Outdoor Furnishing
Acquired by
Camping Tent |
Level 90 Weaver
Damaged Highland Turret |
Shoveled Snow |
Housing Merchant
Bamboo Fence |
Level 90 Carpenter
Camping Furniture |
Level 90 Carpenter
Elpis Stone Pillar |
Chocobo Stable Essentials |
Horrendous Hoarder
Far Eastern Well |
Housing Merchant
Far Eastern Lamppost |
Housing Merchant
Alpine Open-air Bath |
Level 90 Goldsmith
Alps Striking Dummy |
Level 50★★★ Carpenter
Amalj'aa Pavis Shield |
Purchased from Amalj'aa Vendor at Southern Thanalan (x23,y14) for gil.
Amalj'aa Supply Carriage |
Purchased from Amalj'aa Vendor at Southern Thanalan (x23,y14) for gil.
Amdapori Beacon |
Level 50 Goldsmith
Archon Egg Tower |
Hatching-tide (2016)
Armorer's Stall |
Level 78 Armorer
Artist's Show Window |
Level 80 Alchemist
Authentic Archon Egg Tower |
Authentic Eastern Cherry Petal Pile |
Authentic Eastern Cherry Tree |
Authentic Felt Mat |
Authentic Flame of Passion |
Authentic Portable Pool |
Authentic Pumpkin Carriage |
Authentic Rose Wagon |
Authentic Water Bomb Stand |
Mog Station
Authentic Wind Chime Stand |
Automaton Digger |
Purchased from Kobold Vendor at Outer La Noscea (x21,y17) for 26,136 gil.
Autumnal Ginkgo Tree |
Treasure Hunt - Timeworn Gazelleskin Map and The Aquapolis
Autumnal Maple Tree |
Treasure Hunt - The Aquapolis
Baker's Show Window |
Level 80 Culinarian
Baker's Stall |
Level 78 Culinarian
Bamboo Copse |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10.8,y11.5). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Topmast Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Lily Hills Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Housing Merchant at The Lavender Beds (x11.7,y8.3). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Sultana's Breath Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Housing Merchant at The Goblet (x11.4,y9.4). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Kobai Goten Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Housing Merchant at Shirogane (x10.0,y11.9).
BBQ Spit |
Beach Chair |
Level 50★★ Carpenter
Bertha Cannon |
Level 50★ Blacksmith
Big One Festival Float |
Birdbath |
Treasure Hunt - The Lost Canals of Uznair, Fête Present
Bloodblossoms |
Level 46 Alchemist
Blue Coral Formation |
Level 25 Alchemist
Bookseller's Stall |
Level 78 Alchemist
Botanist's Garden |
Level 3 Alchemist
Boundless Expanse Fountain |
Level 60★ Goldsmith
Brass Bench |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10,y10) for 1,988 gil.
Brick Garden Circle |
Treasure Hunt - The Lost Canals of Uznair and The Shifting Altars of Uznair, Fête Present
Brick Garden Wall |
Level 80 Alchemist
Brick Paving |
Level 80 Alchemist
Butcher's Stall |
Level 78 Culinarian
Campfire |
Level 28 Alchemist
Cannonballs |
Level 45 Blacksmith
Carbuncle Garden Bench |
Level 50★★★ Blacksmith
Carbuncle Garden Table |
Level 50★★★ Carpenter
Cast-iron Cookpot |
Level 30 Armorer
Cedar Tree |
Housing Merchant
Chocobo Stable |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10,y10) for 125,000 gil.
Cold Knight's Cookfire |
Luna Vanu
Coldbare Tree |
Junkmonger, Housing Merchant
Corner Hedge Partition |
Level 50★ Alchemist
Cragsoul Lamp |
Level 50★ Goldsmith
Crimson Felt Mat |
Little Ladies' Day (2015)
Crofter's Wain |
Level 14 Carpenter
Crystarium Striking Dummy |
Ilfroy, Xylle
Curved Stepping Stones |
Level 33 Goldsmith
Curved Stepping Stumps |
Level 50★★ Carpenter
Damaged Ishgardian Wall |
Junkmonger, Housing Merchant
Dandelion Plot |
OIC Quartermaster
Dark Divinity Falleth |
Level 50 Blacksmith
Dataqi Standard |
The Dataqi Chronicles: Dominion FATE
Death's Fingers |
Level 49 Alchemist
Deluxe Garden Patch |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10,y10) for 48,000 gil.
