Augmented Artifact Armor

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Revision as of 02:20, 14 July 2014 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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See also: Artifact Armor

Augmented Artifact Armor are the upgraded versions of the Artifact Armor. While Augmented gear have the same stats as their normal versions, they can be dyed into various colors. Players can unlock Augmented AF armor by completing the quest Simply to Dye For.

  • Augmented AF armor was introduced in patch 2.3.


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Augmented Gallant Coronet Augmented gallant coronet icon1.png 50 PLD
Level 45
Head 102 102 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Accuracy +14 Critical Hit Rate +10
Augmented Gallant Cuisses Augmented gallant cuisses icon1.png 50 PLD
Level 45
Legs 143 143 Strength +12 Vitality +13 Parry +22 Accuracy +15
Augmented Gallant Gauntlets Augmented gallant gauntlets icon1.png 50 PLD
Level 45
Hands 102 102 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Parry +14 Critical Hit Rate +10
Augmented Gallant Sollerets Augmented gallant sollerets icon1.png 50 PLD
Level 45
Feet 102 102 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Parry +10 Accuracy +14
Augmented Gallant Surcoat Augmented gallant surcoat icon1.png 55 PLD
Level 50
Body 146 146 Strength +14 Vitality +15 Parry +23 Determination +11