Shield/Level 71 - 80

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Revision as of 16:46, 12 August 2020 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Lakeland Kite Shield Lakeland kite shield icon1.png 71 390 GLA, PLD 1398 1398 0 Strength +109, Vitality +122, Critical Hit +96, Tenacity +67
Deepgold Shield Deepgold shield icon1.png 72 395 GLA, PLD 1281 1281 0 Strength +100, Vitality +113, Critical Hit +62, Determination +88
Fae Shield Fae shield icon1.png 73 400 GLA, PLD 1447 1447 0 Strength +114, Vitality +129, Determination +70, Tenacity +100
Bluespirit Tower Shield Bluespirit tower shield icon1.png 74 403 GLA, PLD 1316 1316 0 Strength +103, Vitality +117, Critical Hit +91, Skill Speed +64
Ravel Keeper's Shield Ravel keepers shield icon1.png 75 406 GLA, PLD 1513 1513 0 Strength +116, Vitality +130, Critical Hit +72, Tenacity +103
Titanbronze Tower Shield Titanbronze tower shield icon1.png 76 409 GLA, PLD 1473 1473 0 Strength +105, Vitality +117, Determination +67, Tenacity +95
Nabaath Shield Nabaath shield icon1.png 77 412 GLA, PLD 1760 1760 0 Strength +118, Vitality +130, Determination +76, Skill Speed +108
Dwarven Mythril Shield Dwarven mythril shield icon1.png 78 415 GLA, PLD 1696 1696 0 Strength +107, Vitality +117, Critical Hit +70, Tenacity +100
Shield of the Forgiven Shield of the forgiven icon1.png 79 418 GLA, PLD 2008 2008 0 Strength +120, Vitality +131, Determination +114, Tenacity +80
Weathered Srivatsa Weathered srivatsa icon1.png 80 430 PLD 2145 2145 0 Strength +125, Vitality +131, Determination +83, Tenacity +118
Ronkan Kite Shield Ronkan kite shield icon1.png 80 440 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +129, Vitality +132, Critical Hit +120, Tenacity +84
Dominus Shield Dominus shield icon1.png 80 450 GLA, PLD 1980 1980 0 Strength +122, Vitality +127, Determination +78, Tenacity +112
The King's Shield The kings shield icon1.png 80 450 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +136, Vitality +141, Critical Hit +124, Determination +87
Augmented Dominus Shield Augmented dominus shield icon1.png 80 460 GLA, PLD 1980 1980 0 Strength +129, Vitality +136, Determination +81, Tenacity +115
Deepshadow Shield Deepshadow shield icon1.png 80 460 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +143, Vitality +151, Critical Hit +128, Determination +90
Eulabeia Eulabeia icon1.png 80 465 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +147, Vitality +157, Determination +130, Tenacity +91
Augmented Deepshadow Shield Augmented deepshadow shield icon1.png 80 470 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +151, Vitality +162, Critical Hit +132, Determination +92
Edengrace Shield Edengrace shield icon1.png 80 475 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +155, Vitality +167, Critical Hit +93, Determination +133
Ultimate Ancile Ultimate ancile icon1.png 80 475 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +155, Vitality +167, Critical Hit +93, Determination +133
Neo-Ishgardian Shield Neo-ishgardian shield icon1.png 80 480 GLA, PLD 1980 1980 0 Strength +143, Vitality +155, Critical Hit +122, Tenacity +85
Ruby Scutum Ruby scutum icon1.png 80 485 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +164, Vitality +178, Critical Hit +136, Determination +95
Tenacity Tenacity icon1.png 80 485 PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +164, Vitality +178, Determination +95, Tenacity +136
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Shield Augmented neo-ishgardian shield icon1.png 80 490 GLA, PLD 1980 1980 0 Strength +151, Vitality +166, Critical Hit +124, Tenacity +86
Crystarium Kite Shield Crystarium kite shield icon1.png 80 490 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +168, Vitality +184, Determination +138, Tenacity +96
Augmented Crystarium Kite Shield Augmented crystarium kite shield icon1.png 80 500 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +176, Vitality +196, Determination +141, Tenacity +98
Edenchoir Scutum Edenchoir scutum icon1.png 80 505 GLA, PLD 2200 2200 0 Strength +181, Vitality +202, Critical Hit +142, Determination +100