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia ribboned hat icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Ribboned Hat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not heels icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Heels Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not tights icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Tights Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not ribboned gloves icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Ribboned Gloves Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not dress icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Dress Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not ribboned hat icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Ribboned Hat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose heels icon1.png  Valentione Rose Heels Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose tights icon1.png  Valentione Rose Tights Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose ribboned gloves icon1.png  Valentione Rose Ribboned Gloves Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose dress icon1.png  Valentione Rose Dress Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose ribboned hat icon1.png  Valentione Rose Ribboned Hat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia shoes icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Shoes Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia slacks icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Slacks Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia gloves icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Gloves Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia waistcoat icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Waistcoat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione acacia hat icon1.png  Valentione Acacia Hat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not shoes icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Shoes Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not slacks icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Slacks Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not gloves icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Gloves Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not waistcoat icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Waistcoat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione forget-me-not hat icon1.png  Valentione Forget-me-not Hat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose shoes icon1.png  Valentione Rose Shoes Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose slacks icon1.png  Valentione Rose Slacks Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose gloves icon1.png  Valentione Rose Gloves Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose waistcoat icon1.png  Valentione Rose Waistcoat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Valentione rose hat icon1.png  Valentione Rose Hat Valentione's Day (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Cobalt nezumi kabuto icon1.png  Cobalt Nezumi Kabuto Heavensturn (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Crimson nezumi kabuto icon1.png  Crimson Nezumi Kabuto Heavensturn (2020) Seasonal Gear 4 5.1
Lovely moogle cap icon1.png  Lovely Moogle Cap Valentione's and Little Ladies' Day (2021) Seasonal Gear 4 5.4
Black ushi kabuto icon1.png  Black Ushi Kabuto Heavensturn (2021) Seasonal Gear 4 5.4
Crimson ushi kabuto icon1.png  Crimson Ushi Kabuto Heavensturn (2021) Seasonal Gear 4 5.4
Silver-lacquered tiger helmet icon1.png  Silver Tora Kabuto Heavensturn (2022) Seasonal Gear 4 6.01
Gold-lacquered tiger helmet icon1.png  Golden Tora Kabuto Heavensturn (2022) Seasonal Gear 4 6.01
Valentione emissarys hat icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Hat Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Valentione emissarys jacket icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Jacket Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Valentione emissarys bottoms icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Bottoms Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Valentione emissarys boots icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Boots Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Valentione emissarys dress hat icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Dress Hat Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Valentione emissarys ruffled dress icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Ruffled Dress Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Valentione emissarys culottes icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Culottes Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Valentione emissarys dress boots icon1.png  Valentione Emissary's Dress Boots Valentione's Day (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.2
