User:Nekonova/Up in Arms

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(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png

- Start -
Relic Weapon
Item Level 80 Patch 2.0
Starting Location Nedrick Ironheart - Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan (x12,y14)
Notable NPCs Nedrick Ironheart - Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan (x12,y14)
Rowena - Revenant's Toll, Mor Dhona (x22,y6)
Gerolt - Hyrstmill , North Shroud (x30,y-20)
Quests Side Quest The Weaponsmith of Legend
Side Quest A Relic Reborn
Reward Curtana Holy Shield Sphairai Bravura Gae Bolg Artemis Bow Stardust Rod The Veil of Wiyu Omnilex Thyrus Yoshimitsu
iLvl 90


Before begin to create your Relic Weapon, you must:

Side Quest The Weaponsmith of Legend

Starting NPC: Nedrick Ironheart
Starting Location: Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan (x12,y14)
Your journey begins with "The Weaponsmith of Legend" quest. This is a one time quest and does not need to be repeated; further weapons will start from Side Quest A Relic Reborn. For this quest, simply:
  1. Speak to Nedrick Ironheart (x12,y14) in Vesper Bay.
  2. Travel to Revenant's Toll in Mor Dhona to speak with Rowena (x22,y6).
  3. Travel to Hyrstmill in North Shroud to speak with Gerolt (x30,y20).

Side Quest A Relic Reborn

Starting NPC: Gerolt
Starting Location: Hyrstmill, North Shroud (x30,y20)

Part 1: Broken Weapons

Locate the broken quest weapon from the Beastmen Strongholds. The location is dependent on your specific job. Then report back to Gerolt again.

Job Location Zone
Bard Natalan (X-34, Y-21) Coerthas Central Highlands
Black Mage U'Ghamaro Mines (X-23, Y-10) Outer La Noscea
Dragoon Natalan (X-34, Y-21) Coerthas Central Highlands
Monk Zaha'rak (X-30, Y-19) Southern Thanalan
Paladin Zaha'rak (X-30, Y-19) Southern Thanalan
Scholar Sapsa Spawning Grounds (X-16, Y-17) Western La Noscea
Summoner Sylphlands (X-25, Y-19) East Shroud
Warrior U'Ghamaro Mines (X-23, Y-10) Outer La Noscea
White Mage U'Ghamaro Mines (X-23, Y-10) Outer La Noscea
Ninja Sapsa Spawning Grounds (X-16, Y-17) Western La Noscea

Part 6: Hydra

Main article: A Relic Reborn: The Hydra

You now need to defeat Hydra from the 8-man trial A Relic Reborn: The Hydra while equipped with unfinished relic weapon. The entrance to A Relic Reborn: The Hydra is right next to the entrance to Halatali in Eastern Thanalan (x14,y30). Afterwards report back to Gerolt.

Part 7: White-Hot Ember

Main article: The Bowl of Embers (Hard)

You now need to defeat Ifrit and obtain White-Hot Ember from the 8-man trial The Bowl of Embers (Hard) while equipped with unfinished relic weapon. Afterwards report back to Gerolt who will then start sending you one by one to the Primals.

Part 8: Howling Gale

Main article: The Howling Eye (Hard)

You now need to defeat the Primal Garuda and obtain Howling Gale from the 8-man trial The Howling Eye (Hard) while equipped with unfinished relic weapon. Afterwards report back to Gerolt.

Part 9: Hyperfused Ore

Main article: The Navel (Hard)

You now need to defeat the Primal Titan and obtain Hyperfused Ore from the 8-man trial The Navel (Hard) while equipped with unfinished relic weapon. Afterwards report back to Gerolt.

Part 10: Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil

Gerolt needs one final ingredient. Purchase Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil with Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery 110 Allagan Tomestones of Soldiery from Auriana in Mor Dhona. Report back to Gerolt who will present you with the completed Relic Weapon. Congratulations.

Upgrade To Zenith Relic Weapon

Main article: Zenith Relic Weapon
See also: Zenith Relic Weapons/Quest

After obtaining a Relic Weapon (iLvl 80), it can be upgraded to a Zenith Relic Weapon (iLvl 90) by combining Thavnairian Mist in the Furnace in Hyrstmill, North Shroud.