Illuminati Commander

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Illuminati Commander

Illuminati Commander is a Goblin in Brayflox's Longstop (Hard).


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Heavy darklight gauntlets icon1.png  Heavy Darklight Gauntlets Hands 70 CBlue 1
Hussars gloves icon1.png  Hussar's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight bracers of striking icon1.png  Darklight Bracers of Striking Hands 70 CBlue 1
Shikarees gloves icon1.png  Shikaree's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight gloves of casting icon1.png  Darklight Gloves of Casting Hands 70 CBlue 1
Pilgrims gloves icon1.png  Pilgrim's Gloves Hands 70 BGreen 1
Darklight sollerets icon1.png  Darklight Sollerets Feet 70 CBlue 1
Fistfighters jackboots icon1.png  Fistfighter's Jackboots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Shikarees boots icon1.png  Shikaree's Boots Feet 70 BGreen 1
Pilgrims shoes icon1.png  Pilgrim's Shoes Feet 70 BGreen 1


Zone Coordinates Level
Brayflox's Longstop (x??,y??) 50
