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border-color:#86A986; } .table.debuff > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd), .table > tbody > tr.debuff:nth-child(odd) { background-color:#E5F2E5; } /* crafting */ /* recipe */ .table.crafting > :first-child > tr:first-child, .table.crafting > tbody > tr.heading, .table.crafting > :first-child > tr:first-child > *, .table.crafting > tbody > tr.heading > *, .table.recipe > :first-child > tr:first-child, .table.recipe > tbody > tr.heading, .table.recipe > :first-child > tr:first-child > *, .table.recipe > tbody > tr.heading > * { background-color:#A68151 !important; border-color:#856741 !important; } .table.crafting > tbody > tr > th, .table.crafting > tfoot > tr > th, .table.crafting > thead > tr > th, table.table > tbody > tr.crafting > th, .table.recipe > tbody > tr > th, .table.recipe > tfoot > tr > th, .table.recipe > thead > tr > th, table.table > tbody > tr.recipe > th { background-color:#D3C0A8; border-color:#A99A86; } .table.crafting > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd), .table > tbody > tr.crafting:nth-child(odd), .table.recipe > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd), .table > tbody > tr.recipe:nth-child(odd) { background-color:#F2ECE5; } /* Action tables */ .table.actions, .table.traits { width:100%; max-width:1000px; display:table; } .table.actions > :first-child > tr:first-child ~ tr th[colspan], .table.traits > :first-child > tr:first-child ~ tr th[colspan] { text-align:left; } .table.actions > :first-child > tr:first-child ~ tr th[colspan] span.editsection, .table.traits > :first-child > tr:first-child ~ tr th[colspan] span.editsection { display:none; } .table.actions > :first-child > tr:first-child ~ tr th[colspan] h4, .table.traits > :first-child > tr:first-child ~ tr th[colspan] h4 { margin-top:5px !important; margin-bottom:5px !important; } /* Using : lists within tables */ /* no top/bottom margin in these tables */ .table.fm dl, .table.craftvariants dl { margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0; } /* no left margin when used purely for structure within these tables */ .table.locations dd, .table.fm dd, table.craftvariants dd { margin-left:0; } /* restore margin if it's actually being used as a definition list */ .table.locations dl > dt ~ dd { margin-left:2em; } /* Using * lists within combo tables */ .table.combo ul { margin:0.15em 0; } .table.combo li { display:block; } /** INFOBOXES **/ div.infobox-n{ float:right; position:relative; width:300px; background:#FFF; font-size:.923em; border:1px solid #AAA; margin:0 0 1em 1em; padding:0; } div.infobox, div.nav .box { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr=#ffffffff,EndColorStr=#ffeeeeee); background-image:linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #eee 100%); background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #eee 100%); background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #eee 100%); background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #eee 100%); background-image:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #eee 100%); background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #fff), color-stop(1, #eee)); } div.infobox-n .icon { float:right; position:relative; z-index:2; width:auto; margin:5px; } div.infobox-n .icon p { text-align:center; color:#444; font-size:9px!important; background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5); border-radius:.75em; line-height:1em; margin:.25em -.5em; padding:2px; } div.infobox-n .wrapper { clear:both; padding:0; } div.infobox-n .statistics, div.infobox-n .details { text-align:center; margin:0 8px; } div.statistics span + span, div.details span + span { margin-left:5px; } div.infobox-n .heading, div.nav .heading { font-weight:700; background-image:url("/mediawiki/images/b/b3/Box_overlay.png") !important; text-align:center; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.25); border-bottom-width:0; position:relative; z-index:1; font-size-adjust:.52; margin:-1px -1px 5px!important; } div.infobox-n .heading { font-family:EasonPro, "Times