Feast of Famine
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Quest
- Location: Western La Noscea (x12,y36)
- Hole Level: 50
- Baits: Spoon Worm, Fullmoon Sardine
- Mooched From: Fullmoon Sardine
- Condition: 8pm-3:59am Eorzean Time, 399+ Gathering required
- Weather Chain: Clear or Fair -> Fog or Overcast or Wind
- Location: South Shroud (x32,y23)
- Hole Level: 45
- Baits: Topwater Frog
- *Mooched From:
- Condition: 399+ Gathering required
- Weather: Thunder or Thunderstorm
- Location: Southern Thanalan (x12,y35)
- Hole Level: 35
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Storm Rider
- Condition: 8am-7:59pm Eorzean Time, 399+ Gathering required
- Weather Chain: Clouds or Fog -> Heat Wave
- Location: Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18)
- Hole Level: 50
- Baits: Mahar
- Mooch Chain: Cloud Cutter -> Mahar
- Condition: 403+ Gathering required
- Weather Chain: Clear or Fair -> Blizzard
Kuno the Killer
- Location: Mor Dhona (x31,y6)
- Hole Level: 50
- Baits: Assassin Betta
- Mooched From: Assassin Betta
- Condition: 399+ Gathering required
- Weather: Gloom
Nepto Dragon
- Location: Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24)
- Hole Level: 50
- Baits: Northern Krill
- Mooched From:
- Condition: 403+ Gathering required
- Weather: Shower or Rain
- Deliver living legends fished in La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan to Wawalago.
- Deliver living legends fished in Coerthas and Mor Dhona to Wawalago.
- Speak with the steersman at Costa del Sol.
- Catch the Nepto Dragon from the privateer, and deliver it to the saltworn captain.
- Speak with Wawalago at Fisherman's Bottom.
- As great a fisher of men as he is a devourer of fish, Guildmaster Wawalago reels you in with a choice challenge.
- Wawalago certainly has a way with words, though which way that is, not even the Navigator can say. Console yourself by catching the living legends sighted in La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan, and present them to Wawalago at Fisherman's Bottom on the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa.
- You have delivered the living legends to Wawalago. Even as the guildmaster heaps praise upon you, a puller arrives with alarming news that the ordinarily fertile Rhotano Sea has ceased to yield its bounty. Wawalago suspects that the currents may be to blame, and pledges to have Sisipu look into the matter. Meanwhile, he urges you to continue your hunt for living legends. Make your way to Coerthas and Mor Dhona, and deliver the creatures you capture to Wawalago.
- Too many legends spoil everything, according to Ascelyn. The scholar arrives with news that the fisheries along the Rhotano seaboard face extinction unless the Nepto Dragon is removed from circulation. Like many monsters, it currently resides in Costa del Sol. Go there and speak with the steersman.
- You come to a quick understanding with the steersman. His boat will take you to the Rhotano privateer, where your destiny awaits in the form of a giant fish. If you should catch this Nepto Dragon, the saltworn captain is keen to take a measure of the fish...and you.
- You have killed a legend to save the local economy; such is the trade-off in these calamitous times. Your erstwhile opponent now lies limply on deck, awaiting Ascelyn's delicate knives. It occurs to you that Wawalago may share your sense of loss, and so seek him out him you shall.
- Wawalago's sense of loss has less to do with mystique and more to do with meunière. However, his regard for you is sincere and robust, and a day of hard fishing has left you famished. Not all legends endure, but they sure are tasty, especially when paired with a chilled lowland white.