Heavensturn domaru icon1.png  Heavensturn Domaru Heavensturn (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.28
Heavensturn kote icon1.png  Heavensturn Kote Heavensturn (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.28
Heavensturn haidate icon1.png  Heavensturn Haidate Heavensturn (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.28
Heavensturn sune-ate icon1.png  Heavensturn Sune-ate Heavensturn (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.28
Unorthodox saint's cap icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Cap Starlight Celebration (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.4
Unorthodox saint's halfrobe icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Halfrobe Starlight Celebration (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.4
Unorthodox saint's gloves icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Gloves Starlight Celebration (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.4
Unorthodox saint's bottoms icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Bottoms Starlight Celebration (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.4
Unorthodox saint's longboots icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Longboots Starlight Celebration (2023) Seasonal Gear 4 6.4
Silver tetsuji usagi kabuto icon1.png  Silver Tetsuji Usagi Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 6.5
Black tetsuji usagi kabuto icon1.png  Black Tetsuji Usagi Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 6.5
Tetsuji usagi kabuto icon1.png  Tetsuji Usagi Kabuto Heavensturn (2014) Seasonal Gear 4 6.5
Sweet dream boots icon1.png  Sweet Dream Boots Starlight Celebration (2013) Seasonal Gear 4 6.5
Sweet dream tunic icon1.png  Sweet Dream Tunic Starlight Celebration (2013) Seasonal Gear 4 6.5
Sweet dream cap icon1.png  Sweet Dream Cap Starlight Celebration (2013) Seasonal Gear 4 6.5

Seasonal Gear 5

Name Source Category Patch
Guardian corps boots icon1.png  Guardian Corps Boots Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Guardian corps skirt icon1.png  Guardian Corps Skirt Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Guardian corps gauntlets icon1.png  Guardian Corps Gauntlets Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Guardian corps coat icon1.png  Guardian Corps Coat Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Bohemians boots icon1.png  Bohemian's Boots Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Bohemians trousers icon1.png  Bohemian's Trousers Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Bohemians gloves icon1.png  Bohemian's Gloves Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Bohemians coat icon1.png  Bohemian's Coat Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Grimoire wing icon1.png  Grimoire Wing Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Mogs staff icon1.png  Mog's Staff Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Binding rod icon1.png  Binding Rod Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Starseeker icon1.png  Starseeker Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Bladed lance icon1.png  Bladed Lance Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Lcie bardiche icon1.png  l'Cie Bardiche Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Vega knuckles icon1.png  Vega Knuckles Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Blazefire saber icon1.png  Blazefire Saber Lightning Strikes Seasonal Gear 5 2.05
Thugs mug icon1.png  Thug's Mug Breaking Brick Mountains Seasonal Gear 5 2.1
Slime earrings icon1.png  Slime Earrings Itinerant Moogle Seasonal Gear 5 2.35
King slime crown icon1.png  King Slime Crown Breaking Brick Mountains Seasonal Gear 5 2.35
Amatsu sune-ate icon1.png  Amatsu Sune-ate The Maiden's Rhapsody Seasonal Gear 5 3.1
Amatsu haidate icon1.png  Amatsu Haidate The Maiden's Rhapsody Seasonal Gear 5 3.1
