Courage the Cowardly Lupin
Courage the Cowardly Lupin
- Quest giver
- Fukudo
- Location
- Yanxia (X:30.9, Y:17.8)
- Level
- 64
- Required quest
All the Little Angels
- Experience
- Gil
- Next quest
Kurobana vs. the Rice Sacks
- Patch
- 4.0
“Fukudo would like you to lend him your ears.
— In-game description
- Lie in wait at the designated location.
- Find Kurobana.
- Rescue Kurobana.
- Report to Fukudo.
- Fukudo would like you to lend him your ears.
- Upon entering Namai, you are approached by a man named Fukudo. He tells you of the history of a family of Lupin that have long lived in the village, acting as its loyal protectors. However, what remains of the current generation of this family leaves something to be desired. Its strongest member having been recruited by the Garlean army, all that is left is a sickly mother and her powerless son, Kurobana. Fukudo asks if you would grant your succor to the young Lupin, hoping that he may become a capable warrior yet.
- You soon find the young Lupin and he is immediately aware of just who put you up to helping him. Kurobana points out to you that if he were a warrior, he would have long since been called upon by the Empire, as his brother was. Refusing to give up, you do your best to rally Kurobana's spirits.
- Kurobana remains less than enthused, even after your attempts to pick his spirits up, but he agrees to fight a nearby beast if only to convince you that you are wasting your time. He heads off in search of an opponent and you follow, eager to see his strength, or lack of, for yourself.
- Try though he might, Kurobana is easily overwhelmed by his foe of choice. It falls upon you to vanquish the monsters and save the young Lupin from suffering anything other than embarrassment.
- After you have taken care of the beasts, Kurobana thanks you, saying he hopes you now realize he is truly a lost cause. Clearly disheartened, the Lupin boy slowly makes his way back to Namai. You decide not to pursue Kurobana any further and report to Fukudo instead.
- Upon hearing your report, Fukudo realizes that Kurobana will likely never be a warrior of his brother's caliber. He instead theorizes that Kurobana's talents may lie elsewhere. Fukudo asks that you extend your stay in Namai and try to help the Lupin boy discover a new way he can contribute to the village.