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FATE during beta

Open World Duties


Main article: Quests

Tribal Quests

Main article: Tribal Quests


Main article: FATE


Main article: Guildleves

Instanced Areas


Main article: Dungeons


Main article: Trials


Main article: Raids

Deep Dungeons

Main article: Deep Dungeons

Field Operations

Main article: Field Operations


Main article: Guildhest


Main article: PvP


Duty Finder

Main article: Duty Finder

Duty Finder is tool players use to register and enter for most duties. This tool will also automatically match the player to a party if they are registering by themselves or with a party that is smaller than required for the duty.

Duty Roulette

Main article: Duty Roulette

The Duty Roulette allows players to enter instanced leveling dungeons, level-cap dungeons, main scenario dungeons, trials, raids, or guildhests at random. There are eleven roulette categories, each of which grants its bonus once per day.

In return for selecting a duty at random, players will receive enhanced rewards, including Experience Experience, Company seal Company Seals, Gil Gil, and Allagan Tomestones.

Raid Finder

Main article: Raid Finder

Raid Finder is an extension of Duty Finder that allows players to register for the newest high-end content. Matchmaking is also possible using this tool and has additional customization compared to Duty Finder.

Party Finder

Main article: Party Finder

Party Finder allows players to form premade parties for duties and other activities and has the most amount of customization available for recruiting players with a common objective.

Player Commendations

Main article: Player Commendation

When the duty is complete, players will have an option to give one "player commendation" to one player who left a favorable impression.

Duty Recorder

Main article: Duty Recorder

Duty Support and Trust System

Main article: Duty Support
Main article: Trust System