New Roman", serif!important; font-size:1.417em!important; color:#fff!important; background-color:#444; text-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.75) 0 0 .25em; line-height:1.176em; font-size-adjust:.43; padding:.5em!important; } div.infobox-n .subheading, div.nav .subheading { font-weight:700; background-color:#888; background-image:url("/mediawiki/images/b/b3/Box_overlay.png")!important; 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position:absolute; width:100%; left:0; height:3px; background-image:url("/mediawiki/images/4/45/Shadow_after.png"); background-size:100% 3px; } div.infobox-n::after, div.nav .box::after { bottom:-4px; } div.infobox-n .heading::after, div.nav .heading::after, div.infobox-n .subheading::after, div.nav .subheading::after, .table::after { bottom:-3px; } /* Remove after shadow for tables that have been centered, otherwise the shadow spans the entire page */ .table[class*=center]::after, .table.noshadowafter::after { background-image:none; } div.infobox-n table, div.nav table { background-color:transparent; } div.infobox-n.healer-role dd, div.infobox-n.healer-role dt { border-color:#2a491d!important; } div.infobox-n.healer-role .heading, div.infobox-n.healer-role .subheading { background-color:#3c6829!important; } div.infobox-n.tanker-role dd, div.infobox-n.tanker-role dt { border-color:#4871a0!important; } div.infobox-n.tanker-role .heading, div.infobox-n.tanker-role .subheading { background-color:#5587c1!important; } div.infobox-n.dps-role dd, div.infobox-n.dps-role dt { border-color:#9a4848 !important; } div.infobox-n.dps-role .heading, div.infobox-n.dps-role .subheading { background-color:#bb6363 !important; } div.infobox-n.pet-role dd, div.infobox-n.pet-role dt { border-color:#479e91 !important; } div.infobox-n.pet-role .heading, div.infobox-n.pet-role .subheading { background-color:#5fb7aa !important; } div.infobox-n.crafting-role dd, div.infobox-n.crafting-role dt { border-color:#777d9e!important; } div.infobox-n.crafting-role .heading, div.infobox-n.crafting-role .subheading { background-color:#878eb5!important; } div.infobox-n.gathering-role dd, div.infobox-n.gathering-role dt { border-color:#5a8019!important } div.infobox-n.gathering-role .heading, div.infobox-n.gathering-role .subheading { background-color:#78a923!important } div.infobox-n.mixed-role dd, div.infobox-n.mixed-role dt { border-color:#ac8920!important; } div.infobox-n.mixed-role .heading, div.infobox-n.mixed-role .subheading { background-color:#deb94e!important; } div.infobox-n.buff dd, div.infobox-n.buff dt { border-color:#399!important; } div.infobox-n.buff .heading, div.infobox-n.buff .subheading { background-color:#399!important; } div.infobox-n.debuff dd, div.infobox-n.debuff dt { border-color:#363!important; } div.infobox-n.debuff .heading, div.infobox-n.debuff .subheading { background-color:#363!important; } div.infobox-n.mount dd, div.infobox-n.mount dt { border-color:#b042bd!important; } div.infobox-n.mount .heading, div.infobox-n.mount .subheading { background-color:#cf72da!important; } div.infobox-n.armor dd, div.infobox-n.weapon dd, div.infobox-n.trinket dd, div.infobox-n.item dd, div.infobox-n.armor dt, div.infobox-n.weapon dt, div.infobox-n.trinket dt, div.infobox-n.item dt { border-color:#C30; } div.infobox-n.armor .heading, div.infobox-n.weapon .heading, div.infobox-n.trinket .heading, div.infobox-n.item .heading, div.infobox-n.armor .subheading, div.infobox-n.weapon .subheading, div.infobox-n.trinket .subheading, div.infobox-n.item .subheading { background:#C30; } div.infobox-n.skin dd, div.infobox-n.skin dt { border-color:#C4003E; } div.infobox-n.skin .heading, div.infobox-n.skin .subheading { background:#C4003E; } div.infobox-n.recipe { width:300px; display:inline-block; float:none; clear:none; vertical-align:top; font-size:1em; margin:0 1em 1em 0; } div.infobox-n.recipe .heading, div.infobox-n.recipe .subheading { font-size:1.133em; background:#533610; } div.infobox-n.recipe .wrapper { padding:0 10px; } div.infobox-n.crafting .heading, div.infobox-n.crafting .subheading { background:#533610; } div.infobox-n.crafting