Amatsu tekko icon1.png  Amatsu Tekko The Maiden's Rhapsody Seasonal Gear 5 3.1
Amatsu togi icon1.png  Amatsu Togi The Maiden's Rhapsody Seasonal Gear 5 3.1
Amatsu hachigane icon1.png  Amatsu Hachigane The Maiden's Rhapsody Seasonal Gear 5 3.1
Globe of the lucky snake icon1.png  Globe of the Lucky Snake Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Codex of the shrine guardian icon1.png  Codex of the Shrine Guardian Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Book of the eerie mutt icon1.png  Book of the Eerie Mutt Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Staff of the snow maiden icon1.png  Staff of the Snow Maiden Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Cane of the shrine guardian icon1.png  Cane of the Shrine Guardian Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Musket of the metal cat icon1.png  Musket of the Metal Cat Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Fang of the fearless cat icon1.png  Fang of the Fearless Cat Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Twintails of the flame fox icon1.png  Twintails of the Flame Fox Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Bow of the white wisp icon1.png  Bow of the White Wisp Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Spear of the spark serpent icon1.png  Spear of the Spark Serpent Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Paw of the crimson cat icon1.png  Paw of the Crimson Cat Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Ears of the moon rabbit icon1.png  Ears of the Moon Rabbit Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Buckler of the legendary cat icon1.png  Buckler of the Legendary Cat Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Whisker of the brave cat icon1.png  Whisker of the Brave Cat Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Yo-kai watch icon1.png  Yo-kai Watch Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 3.35
Lucian princes boots icon1.png  Lucian Prince's Boots A Nocturne for Heroes Seasonal Gear 5 4.56
Lucian princes bottoms icon1.png  Lucian Prince's Bottoms A Nocturne for Heroes Seasonal Gear 5 4.56
Lucian princes fingerless glove icon1.png  Lucian Prince's Fingerless Glove A Nocturne for Heroes Seasonal Gear 5 4.56
Lucian princes jacket icon1.png  Lucian Prince's Jacket A Nocturne for Heroes Seasonal Gear 5 4.56
Glaives of the dark princess icon1.png  Glaives of the Dark Princess Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 5.3
Gunblade of the yo-kai king icon1.png  Gunblade of the Yo-kai King Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 5.3
Rapier of the serpent lord icon1.png  Rapier of the Serpent Lord Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 5.3
Katana of the kings counsel icon1.png  Katana of the King's Counsel Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Gear 5 5.3
Gentlebean knit cap icon1.png  Gentlebean Knit Cap Fall Guys Collaboration Seasonal Gear 5 6.51
Gentlebean parka icon1.png  Gentlebean Parka Fall Guys Collaboration Seasonal Gear 5 6.51
Gentlebean bottoms icon1.png  Gentlebean Bottoms Fall Guys Collaboration Seasonal Gear 5 6.51
Gentlebean shoes icon1.png  Gentlebean Shoes Fall Guys Collaboration Seasonal Gear 5 6.51
Matte winner's crown icon1.png  Matte Winner's Crown Fall Guys Collaboration Seasonal Gear 5 6.51
Glossy winner's crown icon1.png  Glossy Winner's Crown Fall Guys Collaboration Seasonal Gear 5 6.51
Metian vest icon1.png  Metian Vest Final Fantasy XVI Crossover: The Path Infernal Seasonal Gear 5 6.58
Metian gauntlets icon1.png  Metian Gauntlets Final Fantasy XVI Crossover: The Path Infernal Seasonal Gear 5 6.58
Metian chausses icon1.png  Metian Chausses Final Fantasy XVI Crossover: The Path Infernal Seasonal Gear 5 6.58
Metian sollerets icon1.png  Metian Sollerets Final Fantasy XVI Crossover: The Path Infernal Seasonal Gear 5 6.58


Name Source Category Patch
Chocobo suit icon1.png  Chocobo Suit Bosom buddies iii icon1.png  Bosom Buddies III Achievements 2.0
Chocobo mask icon1.png  Chocobo Mask Handle with care iii icon1.png  Handle with Care III Achievements 1.0
Dalamud horn icon1.png  Dalamud Horn Once in a lifetime icon1.png  Once in a Lifetime Achievements 1.0
Tipping scales bracelet icon1.png  Tipping Scales Bracelet The silver scales icon1.png  The Silver Scales Achievements 2.0
Lily and serpent bracelet icon1.png  Lily and Serpent Bracelet The ironwood leaf icon1.png  The Ironwood Leaf Achievements 2.0
