War of the Sisters

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Revision as of 17:47, 11 October 2022 by ArcaneFocus (talk | contribs)
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The War of the Sisters is a historical battle between the sister cities of Ul'dah and Sil'dih. Following the collapse of Belah'dia after years of infighting, the two city-states constantly battled for supremacy. Over the next two decades, both city took turns attempting to cripple one another, from invasions to cutting off the others water supply. In the final climax battle, the War of the Sisters, Sil'dih managed to repel an attack from the combined forces of Ul'dah and the Amalj'aa. However, the following attack brought an army of undead, reanimated by the Ul'dah mages concoction named "Trader's Spurn.". The armies of the dead overwhelmed Sil'dih, crushing the city-state and razing it to the ground.