Stinging Back

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Stinging Back is a level 20 guildhest. It requires a light party of 4 players to initiate and intends to teach basic dungeon mechanics.

Reward: 2230 experience, 130 gil


In this guildhest, players will encounter groups of mobs that are standing still and groups of mobs that are roaming around. Wait for the patrolling Redbellies to pass by before engaging the static Redbellies. Be sure to pull static packs away from the patrolling ones. When fighting the groups of Redbelly outlaws, kill or sleep the Redbelly Chanters as soon as possible. Chanters are healers capable of healing the other Redbellies.

Redbelly Swarmpoint

Redbelly Swarmpoint is the end boss of the guildhest. Periodically, he will summon adds in the forms of archers and healers. Kill the adds as soon as possible, especially the Chanter healers.


A notorious band of outlaws known as the Redbelly Wasps is seeking to establish a new hideout near the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak.

Once the leader is attacked he will summon nearby allies to his aid, including powerful conjurers skilled in the arts of healing. Defeating these allies before engaging their leader will greatly increase your chance of success.