Deluxe Moonfire Lantern |
Moonfire Faire (2019)
Deluxe Ornamental Bamboo |
Deluxe Pumpkin Candlestand |
Deluxe Snow-dusted Tree |
Mog Station
Deluxe Wooden Bucket |
Desert Ironwood |
Level 20 Alchemist
Designer's Show Window |
Level 80 Weaver
Dinosaur Skeleton |
Level 60★★ Goldsmith
Dinosaur Skull |
Level 60★★ Goldsmith
Dinosaur Tailbone |
Level 60★★ Goldsmith
Dodo Message Book Stand |
Level 6 Carpenter
Dodo's Nest |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10,y10) for gil.
Dohn Trellis |
Dohn Mheg
Dravanian Down Tree |
Level 60★★ Alchemist
Dried Well |
Level 35 Carpenter
Eastern Cherry Petal Pile |
Little Ladies' Day (2017)
Eastern Cherry Tree |
Little Ladies' Day (2015)
Eastern Pine |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10.8,y11.5). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Topmast Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Lily Hills Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Housing Merchant at The Lavender Beds (x11.7,y8.3). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Sultana's Breath Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Housing Merchant at The Goblet (x11.4,y9.4). Purchased from Apartment Merchant at Kobai Goten Apartment Lobby (x6.1,y6.0). Purchased from Housing Merchant at Shirogane (x10.0,y11.9).
Eastern Teahouse Bench |
Level 70 Carpenter
Eastern Wisteria |
Apartment Merchant, Housing Merchant
Empty Gift Boxes |
Starlight Celebration (2014)
Empty Present Boxes |
Starlight Celebration (2014)
Enchanter's Stall |
Level 78 Alchemist
Expanse Fountain |
Level 60 Goldsmith
Explorer's Campfire |
Level 35 Armorer
Fallen Tree |
Drops in The Qitana Ravel
Far Eastern Willow |
Housing Merchant, Housing Merchant, Housing Merchant, Housing Merchant
Faust Striking Dummy |
Level 60★★★ Armorer
Firebloom |
Scrip Exchange
Firecrest Trophy |
Purchased from E-Una-Kotor at South Shroud (x25.0,y20.6) for 1 Firecrest.
Firefly Lamp |
Moonfire Faire (2016)
Firewood |
Level 12 Carpenter
Flame of Passion |
Valentione's Day (2015)
Florist's Stall |
Level 78 Alchemist
Forging Bench |
Level 80 Armorer
Fruiterer's Stall |
Level 78 Culinarian
Fruitful Fountain |
Level 80 Alchemist
Fête Party Balloons |
Fête Skyrise Balloon |
Garden Anvil |
Level 80 Blacksmith
Garden Gate |
Level 90 Blacksmith
Garden Gravel |
Scrip Exchange
Garden Pond |
Level 50★★★ Goldsmith
Garden Tool Shelf |
Level 80 Alchemist
Garlean Containers |
Ghostmaws |
Level 23 Alchemist
Ginkgo Leaf Pile |
Treasure Hunt - Timeworn Gaganaskin Map
Glade Gazebo |
Level 80 Alchemist
Glade Lamppost |
Level 34 Carpenter
Glade Path Light |
Level 50★★★ Carpenter
Glade Striking Dummy |
Hunt Billmaster
Glass Pumpkin Trophy |
Purchased from E-Una-Kotor at South Shroud (x25.0,y20.6) for 1 Glass Pumpkin.
Gnathic Lamp Tree |
Vath Stickpeddler
Greengrocer's Stall |
Level 78 Culinarian
Gulg Planter |
Mt. Gulg
Gyr Abanian Striking Dummy |
Half Barrel Planter |
Level 25 Alchemist
Handmade Snow Drift |
Hanging Bench |
Level 86 Carpenter
Haunted Pumpkin Set |
All Saints' Wake (2021)
Hedge Partition |
Level 50★ Alchemist
Hingan Hot Spring |
Level 70★★ Carpenter
Il Mheg Garden Fountain |
Level 86 Goldsmith
Ishgardian Lamppost |
Junkmonger, Housing Merchant
Island Palm |
Level 20 Alchemist
Ivy-covered Bridge |
Level 90 Goldsmith
Ixali Banner |
Purchased from Ixali Vendor at North Shroud (x24,y22) for 21,780 gil.
