- See also: Anima Weapons, Eurekan Weapons and Resistance Weapons
Relic Weapons are special fabled weapons that repeatedly appear in the Final Fantasy series. Each weapon is designed specifically and restricted to a certain job. Relic weapons either play a significant part in the lore for that job; or are the most powerful weapons for that job in previous Final Fantasy games. Once obtained, relic weapons can be upgraded through a series of difficult tasks, quests or rare items to potentially become the most powerful weapons in the game at the time. Although players refer to the quest-line weapons for all expansions as "Relic Weapons", the four stages between Atma Zodiac Weapons and Nexus Zodiac Weapons are labeled as "fabled relic weapons" officially in-game. However most players will refer to these as Zodiac Weapons. The last two stages (iLvl 125+) are referred to as "legendary Zodiac Braves weapons" in-game; but again are called Zodiac Weapons by players.
Replicas of the Relic Weapons (for glamour) can be purchased from Drake if you turn in a Zodiac Zeta Weapon as part of the Anima Weapon quest
Soul without Life.
Relic weapons from past expansions are not intended for combat use, but for cosmetic and collection purposes. Better weapons for the same player level include those that drop from raids and those that can be bought with
Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
"Eorzea has witnessed a resurgence of the old ways in recent days, as adventurers the realm over take up the ancient trades of warrior and dragoon, bard and black mage, and more. Now, it is the traditional weaponry of these old mantles that are sought, the means of their making long since lost to the ages. It would seem this longing for things past and old is not limited merely to the schools of war and magic. The reformation of Eorzea's Grand Companies was born of a longing in the hearts of the free peoples of Eorzea — a longing for the days of old and the peace they knew. It is a sentiment that has since spread to the realm's adventurers, guiding them toward the rediscovery of trades from a former age that had all but died out. Small wonder, then, that those who have mastered these ancient ways of battle and sorcery now seek the weapons of eld which will enable them to realize the truest expression of their newfound powers. Thus have adventurers begun their quest for the relics." — [FFXIV Lodestone Archive]
Unlike newer relics, most of the quests for the A Realm Reborn weapons are not repeatable. Instead, the player is given the instructions and the quest completes itself. After performing the steps, the required items can then be turned in to the vendor with the correct weapon in inventory. If the instructions need to be reviewed in-game, they can be found in the Completed section of the Journal.
Relic Weapons (iLvl 80)
- Main article: Relic Weapons/Quest
The original fabled relic weapons (item level 80). This is the starting block for all future Relic Weapons. To begin the quest for the first time speak with Nedrick Ironheart at Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan and acquire the quest
The Weaponsmith of Legend. For every Relic Weapon or job, you will need to complete a job-specific version of the quest
A Relic Reborn. You can also repurchase any Relic Weapon you have already created from the Calamity Salvager in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks, Old Gridania and Ul'dah Steps of Thal for
49,896 Gil: however you will need to repeat any tasks to upgrade your relic weapon again.
Zenith Relic Weapons (iLvl 90)
- Main article: Zenith Relic Weapons/Quest
An upgraded version of the original fabled relic weapons (item level 90). Zenith Relic Weapons used to be called "Relic Weapon +1" (e.g. "Bravura +1") but the name was changed to "Relic Weapon Zenith" (e.g. "Bravura Zenith") in patch 2.1. Unlike all other upgrades, upgrading to a Zenith Relic Weapon is extremely easy and simply involves 3
Thavnairian Mists. When upgraded at the furnace near Gerolt, Zenith Relic Weapons get a faint coloured glow (colour varies depending on weapon) when unsheathed.
Zenith Relic Weapons (iLvl 90)
Atma Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
- See also: Atma Zodiac Weapons/Quest
Introduced in Patch 2.28, the Atma Zodiac Weapons (item level 100) are the first of the Zodiac Weapons. Atma Zodiac Weapons share exactly the same stats as Zenith Relic Weapons; however it prepares the weapon and the player for the challenging tasks ahead. Jalzahn takes over from Gerolt as your new guide and weaponsmith. Your task for the quest
Up in Arms is to grind FATEs in various zones of Eorzea for items known as Atmas - which drop randomly upon successful completion of a FATE. When upgraded, Atma Zodiac Weapons will no longer glow when unsheathed and will have a minor color change.
Atma Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
Animus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
- See also: Animus Zodiac Weapons/Quest
Introduced in Patch 2.28, the Animus Zodiac Weapons (also item level 100) are the second of the Zodiac Weapons and the first with upgraded stats from Zenith Relic Weapons. Jalzahn wants you must recreate the valorous deeds of the Zodiac Braves, revered heroes in Thavnairian legend. This involves the quest
Trials of the Braves and has you completing specific dungeons, FATEs and levequests and killing specific monsters from nine "Trials of the Braves" Books. When upgraded, Animus Zodiac Weapons will get a bright coloured glow (colour varies depending on weapon) when unsheathed.
Animus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 100)
Novus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 110)
- See also: Novus Zodiac Weapons/Quest
Introduced in Patch 2.28, the Novus Zodiac Weapons (item level 110) are the third stage of the Zodiac Weapons and is unique for allowing players to customize their weapon. Jalzahn believes that your weapon may yet grow stronger through the power of materia but that that conventional melding will not work due to the preclusive presence of soul energy. Hubairtin is able to overcome this in the Side Quest
Celestial Radiance by converting the power of materia into a form of light energy. This leads you to the Side Quest
Star Light, Star Bright where you are able to customize your weapon by melding 75 different materias with
Alexandrite onto a Sphere Scroll. When upgraded, Novus Zodiac Weapons will glow bright yellow / gold when unsheathed.
Novus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 110)
Nexus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 115)
- See also: Nexus Zodiac Weapons/Quest
Introduced in Patch 2.38, the Nexus Zodiac Weapons (item level 115) are the fourth stage of the Zodiac Weapons. Jalzahn believes that the unattuned state of soul energy in your weapon is holding back its full potential. This time Jalzahn teams up with Gerolt to guide on your next step. In the Side Quest
Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics you must seal aethertight your weapon and attune its soul energy through normal use in dungeons, trials, FATEs, Treasure Hunts,
Mysterious Maps, and PvP. When upgraded, Nexus Zodiac Weapons will glow bright white when unsheathed.
Nexus Zodiac Weapons (iLvl 115)
Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)
- See also: Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest
Introduced in Patch 2.45, the Zodiac Braves Weapons (item level 125) are the fifth stage of the Zodiac Weapons and the first to be referred to in game as "legendary Zodiac Braves weapons". When upgraded, Zodiac Braves Weapons will change in looks and no longer glow.
Zodiac Braves Weapons (iLvl 125)
Zodiac Zeta Weapons (iLvl 135)
- See also: Zodiac Zeta Weapons/Quest
Introduced in Patch 2.51, the Zodiac Zeta Weapons (item level 135) are the sixth stage of the Zodiac Weapons. When upgraded, Zodiac Braves Weapons will have a special medium sized coloured glow pattern which differs with each weapon.
Zodiac Zeta Weapons (iLvl 135)
Relic Weapon Types
Weapon Tier |
iLvl |
Relic |
80 |
Zenith |
90 |
Atma |
100 |
Animus |
100 |
Novus |
110 |
Nexus |
115 |
Zodiac Braves |
125 |
Zodiac Zeta |
135 |