Handsaint's and Landsaint's Gear

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Revision as of 22:53, 23 October 2021 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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See also: Level 80 Gear Guide and Handsaint's and Landsaint's Tools


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Handsaint's Beret Handsaints beret icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Head 495 866 0 Control +227, CP +8
Handsaint's Fingerless Gloves Handsaints fingerless gloves icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Hands 495 866 0 Control +227, CP +8
Handsaint's Jacket Handsaints jacket icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Body 693 1213 0 Craftsmanship +711, Control +227, CP +5
Handsaint's Shoes Handsaints shoes icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Feet 495 866 0 Craftsmanship +47, Control +227
Handsaint's Tool Belt Handsaints tool belt icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Waist 429 751 0 Control +227
Handsaint's Trousers Handsaints trousers icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Legs 693 1213 0 Craftsmanship +47, Control +227
Landsaint's Bandana Landsaints bandana icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Head 495 866 0 Vitality +81, Perception +476
Landsaint's Boots Landsaints boots icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Feet 495 866 0 Vitality +81, Gathering +24, Perception +238
Landsaint's Breeches Landsaints breeches icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Legs 693 1213 0 Vitality +131, Gathering +238, Perception +24, GP +7
Landsaint's Coat Landsaints coat icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Body 693 1213 0 Vitality +131, Gathering +476, Perception +238, GP +7
Landsaint's Gloves Landsaints gloves icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Hands 495 866 0 Vitality +81, Gathering +357, GP +7
Landsaint's Survival Belt Landsaints survival belt icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Waist 429 751 0 Perception +119


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Handsaint's Bracelets Handsaints bracelets icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Craftsmanship +47, CP +67
Handsaint's Earrings Handsaints earrings icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Craftsmanship +47, CP +67
Handsaint's Necklace Handsaints necklace icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Craftsmanship +47, CP +67
Handsaint's Ring Handsaints ring icon1.png 80 500 Crafting Classes Ring 1 1 0 Control +91, CP +35
Landsaint's Bracelets Landsaints bracelets icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 GP +87
Landsaint's Earrings Landsaints earrings icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Earrings 1 1 0 GP +87
Landsaint's Necklace Landsaints necklace icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Necklace 1 1 0 GP +87
Landsaint's Ring Landsaints ring icon1.png 80 500 Gathering Classes Ring 1 1 0 GP +45