Crimson standard bracelet icon1.png  Crimson Standard Bracelet The turquoise cannon icon1.png  The Turquoise Cannon Achievements 2.0
Tipping scales ring icon1.png  Tipping Scales Ring The bronze scales icon1.png  The Bronze Scales Achievements 2.0
Lily and serpent ring icon1.png  Lily and Serpent Ring The willow leaf icon1.png  The Willow Leaf Achievements 2.0
Crimson standard ring icon1.png  Crimson Standard Ring The jade mast icon1.png  The Jade Mast Achievements 2.0
Tipping scales earrings icon1.png  Tipping Scales Earrings The brass scales icon1.png  The Brass Scales Achievements 2.0
Lily and serpent earrings icon1.png  Lily and Serpent Earrings The sycamore leaf icon1.png  The Sycamore Leaf Achievements 2.0
Crimson standard earrings icon1.png  Crimson Standard Earrings The onyx oars icon1.png  The Onyx Oars Achievements 2.0
Immortal flames escutcheon icon1.png  Immortal Flames Escutcheon The mythril scales icon1.png  The Mythril Scales Achievements 2.0
Twin adder escutcheon icon1.png  Twin Adder Escutcheon The mahogany leaf icon1.png  The Mahogany Leaf Achievements 2.0
Maelstrom escutcheon icon1.png  Maelstrom Escutcheon The ruby anchor icon1.png  The Ruby Anchor Achievements 2.0
Master fishers ring icon1.png  Master Fisher's Ring I caught that iii icon1.png  I Caught That III Achievements 2.0
Master botanists ring icon1.png  Master Botanist's Ring I found that botanist iii icon1.png  I Found That: Botanist III Achievements 2.0
Master miners ring icon1.png  Master Miner's Ring I found that miner iii icon1.png  I Found That: Miner III Achievements 2.0
Master culinarians ring icon1.png  Master Culinarian's Ring I made that culinarian iii icon1.png  I Made That: Culinarian III Achievements 2.0
Master alchemists ring icon1.png  Master Alchemist's Ring I made that alchemist iii icon1.png  I Made That: Alchemist III Achievements 2.0
Master weavers ring icon1.png  Master Weaver's Ring I made that weaver iii icon1.png  I Made That: Weaver III Achievements 2.0
Master leatherworkers ring icon1.png  Master Leatherworker's Ring I made that leatherworker iii icon1.png  I Made That: Leatherworker III Achievements 2.0
Master goldsmiths ring icon1.png  Master Goldsmith's Ring I made that goldsmith iii icon1.png  I Made That: Goldsmith III Achievements 2.0
Master armorers ring icon1.png  Master Armorer's Ring I made that armorer iii icon1.png  I Made That: Armorer III Achievements 2.0
Master blacksmiths ring icon1.png  Master Blacksmith's Ring I made that blacksmith iii icon1.png  I Made That: Blacksmith III Achievements 2.0
Master carpenters ring icon1.png  Master Carpenter's Ring I made that carpenter iii icon1.png  I Made That: Carpenter III Achievements 2.0
Master arcanists ring icon1.png  Master Arcanist's Ring Bump on a log arcanist icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Arcanist Achievements 2.0
Master thaumaturges ring icon1.png  Master Thaumaturge's Ring Bump on a log thaumaturge icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Thaumaturge Achievements 2.0
Master conjurers ring icon1.png  Master Conjurer's Ring Bump on a log conjurer icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Conjurer Achievements 2.0
Master archers ring icon1.png  Master Archer's Ring Bump on a log archer icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Archer Achievements 2.0
Master lancers ring icon1.png  Master Lancer's Ring Bump on a log lancer icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Lancer Achievements 2.0
Master marauders ring icon1.png  Master Marauder's Ring Bump on a log marauder icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Marauder Achievements 2.0
Master pugilists ring icon1.png  Master Pugilist's Ring Bump on a log pugilist icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Pugilist Achievements 2.0
Master gladiators ring icon1.png  Master Gladiator's Ring Bump on a log gladiator icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Gladiator Achievements 2.0
Rod of the luminary icon1.png  Rod of the Luminary A fisher's life for me greater eorzea icon1.png  A Fisher's Life for Me: Greater Eorzea Achievements 2.0
Axe of the luminary icon1.png  Axe of the Luminary A botanist's life for me greater eorzea icon1.png  A Botanist's Life for Me: Greater Eorzea Achievements 2.0
Pick of the luminary icon1.png  Pick of the Luminary A miner's life for me greater eorzea icon1.png  A Miner's Life for Me: Greater Eorzea Achievements 2.0