Ixali Shelter |
Purchased from Ixali Vendor at North Shroud (x24,y22) for 26,136 gil.
Jeweler's Stall |
Level 78 Goldsmith
Jumbo Kadomatsu |
Jumbo Moon-topped Starlight Sentinel |
Jumbo Snowman |
Jumbo Star-topped Starlight Sentinel |
Jumbo Sun-topped Starlight Sentinel |
Kadomatsu |
Heavensturn (2015)
Kobold Furnace |
Purchased from Kobold Vendor at Outer La Noscea (x21,y17) for 21,780 gil.
La Noscean Grape Pergola |
Level 80 Carpenter
Lakeland Elf Tree |
Lakeland Flower Garden |
Large Garden Pond |
Level 50★★★ Goldsmith
Large Planter Box |
Level 50 Alchemist
Lattice Planter |
Level 45 Carpenter
Laundry Pole |
Level 20 Carpenter
Limited Edition Firefly Lamp |
Limited Edition Rising Pillar |
Linen Parasol |
Level 39 Weaver
Living Arch |
Level 60★★ Goldsmith
Lotus Parasol |
Level 37 Alchemist
Low Barrel Planter |
Level 17 Alchemist
Lupin Plot |
Level 55 Alchemist
Maple Leaf Pile |
Treasure Hunt - Gazelleskin Treasure Map and The Aquapolis
Materiel Table |
Level 80 Blacksmith
Miniature Aetheryte |
Storm Quartermaster
Miniature Antique Clock Tower |
Level 86 Blacksmith
Miniature Heaven-on-High |
Platinum-haloed Sack
Moai Statue |
Treasure Hunt - Gazelleskin Treasure Map
Moogle Letter Box |
Level 45 Armorer
Moon-topped Starlight Sentinel |
Starlight Celebration (2014)
Moonfire Lantern |
Moonfire Faire (2014)
Moonfire Mask Stall |
Moonfire Faire (2021)
Moongrass Plot |
OIC Quartermaster
Morning Glory Plot |
OIC Quartermaster
Mossy Rock |
Level 33 Alchemist
Mythril Table |
Level 39 Armorer
Namazu Effigy |
Nomad's Tent |
Level 80 Weaver
Oaken Bench |
Level 33 Blacksmith
Oasis Lamppost |
Level 32 Blacksmith
Oasis Path Light |
Level 50★★★ Blacksmith
Oasis Striking Dummy |
Hunt Billmaster
Oblong Garden Patch |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10,y10) for 12,000 gil.
Odder Otter Andon Lamp |
Level 70★★ Goldsmith
Odder Otter Bench |
Level 70★★ Carpenter
Old World Striking Dummy |
Oriental Deck |
Level 50★★★ Carpenter
Oriental Grass |
Level 59 Alchemist
Oriental Grass Plot |
Level 59 Alchemist
Oriental Snowcave |
Purchased from Azena at Mor Dhona (x22,y4) for 10,092 gil.
Oriental Striking Dummy |
Level 50★★★ Carpenter
Oriental Wood Bridge |
Level 60★★★ Carpenter
Oriental Wooden Deck |
Level 80 Carpenter
Ornamental Bamboo |
Moonfire Faire (2014)
Parkside Tree |
Free Company Submarine Ventures
Personal Astroscope |
Level 50★ Goldsmith
Picnic Set |
Level 70★★ Weaver
Planter Box |
Level 45 Alchemist
Planter Set |
Level 90 Alchemist
Plot of Hydrangeas |
Apartment Merchant, Housing Merchant
Poroggo Lawn Ornament |
Level 86 Carpenter
Portable Pool |
Moonfire Faire (2019)
Pumpkin Candlestand |
All Saints' Wake (2015)
Pumpkin Carriage |
All Saints' Wake (2019)
Pyrepods |
Level 24 Alchemist
Raised Wooden Deck |
Level 90 Carpenter
Red Brick Kitchen |
Level 80 Alchemist
Regal Letter Box |
Level 50★★★ Goldsmith
Retainer Cartonnier |
Level 31 Carpenter
Retainer Counter |
Level 39 Leatherworker
Rising Pillar |
The Rising (2016)
Riviera Garden Table Set |
Level 46 Carpenter
Riviera Lamppost |
Level 30 Blacksmith
Riviera Path Light |
Level 50★★★ Blacksmith
Riviera Striking Dummy |
Hunt Billmaster
Rose Wagon |
Valentione's Day (2018)
Round Garden Patch |
Purchased from Housing Merchant at Mist (x10,y10) for 3,000 gil.
