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The Grebuloffs are a race of aquatic, seal-like people now believed to be technically extinct. They hailed from a ruined world featured within The Dead Ends, a dungeon from the Endwalker Expansion of Final Fantasy XIV. Very little is known about the current fate or history of the Grebuloff culture, but due to the events depicted in The Dead Ends, the star is assumed to be destroyed.

A "simulated" Grebuloff seen without their mask, sitting outside the Last Dregs.

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Main article: Omicron Daily Quests


The Grebuloffs were a race of aquatic, metallurgically talented people, who lived on a world that was renowned for its vast, clear seas. Their civilization thrived and grew to great numbers beneath the waves, before eventually developing ambitions to colonize the habitable landmasses as well. They began forging metal suits and other "tools of conquest" for this effort, at great cost to their star's environment. The Grebuloff population ballooned from the spoils of its ambitions, while the contamination of the seas continued, and eventually rendered them uninhabitable. To compensate, the entire race began migrating onto land and living in their metal suits. The amount of habitable land was deeply insufficient for the Grebuloff masses, leading to highly crowded population centers and the ever-more-rapid depletion of its natural resources. When a caustic and deadly plague broke out, the cramped and squalorous living conditions allowed the disease to devastate the Grebuloff population, leading to their extinction.[1][2][3][4][5]


  • Helmet Decoration: Omicron Daily Quests suggest that the Grebuloff would adorn their metal diving helmets with various decorations as both a form of self-expression, and a method of impressing other Grebuloff. This has yet to be observed in the behavior of Stigma-4's simulated versions of Grebuloff.[6]

Additional Notes

  • Unlike the Grebuloff within The Dead Ends, simulations of Grebuloff created by Stigma-4 appear smaller in size, and do not wear masks on their helmet. The latter difference is theorized to be the product of the dynamis-heavy environment being "inspired" into habitability by certain events during the final chapters of the Endwalker main story quests. The reason for the size difference is unknown.

Additional Images


  1. N-7000: 
    "These patrons are of the 'Grebuloff' race, known for its metallurgy. Records indicate that this civilization originated amidst the shining blue seas of its home planet, later adapting to life on its landmasses. [...]"
  2. Long-forgotten Seashell: 
    "Our population quickly outstripped the habitable land, while seas we thought would shine forever blue ran dry, spoiled in forging the tools of conquest. Cramped homes turned to squalor, and then came the sickness."
  3. M-104: 
    <whirr> The sixth civilization the Meteia encountered was comprised of clever aquatic─and later amphibious─creatures known as “Grebuloffs.” Though their star was once renowned for its wide, clear seas, the Grebuloffs' cultural and technological advancement came at great cost to their environment. Their seas were sullied beyond hope of restoration, and disease soon overtook the increasingly dense population on land. In pestilence they rotted, and in despair they became afraid. Records indicate that the surviving Grebuloffs came to hate their brethren by the end─both those who lived, and those who died.</span>
    <li id="cite_note-seashell_1_full-4"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">[[#cite_ref-seashell_1_full_4-0|↑]]</span> <span class="reference-text"><pre>Long-forgotten Seashell: 
    "Why do you ask such a question? Do you not see the plague and pestilence that consumes us? Ours is a world of rancid blood and rotting flesh, where death is the only remedy to suffering. There is no meaning to be found in such misery. But it was not always thus... Beneath the waves we knew only peace and plenty. We wanted for naught, and yet craved more, that our progeny might someday flourish as we never could. Eventually we ventured to the lands above bearing flame and iron, toppling any who dared oppose our might. The world was ours for the taking."<pre></span>
    <li id="cite_note-tessera-5"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">[[#cite_ref-tessera_5-0|↑]]</span> <span class="reference-text">One of the worlds described in [[Meteion#The_Meteia.27s_Report|The Meteia's Report]] sounds very much like the fate of the Grebuloffs as described elsewhere, but it's possible this was in reference to a different world, as the author of the forgotten seashells (found within The Dead Ends) act as if they are being spoken to by someone who is newly learning their fate. <pre>"Tessera-- Edifices surmised to be abandoned residences found. No extant life-forms detected. Deadly plague or extreme environmental degradation likely to have led to mass extinction."
  4. Stigma-4:
    "Request from Grebuloffs pending. Materials petitioned for maintenance and aesthetic upgrade of diving helmets.", "Historical records indicate that helmet adornment protocols are a source of particular pride among Grebuloffs. The incorporation of foreign materials into helmets is believed to promote amicable relations with denizens of affiliated territories.