Cavalry Elbst

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Cavalry Elbst

Cavalry Elbst Mount Image.png

Elbst horn icon1.png  Elbst Horn
Rider's Boon

To ensure his elbst do not find themselves at a disadvantage to swift-running chocobos, Pahh of Novv's Clutch clips the webbing on their feet at a young age, rendering them more capable of achieving high speeds on land. This procedure, however, robs them of their natural-born ability to swim.

"My elbst is your elbst." - Seabeast Tamer

— In-game description

Cavalry Elbst is a flight-capable terrestrial mount that can be summoned with an Elbst Horn. The Elbst Horn can be purchased from the Sahagin Vendor for Gil 120,000 after attaining Trusted (Rank 4) reputation with the Sahagin.


Cavalry Elbst footprint.
Cavalry Elbst in-game (front).
Cavalry Elbst in-game (side).