dd, div.infobox-n.recipe dd, div.infobox-n.crafting dt, div.infobox-n.recipe dt { border-color:#533610; } div.infobox-n.npc dd, div.infobox-n.npc dt { border-color:#390; } div.infobox-n.npc .heading, div.infobox-n.npc .subheading { background:#390; } div.infobox-n.action dd, div.infobox-n.action dt { border-color:#999; } div.infobox-n.trait dd, div.infobox-n.trait dt { border-color:#bb7639; } div.infobox-n.trait .heading, div.infobox-n.trait .subheading { background:#444; } div.infobox-n.trait .heading, div.infobox-n.trait .subheading { background:#ce8d54; } /* CUSTOM: Overwritten with STFI - div.infobox-n.action .icon > div { border:2px solid #111; } */ div.infobox-n.effect .debuff { background:#363; } div.infobox-n.effect .buff { background:#399; } div.infobox-n.pet dd, div.infobox-n.pet dt { border-color:#360; } div.infobox-n.pet .heading, div.infobox-n.pet .subheading { background:#360; } div.infobox-n.quest dd, div.infobox-n.quest dt { border-color:#eea63a; } div.infobox-n.quest .heading, div.infobox-n.quest .subheading { background:#efaa43; } div.infobox-n.duty dd, div.infobox-n.duty dt { border-color:#fb6537; } div.infobox-n.duty .heading, div.infobox-n.duty .subheading { background:#fb6537; } div.infobox-n.fate dd, div.infobox-n.fate dt { border-color:#bd50d7; } div.infobox-n.fate .heading, div.infobox-n.fate .subheading { background:#9334be; } div.infobox-n.area dd, div.infobox-n.area dt { border-color:#306; } div.infobox-n.area .heading, div.infobox-n.area .subheading { background:#306; } /** NAV BARS (headings are done with infobox headings) **/ div.nav { position:relative; width:500px; margin:auto; } div.nav .box { position:relative; font-size:.9230769231em; border-spacing:0; overflow:visible; min-height:60px; border:1px solid #AAA; margin:5px; padding:0; } div.nav .heading { font-family:Arial, sans-serif!important; background-color:#888; font-size:1.083em; line-height:100%; margin:-1px -1px 0; padding:.769em 0; } div.nav .subheading { font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:1em; font-size-adjust:.52; padding:.833em 0; } .nav .selflink { font-weight:bold; } div.nav dt, div.nav dd, div.infobox-n dt, div.infobox-n dd, div.nav table { line-height:1.4em; /* CUSTOM (OLD: 1.667em) */ } div.nav .center { text-align:center; margin:10px 0; } div.nav .box table { background-color:transparent; border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; margin:.667em 0; } div.nav dt { float:left; text-align:right; width:125px; clear:left; border-right:2px solid #999; margin:0 -2px 0 0; padding:2px 8px; 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} div.nav.hom dd, div.nav.hom dt, div.nav.hom table th { border-color:#C96; } div.nav.crafting .heading, div.nav.recipe .heading { background-color:#963; } div.nav.crafting dd, div.nav.hom dt, div.nav.crafting table th, div.nav.recipe dd, div.nav.hom dt, div.nav.recipe table th { border-color:#963; } div.nav.monsters .heading, div.nav.monsters .subheading { background-color:#6C3; } div.nav.monsters dd, div.nav.monsters dt, div.nav.monsters table th { border-color:#6C3; } div.nav.duty .heading, div.nav.duty .subheading { background-color:#fb6537; } div.nav.duty dd, div.nav.duty dt, div.nav.duty table th { border-color:#fb6537; } div.nav.whatever20 dd, div.nav.whatever20 dt, div.nav.whatever20 table th { border-color:#D25D6B; } div.nav.whatever1 .heading, div.nav.whatever1 .subheading { background-color:#39C; } div.nav.whatever1 dd, div.nav.whatever1 dt, div.nav.whatever1 table th { border-color:#39C; } div.nav.whatever2 .heading, div.nav.whatever2 .subheading { background-color:#C23F3A; 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border-radius:0; } #mainpagenavigation th, div.infobox-n .heading, div.infobox-n .subheading, div.nav .heading, div.nav .subheading { color:#000!important; text-shadow:none!important; border-width:0!important; } table.table > :first-child > tr:first-child, table.table > :first-child > tr:first-child > *, .table > tbody > tr > * { border:1px solid #000!important; } .table { border-collapse:collapse!important; } } /* Hiding icon