Pan of the luminary icon1.png  Pan of the Luminary A life of cooking icon1.png  A Life of Cooking Achievements 2.0
Alembic of the luminary icon1.png  Alembic of the Luminary An alchemist's life for me icon1.png  An Alchemist's Life for Me Achievements 2.0
Needle of the luminary icon1.png  Needle of the Luminary A weaver's life for me icon1.png  A Weaver's Life for Me Achievements 2.0
Knife of the luminary icon1.png  Knife of the Luminary A leatherworker's life for me icon1.png  A Leatherworker's Life for Me Achievements 2.0
Gavel of the luminary icon1.png  Gavel of the Luminary A goldsmith's life for me icon1.png  A Goldsmith's Life for Me Achievements 2.0
Mallet of the luminary icon1.png  Mallet of the Luminary An armorer's life for me icon1.png  An Armorer's Life for Me Achievements 2.0
Hammer of the luminary icon1.png  Hammer of the Luminary A blacksmith's life for me icon1.png  A Blacksmith's Life for Me Achievements 2.0
Saw of the luminary icon1.png  Saw of the Luminary A carpenter's life for me icon1.png  A Carpenter's Life for Me Achievements 2.0
Partisans crown icon1.png  Partisan's Crown Leaving a good impression iii icon1.png  Leaving a Good Impression III Achievements 2.0
Warlords crown icon1.png  Warlord's Crown A life of adventure ii icon1.png  A Life of Adventure II Achievements 2.0
Gamblers crown icon1.png  Gambler's Crown I got this! icon1.png  I Got This! Achievements 2.0
Paragons gown icon1.png  Paragon's Gown Destiny's child icon1.png  Destiny's Child Achievements 2.0
Paragons crown icon1.png  Paragon's Crown A Life of Adventure Icon.png  A Life of Adventure I Achievements 2.0
Chroniclers crown icon1.png  Chronicler's Crown The greatest tales ever told icon1.png  The Greatest Tales Ever Told Achievements 2.0
Butchers crown icon1.png  Butcher's Crown Let the bodies hit the floor icon1.png  Let the Bodies Hit the Floor Achievements 2.0
Master rogues ring icon1.png  Master Rogue's Ring Bump on a log rogue icon1.png  Bump on a Log: Rogue Achievements 2.4
Ironworks fishing rod icon1.png  Ironworks Fishing Rod Go big or go home x icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home X Achievements 2.4
The best gown ever icon1.png  The Best Gown Ever Leaving a better impression i icon1.png  Leaving a Better Impression I Achievements 2.4
Racing chocobo mask icon1.png  Racing Chocobo Mask Pedigree champ icon1.png  Pedigree Champ Achievements 2.51
Field commanders boots icon1.png  Field Commander's Boots Between a rock and a hard place ii icon1.png  Between a Rock and a Hard Place II Achievements 3.05
Field commanders slops icon1.png  Field Commander's Slops Between a rock and a hard place iv icon1.png  Between a Rock and a Hard Place IV Achievements 3.05
Field commanders gloves icon1.png  Field Commander's Gloves Between a rock and a hard place iii icon1.png  Between a Rock and a Hard Place III Achievements 3.05
Field commanders coat icon1.png  Field Commander's Coat Between a rock and a hard place v icon1.png  Between a Rock and a Hard Place V Achievements 3.05
Field commanders helm icon1.png  Field Commander's Helm Between a rock and a hard place i icon1.png  Between a Rock and a Hard Place I Achievements 3.05
Expeditioners flyers icon1.png  Expeditioner's Flyers I hope mentor will notice me iii icon1.png  I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me III Achievements 3.15
Dragon monocle icon1.png  Dragon Monocle I hope mentor will notice me v icon1.png  I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me V Achievements 3.3
Kupo crown icon1.png  Kupo Crown Let luck be a moogle i icon1.png  Let Luck Be a Moogle I Achievements 5.21
Bozjan earring icon1.png  Bozjan Earring Lost and found iv icon1.png  Lost and Found IV Achievements 5.35
Migratory plume icon1.png  Migratory Plume A life of adventure v icon1.png  A Life of Adventure V Achievements 6.0
Dynasty crown icon1.png  Dynasty Crown A life of adventure iii icon1.png  A Life of Adventure III Achievements 7.1

Exclusive Extras

Name Source Category Patch
Helm of light icon1.png  Helm of Light A Realm Reborn Collector's Edition Exclusive Extras 2.0
White ravens icon1.png  White Ravens The Raven, Nevermore (1.0 Quest)
The Rising (2018)
Exclusive Extras 1.0
Scarf of wondrous wit icon1.png  Scarf of Wondrous Wit Itinerant Moogle
Community Events reward
Exclusive Extras 2.0
Peregrine helm icon1.png  Peregrine Helm Ronan Kognan - Gridania - 30 Deaspected Crystals (1.0)
