Red Mage Macros

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Revision as of 13:57, 6 September 2022 by FireWingLead (talk | contribs)
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See also: Red Mage


Macros should not be used for combat skills under any circumstances, it is a severe loss in DPS. Raise macros are used only to inform a pug group that you are taking care of the rez to avoid overlap with the healers. Otherwise all other macros should be avoided entirely.

Power Verraise

  • /micon "Verraise"
  • /ac "Verraise" <t>
  • /ac "Verraise" <1>
  • /ac "Verraise" <2>
  • /ac "Verraise" <3>
  • /ac "Verraise" <4>
  • /ac "Verraise" <5>
  • /ac "Verraise" <6>
  • /ac "Verraise" <7>
  • /ac "Verraise" <8>

This macro simplifies targeting with Verraise. The priority is your current target and will try to fire off multiple times. You may optionally add a check for Swiftcast first by adding [ /ac "Swiftcast" <wait.1> ] (without the brackets) into line 2, but this will slightly delay your cast time. It is recommended instead that you use this macro while you have the Dualcast buff.

Ver-White and Ver-Black

These macros are perhaps the one exception to the rule of "don't use macros for combat skills", since they don't need to make use of macro delays. Their purpose is not to fire off more than one skill in sequence for you, but to instantly choose between Ver-fire/thunder and between Ver-stone/aero as appropriate, allowing you to combine those four skills into two buttons and save hotbar space.


  • /micon Verstone
  • /ac Verstone
  • /ac Veraero

The macro first attempts to cast Verstone. If you are verstone ready, it will cast, and the macro will not cast Veraero, since you are already casting. If you are NOT verstone ready, the Verstone cast will fail, and the macro will cast Veraero. Since the icon in use is the Verstone icon, you will know when you are verstone ready, as it will light up.


  • /micon Verfire
  • /ac Verfire
  • /ac Verthunder

Works the same as Ver-White, but using the black spell equivalents.