redlinks */ span.thumb-icon a.new { color:transparent; display:inline-block; font:0/0 a; overflow:hidden; vertical-align:middle; } /* Item icons */ span.thumb-icon.item-icon.small a.new { background-image:url("/images/thumb/7/74/action.png/20px-action.png"); height:20px; width:20px; } span.thumb-icon.item-icon.medium a.new { background-image:url("/images/thumb/7/74/action.png/35px-action.png"); height:35px; width:35px; } /* Infobox icons */ div.infobox-icon a.new { color:transparent; display:inline-block; font:0/0 a; overflow:hidden; vertical-align:middle; background-image:url("/images/thumb/7/74/action.png/40px-action.png"); height:40px; width:40px; } div.action-infobox-icon a.new { color:transparent; display:inline-block; font:0/0 a; overflow:hidden; vertical-align:middle; background-image:url("/images/thumb/7/74/action.png/48px-action.png"); height:48px; width:48px; } /* Attribute prefix spacing (usually in infoboxes) */ .prefixwrapper dl { margin: 0; } /* action icons */ /* These will require more work since the template takes a continuous size parameter, rather than discrete size values */ *+html span.thumb-icon a.new { display: inline; } /* IE7 fix */ * html span.thumb-icon a.new { display: inline; } /* IE6 fix */ /* Inline icons */ /* div is used by [[Template:Icon]] */ div.inline-icon { display:inline-block; bottom:2px; overflow:visible; height:1.5384615385em; margin:0 0.167em; } /* span is used by [[Template:Effect icon]] */ span.inline-icon { display:inline-block; bottom:2px; overflow:visible; height:1.5384615385em; } /* Masthead links */ #upperBar { position:absolute; top:0; left:156px; height:30px; z-index:4; font-size-adjust:0.52; } #upperBar ul { padding:0px; margin:0px; list-style:none; } #upperBar ul li { margin:0; padding:0px; display:inline-block; font-family:"EasonPro","Times New Roman","serif"; } #upperBar ul li a { color:#F1F9E2; text-transform:uppercase; font-size:12px; padding:8px 10px; line-height:2.6; } #upperBar ul li a:hover { text-decoration:none; color:white; } #upperBar ul li:first-child a:hover { background:url(/images/c/c7/Masthead_hover_background.png) no-repeat 0 -30px; background-position:-121px -30px; } #upperBar ul li:first-child+li a:hover { background:url(/images/c/c7/Masthead_hover_background.png) no-repeat 0 -30px; background-position:-206px -30px; } #upperBar ul li:first-child+li+li a:hover { background:url(/images/c/c7/Masthead_hover_background.png) no-repeat 0 -30px; background-position:-274px -30px; } /** Restore sort icons for sortable table headers **/ /* These are inserted as CSS background-image, which clashes with our fancy gradient overlays */ table.jquery-tablesorter th.headerSort { background-image:url(); background-image:url(/resources/jquery/images/sort_both.gif?2012-12-04T21:08:20Z)!ie; padding:0.5em; padding-right:21px; } table.jquery-tablesorter th.headerSortDown { background-image:url(); background-image:url(/resources/jquery/images/sort_down.gif?2012-12-04T21:08:20Z)!ie; } table.jquery-tablesorter th.headerSortUp { background-image:url(); background-image:url(/resources/jquery/images/sort_up.gif?2012-12-04T21:08:20Z)!ie; } /* And finally jquery overlays for tables that also use .table classes (two background images) */ table.table.jquery-tablesorter th.headerSort { background-image:url(), url("/mediawiki/images/b/b3/Box_overlay.png"); background-image:url(/resources/jquery/images/sort_both.gif?2012-12-04T21:08:20Z)!ie; background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat; background-position:100% 50%, 0% 0%; } table.table.jquery-tablesorter th.headerSortDown { background-image:url(), url("/mediawiki/images/b/b3/Box_overlay.png"); background-image:url(/resources/jquery/images/sort_down.gif?2012-12-04T21:08:20Z)!ie; background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat; background-position:100% 50%, 0% 0%; } table.table.jquery-tablesorter th.headerSortUp { background-image:url(), url("/mediawiki/images/b/b3/Box_overlay.png"); background-image:url(/resources/jquery/images/sort_up.gif?2012-12-04T21:08:20Z)!ie; background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat; background-position:100% 