Quick Exploration (After the Seventh Umbral Calamity)
Exclusive Extras 1.0
Star-spangled subligar icon1.png  Star-spangled Subligar The Beast of the Barrel (1.0 Quest)
Side QuestThanks For Your Support
Exclusive Extras 1.0
Woolen sugarloaf hat (red) icon1.png  Woolen Sugarloaf Hat (Red) Hide and Seek Shenanigans (1.0 Quest) Exclusive Extras 1.0
Patriots choker icon1.png  Patriot's Choker Company seal 720 Exclusive Extras 2.0
Black summer tanga icon1.png  Black Summer Tanga Aelina - Mor Dhona - 1 Cascadier uniform voucher icon1.png  Cascadier Uniform Voucher Exclusive Extras 2.0
Black summer halter icon1.png  Black Summer Halter Aelina - Mor Dhona - 1 Cascadier uniform voucher icon1.png  Cascadier Uniform Voucher Exclusive Extras 2.0
Black summer trunks icon1.png  Black Summer Trunks Aelina - Mor Dhona - 1 Cascadier uniform voucher icon1.png  Cascadier Uniform Voucher Exclusive Extras 2.0
Black summer top icon1.png  Black Summer Top Aelina - Mor Dhona - 1 Cascadier uniform voucher icon1.png  Cascadier Uniform Voucher Exclusive Extras 2.0
Bomb earrings icon1.png  Bomb Earrings Itinerant Moogle Exclusive Extras 2.0
Cactuar earring icon1.png  Cactuar Earring Itinerant Moogle Exclusive Extras 2.0
Moogle earrings icon1.png  Moogle Earrings Item code included with Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimate Box Exclusive Extras 2.0
Moogle cap icon1.png  Moogle Cap A Realm Reborn Pre-order Exclusive Extras 2.0
Hermes shoes icon1.png  Hermes' Shoes Create a character while subscribed to Final Fantasy XI (1.0) Exclusive Extras 1.0
Asuran armguards icon1.png  Asuran Armguards Item code included with first printing of Final Fantasy XIII Exclusive Extras 2.0
Onion helm icon1.png  Onion Helm 1.0 Collector's Edition Exclusive Extras 1.0
Garlond goggles icon1.png  Garlond Goggles Item code included with first printing of 1.0 Exclusive Extras 1.0
Goblin cap icon1.png  Goblin Cap Jonathas - Old Gridania - Achievement Certificate 1 Exclusive Extras 2.2
Goobbue earring icon1.png  Goobbue Earring Itinerant Moogle Exclusive Extras 2.3
Dodo earring icon1.png  Dodo Earring Itinerant Moogle Exclusive Extras 2.3
Moogle legs icon1.png  Moogle Legs Fan Festival 2014 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 2.38
Moogle buns icon1.png  Moogle Buns Fan Festival 2014 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 2.38
Moogle arms icon1.png  Moogle Arms Fan Festival 2014 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 2.38
Moogle body icon1.png  Moogle Body Fan Festival 2014 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 2.38
Moogle head icon1.png  Moogle Head Fan Festival 2014 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 2.38
Fat chocobo head icon1.png  Fat Chocobo Head Jonathas - Old Gridania - Achievement Certificate 1 Exclusive Extras 2.4
Strife boots icon1.png  Strife Boots Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 2.51
Strife bags icon1.png  Strife Bags Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 2.51
Strife gloves icon1.png  Strife Gloves Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 2.51
Strife vest icon1.png  Strife Vest Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 2.51
Baron earrings icon1.png  Baron Earrings Heavensward Pre-order Exclusive Extras 3.0
Baron circlet icon1.png  Baron Circlet Heavensward Pre-order Exclusive Extras 3.0
Baron helm icon1.png  Baron Helm Heavensward Collector's Edition Exclusive Extras 3.0
Wild rose boots icon1.png  Wild Rose Boots Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.0
Wild rose breeches icon1.png  Wild Rose Breeches Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.0
Wild rose armguards icon1.png  Wild Rose Armguards Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.0
Wild rose cuirass icon1.png  Wild Rose Cuirass Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.0
Wild rose bandana icon1.png  Wild Rose Bandana Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.0
Tantalus boots icon1.png  Tantalus Boots Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.15
Tantalus breeches icon1.png  Tantalus Breeches Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.15
Tantalus cuffs icon1.png  Tantalus Cuffs Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.15
Tantalus vest icon1.png  Tantalus Vest Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.15