Rounded Shrub |
Level 35 Alchemist
Sahagin Hanging Larder |
Purchased from Sahagin Vendor at Western La Noscea (x16,y22) for 21,780 gil.
Sahagin Living Lamp |
Purchased from Sahagin Vendor at Western La Noscea (x16,y22) for 26,136 gil.
Savage Arc of Triumph |
Level 50★★ Goldsmith
Seastone Brazier |
Scrip Exchange
Sephirot Root |
Level 60★★ Alchemist
Sephirot Tree |
Level 60★★★ Alchemist
Sharlayan Lamppost |
Shirogane Pinwheel |
Level 86 Goldsmith
Shishi-odoshi |
Level 60★★ Carpenter
Shroud Broadleaf |
Level 20 Alchemist
Simple Treehouse |
Hydatos Lockbox, Moisture-warped Lockbox
Smith's Show Window |
Level 80 Blacksmith
Snow Drift |
Starlight Celebration (2016)
Snow-dusted Tree |
Starlight Celebration (2020)
Snowman |
Moonfire Faire (2019)
Snowy Red Brick Bench |
Junkmonger, Housing Merchant
Standing Signboard |
Level 30 Carpenter
Star-topped Starlight Sentinel |
Starlight Celebration (2014)
Stepladder |
Level 30 Carpenter
Stone Vigil Beacon |
Level 45 Blacksmith
Straight Stepping Stones |
Level 33 Goldsmith
Straight Stepping Stumps |
Level 50★★ Carpenter
Stump Stool |
Level 13 Carpenter
Summer Bonfire |
Moonfire Faire (2022)
Sun-topped Starlight Sentinel |
Starlight Celebration (2014)
Sunflower Plot |
OIC Quartermaster
Sweet Lawn Ornaments |
The Excitatron 6000
Sylphic Lamp Tree |
Purchased from Sylphic Vendor at East Shroud (x22,y26) for 26,136 gil.
Sylphic Lamppost |
Purchased from Sylphic Vendor at East Shroud (x22,y26) for 21,780 gil.
Thavnairian Dhow |
Thavnairian Striking Dummy |
J'lakshai, Wilmetta
Tidal Wavesoul Fount |
Level 50★★★ Blacksmith
Titanic Cragsoul Lamp |
Level 50★★ Goldsmith
Topiary Carbuncle |
Level 55 Alchemist
Topiary Chocobo |
Level 55 Alchemist
Topiary Moogle |
Level 55 Alchemist
Topiary Paissa |
Level 55 Alchemist
Topiary Sabotender |
Level 55 Alchemist
Toro Lantern |
Housing Merchant, Housing Merchant, Housing Merchant, Housing Merchant
Toymaker's Show Window |
Level 80 Weaver
Turnkey's Cups |
Level 25 Alchemist
Ultimate Kettle |
Drake after Kettle to the Mettle
Ultimate Kettle Nexus |
Drake after Kettle to the Mettle
Ultimate Kettle Zenith |
Drake after Kettle to the Mettle
Unbreakable Rock |
Level 24 Alchemist
Vegetable Garden |
Level 78 Alchemist
Walnut Table |
Level 28 Carpenter
Water Bomb Stand |
Moonfire Faire (2020)
Water Lilies |
Level 41 Alchemist
Wavesoul Fount |
Level 50★★ Blacksmith
Weaponsmith's Stall |
Level 78 Blacksmith
Wild Banana Tree |
Level 50★★ Alchemist
Wind Chime Stand |
Moonfire Faire (2019)
Wooden Bucket |
Moonfire Faire (2014)
Wooden Deck |
Level 78 Carpenter
Wooden Footbridge |
Housing Merchant