50%, 0% 0%; } /* Recipe boxes that don't look like infoboxes */ div.recipe-box { /* from div.infobox-n.recipe */ min-width:300px; display:inline-block; float:none; clear:none; vertical-align:top; font-size:1em; margin:0 1em 0 0; /* from div.infobox-n*/ position:relative; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #AAA; padding:0; /* from div.infobox, div.nav .box */ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr=#FFFFFFFF,EndColorStr=#FFEEEEEE); background-image:linear-gradient(top,#FFF 0%,#EEE 100%); background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top,#FFF 0%,#EEE 100%); background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#FFF 0%,#EEE 100%); background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#FFF 0%,#EEE 100%); 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display: inline-block; padding: 0 8px; line-height: 1.45em; } .dialog-box.golden-warning, .dialog-box.golden-warning a, .dialog-box.golden-warning a.new, .dialog-box.golden-warning a:visited, .dialog-box.golden-warning a.new:visited { text-shadow: 0 0.02em 0.2em #dc8809; color: #ffecb3; } .dialog-box.quest-milestone, .dialog-box.quest-milestone a.new, .dialog-box.quest-milestone a.new:visited { text-shadow: 0 0.02em 0.2em #33adff; color: #dbe5ff; } .dialog-box.quest-milestone a, .dialog-box.quest-milestone a:visited { text-shadow: 0 0.02em 0.2em #222; color: #eee; } .dialog-box:before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: -1; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #222; opacity: 0.9; border-radius: 10px; filter: blur(0.11em); } .dialog-box.quest-milestone:before { background-color: #0047a3; } /* Recipe characteristics */ .recipe-box .characteristics { margin-top: -10px; } /* Item rarity */ .rarity { font-weight: bold; } .rarity.white, .rarity.basic { color: black; 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border-left: 1px solid #f63; } .armor-defense-stats th:nth-child(2) { background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffece5, transparent); } .weapon-damage-stats td, .armor-defense-stats td { background: #fff8f5; } .weapon-damage-stats td:nth-child(1), .armor-defense-stats td:nth-child(1) { border-left: 1px solid #f63; } .weapon-damage-stats td:nth-child(3), .armor-defense-stats td:nth-child(2) { background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fff8f5, #fff); } .equipment-footer { font-size: 0.98em; margin-top: 6px; } .equipment-footer .adv-melding { color: #ea3e69; } .equipment-footer .equip-props { font-weight: bold; color: #666; } .equipment-footer .equip-props .equip-prop.no { color: #bababa; text-decoration: line-through; font-weight: normal; } .equipment-footer .equip-props .equip-prop.yes { color: #090; font-weight: normal; } /* Item statistics */ .infobox-n .statistics.item, .infobox-n .statistics.weapon { background-color: #ffece5; border-bottom: 1px solid #ffdacc; border-top: 1px solid #ffc7b3; padding-left: 2em; margin:0; } .infobox-n .statistics.item.empty, .infobox-n .statistics.weapon.empty { border: none; } .infobox-n .statistics.item .characteristic, .infobox-n .statistics.weapon .characteristic { font-size: 82%; font-weight: bold; } .infobox-n .statistics .unique { color: #b39e42; } .infobox-n .statistics .untradable { color: #31b434; } /* Mount details */ .infobox-n .details.mount { background-color: #fce5ff; border-bottom: 1px solid #f9ccff; border-top: 1px solid #f6b3ff; padding-left: 2em; margin:0; } .infobox-n .details.mount.empty { border: none; } .infobox-n .details.mount .characteristic { font-size: 82%; font-weight: bold; } /* NPC statistics */ .infobox-n .statistics.hunt { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-size: 0.9em; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #333; } .infobox-n .statistics.hunt.rank-a { background: linear-gradient(to right, #fd2424, #fffdbc); border-bottom: 1px solid #ffcc80; border-top: 1px solid #ffad33; margin:0; } .infobox-n .statistics.hunt.rank-b { background: linear-gradient(to right,#009e81,#d8fdf6); 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