Castrum Lacus Litore

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Revision as of 03:45, 29 October 2020 by Feronar (talk | contribs) (Added Adrammelech strats)
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Castrum Lacus Litore is a special engagement that takes place on a separate map and serves as the "finale" to the Bozjan Southern Front. Available after reaching Resistance Rank 10 and completing the prerequisite quests, it is a raid dungeon that allows up to a maximum of 48 players, and is accessed in the same way as a critical engagement. When it pops, click the Register button in the Resistance Recruitment list, and if you are selected, click Commence. Defeating bosses within Castrum Lacus Litore grants Bozjan Coins, which can be exchanged for special armor sets.



Castrum Lacus Litore is designed for a maximum of 48 players, however it is possible to beat it with significantly fewer than that. The time limit starts at 20 minutes, and is extended by 10 minutes each time a boss encounter is completed, as well as on completion of the prisoner rescue event.

Breaching the Front Gate

Split the raid into two roughly equal groups, with one going up the ladders to the side to face Brionac, and the other going down to face the 4th Legion Helldiver in two separate, simultaneous fights. Both bosses will need to be engaged simultaneously, or else they will enrage and wipe the raid. Also, both bosses need to be killed at roughly the same time, so both groups need to communicate and coordinate with each other, and each needs to be prepared to slow or stop DPS if they get too far ahead of the other group.

Brionac (Upper boss)

4th Legion Helldiver (Lower boss)

In addition to actually killing the boss, you will need to protect the Tunnel Armor (drill tank) while it demolishes the main gate to the Castrum. Important mechanics are as follows:

  • Magitek Missiles: Tank buster. Mitigate.
  • Chain Cannon: Line AoE targeting random player. Do not stand directly between the boss and the Tunnel Armor, or else the Tunnel Armor may get caught in the AoE and take damage.
  • Command: Chain Cannon: Adds fire line AoEs targeting random player. Like regular Chain Cannon, but fired by adds instead of boss. Aim away from Tunnel Armor.
  • Command: Lateral Dive: Multiple simultaneous blue rectangular telegraphs. Soak them, or the Tunnel Armor will take damage.
  • Dive Formation: 3 blue rectangular telegraphs spawning one after another. Watch the spawn order and soak in order. This hits harder than Lateral Dive.
  • Command: Suppressive Formation: Adds appear along sides of room. They display rectangular AoE telegraphs covering most of the room, then charge cardinally (Not diagonally) across the room, so stay out of the way.
  • Infrared Blast: Adds create orange tethers to the Tunnel Armor. Players must stand in and intercept the tethers.

The boss will keep using these mechanics throughout the fight. When the boss is killed, adds will spawn infinitely until the other team kills the upper boss, so again, coordinate with the upper boss team to make sure both bosses go down at roughly the same time.

Prisoner Rescue Event

Albeleo the Maleficent

Rescuing the Prisoners


The main gimmick of this fight is called Curse of the Fiend, in which the boss will summon orbs of a given elemental aspect, which will float together. When they collide, they will set off certain mechanics that you need to handle. Not all of the orb types will be used in any given battle, and the ones you get are random for each instance of Castrum Lacus Litore.

  • Fire: Press ESC to untarget the boss, and cease all movement and actions. This includes autoattacking.
  • Ice: Move and keep moving until it finishes going off.
  • Lightning: A giant AoE will go off in the center of the room. Move to the edges.
  • Earth: Cascading concentric donut AoEs. Move and dodge them.
  • Wind: Donut AoE on the outer edge of the room. Get to the center.
  • Water: Knockback from the center to the edge. Get to the center to avoid being knocked into the bad stuff at the edge.

Please note that telegraphs will only be shown the first time each type of orb goes off. You will need to memorize what each type of orb does for any subsequent uses. At first, only one type of orb will go off at a time, but later, 2 will go off at a time, requiring you to handle 2 orb mechanics simultaneously.

Other mechanics include:

  • Burst II: Boss summons multiple blue orbs tethered to each other in a chain, with a giant AoE at the end of the chain. Get to the opposite side of the room from that last orb.
  • Tornadoes: Multiple tornadoes summoned. Don't stand in them, and don't be in the way when they move.
  • Meteor: Kill the Arcane Sphere adds quickly, or else the meteor will hit the arena, causing a wipe.

Dawon and Lyon


Lyon the Beast King


After defeating bosses within Castrum Lacus Litore, loot chests will appear, which you can loot for the rewards. It is important to note that Castrum Lacus Litore uses Personal Loot, so you have to be sure to click and loot each chest yourself. A perfect run with all bosses slain and all 6 prisoners rescued will grant a total of 26 Bozjan Coins. Loot chests are available at three points within the Castrum:

  • After completing the front gate encounters, the Tunnel Armor will demolish the inner door, granting access to the next part of the Castrum and the first loot chest. This chest contains 5 Bozjan Coins.
  • After defeating Adralomelech, there will be loot chest up ahead containing 5 Bozjan Coins. There will also be additional chests, 1 for every prisoner you saved during the Prisoner Rescue event, up to 6. These extra chests each contain 1 Bozjan Coin and possibly some other loot, such as a fragment (Need to confirm).
  • Defeating Dawon and Lyon, the final encounter, will spawn the final chest, which contains 10 Bozjan Coins.

Bozjan Coins can be exchanged for special Bozjan armor at the Resistance Supplier in the Bozjan Southern Front.