Butlers gaiters icon1.png  Butler's Gaiters In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Butlers slacks icon1.png  Butler's Slacks In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Butlers gloves icon1.png  Butler's Gloves In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Butlers jacket icon1.png  Butler's Jacket In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Butlers monocle icon1.png  Butler's Monocle In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Housemaids pumps icon1.png  Housemaid's Pumps In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Housemaids bloomers icon1.png  Housemaid's Bloomers In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Housemaids wristdresses icon1.png  Housemaid's Wristdresses In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Housemaids apron dress icon1.png  Housemaid's Apron Dress In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Housemaids brim icon1.png  Housemaid's Brim In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Crag mask icon1.png  Crag Mask In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Inferno mask icon1.png  Inferno Mask In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.15
Cait sith ears icon1.png  Cait Sith Ears Item code included with Cait Sith Doll Plushie Exclusive Extras 3.3
Hatchling earring icon1.png  Hatchling Earring Itinerant Moogle Exclusive Extras 3.3
High summoners boots icon1.png  High Summoner's Boots Fan Festival 2016-2017 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 3.5
High summoners armlets icon1.png  High Summoner's Armlets Fan Festival 2016-2017 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 3.5
High summoners dress icon1.png  High Summoner's Dress Fan Festival 2016-2017 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 3.5
Abes boots icon1.png  Abes Boots Fan Festival 2016-2017 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 3.5
Abes halfslops icon1.png  Abes Halfslops Fan Festival 2016-2017 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 3.5
Abes gloves icon1.png  Abes Gloves Fan Festival 2016-2017 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 3.5
Abes jacket icon1.png  Abes Jacket Fan Festival 2016-2017 or Final Fantasy XIV Online Store Exclusive Extras 3.5
Leonhart boots icon1.png  Leonhart Boots Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.5
Leonhart bottoms icon1.png  Leonhart Bottoms Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.5
Leonhart gloves icon1.png  Leonhart Gloves Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.5
Leonhart jacket icon1.png  Leonhart Jacket Veteran Reward Exclusive Extras 3.5
Eastern journey shoes icon1.png  Eastern Journey Shoes In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.5
Eastern journey bottoms icon1.png  Eastern Journey Bottoms In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.5
Eastern journey armlets icon1.png  Eastern Journey Armlets In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.5
Eastern journey jacket icon1.png  Eastern Journey Jacket In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.5
Eastern journey circlet icon1.png  Eastern Journey Circlet In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.5
Eastern journey battle staff icon1.png  Eastern Journey Battle Staff In-Game Item Campaign Exclusive Extras 3.5
Ala mhigan earrings icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Earrings Stormblood Pre-order Exclusive Extras 4.0
Chicken knife icon1.png  Chicken Knife Stormblood Collector's Edition Exclusive Extras 4.0
Matoyas hat icon1.png  Matoya's Hat Item code included with Encyclopaedia Eorzea II Exclusive Extras 4.45
Aetheryte earring icon1.png  Aetheryte Earring Shadowbringers Pre-order Exclusive Extras 4.5
Revolver icon1.png  Revolver Shadowbringers Collector's Edition Exclusive Extras 5.0
Ribbon icon1.png  Ribbon Jonathas - Old Gridania - Achievement Certificate 2 Exclusive Extras 5.0
Great serpent of ringa icon1.png  Great Serpent of Ringa Moogle Treasure Trove Events Exclusive Extras 5.5
Fat cat earrings icon1.png  Fat Cat Earrings Community Events reward Exclusive Extras 5.5
Menphina's earring icon1.png  Menphina's Earring Endwalker Pre-order Exclusive Extras 5.5
Death scythe icon1.png  Death Scythe Endwalker Collector's Edition Exclusive Extras 6.0
Azeyma's earring icon1.png  Azeyma's Earrings Dawntrail Pre-order Exclusive Extras 6.5
Chocobo brush icon1.png  Chocobo Brush Dawntrail Collector's Edition Exclusive Extras 7.0