Endwalker will be the fourth expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, after Shadowbringers. It is planned to be released in Fall 2021.
Endwalker will complete the Hydaelyn/Zodiark saga, and will begin a new saga.
- New jobs: Sage (Healer), ???? (Melee DPS).
- Level cap increase to 90
- Island Sanctuary
- New Locations: Radz-at-han (City), Thavnair, Garlemald, the Moon, and other unannounced areas.
- New Dungeons
- New Raids: Pandaemonium (8-player raid series), ???? (24-player alliance raid series)
- Both raid series will be FFXIV originals; they will not be crossovers.
- New Primal: Anima
- New Trust NPC: Estinien
- Gold Saucer update
- New Residential District: Ishgard
- New small-scale PvP mode
- Stat Squish
- Belts removed
- Data Center Travel
- PlayStation 5 version
Additional information will be announced at the digital Fan Festival on May 15th and 16th, 2021.