High Quality

High Quality (HQ) items are highlighted with a golden shine on the icon and with a symbol in text. All craftable gear and intermediate materials exist in HQ variants.
HQ items function the same as their normal (NQ) counterparts but convey extra benefits. They also provide double rewards when turned in for Grand Company supply missions and levequests.
HQ gear
HQ gear has much better stats than its normal (NQ) counterparts. NPC vendors only ever sell normal quality gear. The sole source of HQ gear for
gil is from other players via the Market Board. Players will also receive HQ
gear directly as well as via coffers from the Main Scenario Quests.
HQ materials
For each gathering attempt, there is a chance that the item gathered will be HQ. This chance is modifiable through specific actions.
When used in crafting, HQ items provide up to a 50% bonus to item quality, depending on how many HQ ingredients are used to craft it.