F//εsh AbanΔon┨Δ
Revision as of 17:43, 24 December 2021 by JohnnySolas (talk | contribs)
F//εsh AbanΔon┨Δ
- Quest giver
- Coph-coodg
- Location
- Ultima Thule (X:22.1, Y:10.7)
- Quest line
- Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 89
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Roads Pαved││Sacri┣ice
- Next quest
Where Kn∞wledge Leads
- Patch
- 6.0
“Coph-coodg languidly awaits his brethren's arrival
— In-game description
- Speak with Coph-coodg.
- Wait at the designated location.
- Wait at the designated location again.
- Speak with Y'shtola.
- <sigh> I had no luck, but everyone else fared well enough. Quite a few Ea have awakened.
- Ah, there they are.
- May I introduce to you Lah-laakh, Dew-deekh, and Neh-needg.
- It has been too long, Coph-coodg. I daresay Sadr IV has since completed an orbit.
- Indeed. Until the travelers brought it to my attention, I hadn't noticed how unraveled some had become.
- Travelers...? Ah, of course, of course. The ones who wished to know why we seek to regain corporeal forms.
- The truth of the matter is as plain to see as the neighboring systems, but my single account would fail to satisfy the requirement for scientific objectivity. Thus did I bid them awaken you.
G'raha Tia:
- Am I the only one who struggles to tell who is speaking?
- Nay, thou art not. In the absence of corporeal forms and the divergence they afford, mayhap such similarity in voice is unavoidable.
- By the way, Coph-coodg─have you already observed the requisite custom for the travelers?
- That which one is expected to do when receiving guests. A matter of proper form.
- Ahhh, yes. So long has it been, it had completely escaped my mind...and still does. What was it again? I can't seem to remember...
- Neither do I. Pity. I was hoping you would...
- Perhaps we can search the archives for the answer.
- Come now, Neh-needg, the archives have long been frozen, lest we subject ourselves to further dolor. Surely you recall that much.
- ...Ah, of course. Food─the custom is to serve food.
- Beings of flesh such as they must regularly replenish their aether. By contributing to their replenishment, we communicate our friendly intention.
- That's right, that's right!
- We duly invite you to join us in communal repast, after which we may engage in leisurely conversation.
- If we have a chance to learn something, then I see no reason to decline.
- Excellent. If you would care to follow, we shall feast you on the purest aether.
- This facility is where we replenish our aether. There is no particular name for it, but we traditionalists sometimes use the word “restaurant.”
- Now then, if you would take your place with your comrades, the space will soon be awash with purest aether. Please absorb as much as you like.
- Just as I had suspected. As meticulously as one might recreate the Ea's home world, this is Ultima Thule. One cannot simply generate aether here.
- As recreations, our friends are oblivious to this fact. To the very truth of their existence. Much like the phantoms of the recreated Amaurot.
- However appearances may seem, we must ever be mindful that it is the memories of the dead with whom we deal.
- So, did you have your fill of aether?
- Alas, we couldn't absorb it. A deficiency in our forms, it would seem.
- Oh, how very unfortunate... May I ask how you normally replenish your aether?
- Through your mouths, you say! How very primitive and quaint!
- To think that their mouths serve not only to expel sound, but draw in sustenance besides... Such life-forms have long since vanished from our systems!
- Though we regrettably could not partake of your magnificent feast, rest assured we feel your welcome most keenly.
- In the course of acquainting ourselves with your sophisticated ways, however, we could not fail but wonder: wherefore do you wish to obtain vessels of flesh, and thence to vanish? Will you not favor us with an explanation?
- You flesh-and-blood beings are always so hasty. It does have its charm, however...
- Very well, we shall indulge you. In the beginning, when the Ea yet possessed corporeal bodies, our ancestors dedicated themselves to the pursuit of knowledge and technological advancement.
- By transcending all limitations, we believed we would eliminate sorrow and abide in true happiness.
- From the tangible such as land to the intangible such as labor, there exist myriad hindrances to progress. But the most confining of all was the flesh itself.
- Our natural lifespan was distressingly middling, you see. Too short to enjoy unhurried lives, yet too long to be considered disposable.
- Furthermore, to simply maintain the integrity of our bodies demanded considerable resources.
- But we managed to solve this problem.
- After long years, we discovered how to become noncorporeal entities with everlasting lives, untroubled by the failures of the flesh.
- Thus changed, we had more time and freedom to continue our scientific pursuits.
- We went on to make ever greater strides in our quest to transcend all limitations, until we finally decided to challenge the last of them all: the limit of knowledge.
- That is to say, deciphering the laws of creation.
- We sought to discover how the universe came into being and explain all extant phenomena, and thence predict the future.
- If we could but achieve this, we believed that we would be free from uncertainty and anxiety.
- And did you find the answers you sought?
- Yes, we did. Our efforts revealed to us a fundamental truth.
- Knowledge of said truth is essential for the continuation of our conversation. If you would learn more, we will share it with you.
- No, we mustn't. Primitive as they are, it would be unspeakably cruel to deprive them of their ignorance.
- They are possessed of corporeal forms, their lives readily ended.
- As those who have gone before, is it not our duty to warn them?
- What thinkest thou...?
- We have deliberated and come to a consensus.
- If you are resolved to know it, we will disclose to you the truth we discovered. The truth of the universe.
- Seek us at the stone pillars just outside the bounds of the abode. A place called Elegeia.
- A fundamental truth...
- We will hear it, of course. Let us learn what has led such an enlightened people to this indolent end.