Glamour Dispeller
Revision as of 17:41, 30 October 2019 by Whitenorth (talk | contribs)
“This black prism absorbs the magical lights woven upon a glamoured piece of equipment, thus dispelling the optical illusion. Be fairly warned that dyes and company crests are also removed in the process.
— In-game description
Glamour Dispeller is a Catalyst Item.
Obtained By
Purchased From
- Bango Zango - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
- Kobold Vendor - Outer La Noscea
- Sahagin Vendor - Western La Noscea
- Sylphic Vendor - East Shroud
- Maisenta - New Gridania
- Ixali Vendor - North Shroud
- Amalj'aa Vendor - Southern Thanalan
- Roarich - Ul'dah - Steps of Nald
- Tataroga - Mor Dhona