Shire Pankratiast's Hose
Revision as of 01:02, 8 May 2018 by NegativeZero (talk | contribs)
Template:Armor Infobox The Shire Pankratiast's Hose is item level 260 Legs Armor and can be used by Pugilist, Monk, Samurai that is at least level 60.
Repairs and Crafting
An NPC mender will repair for a maximum of ?? gil. For a player to repair, they require:
- Leatherworker: Level 50
- Grade 6 Dark Matter x 1
Materia Melding: Leatherworker: Level 60
Convertible: No, Projectable: Yes, Desynthesizable: No, Dyeable: No, Crest-Worthy: No
Ways to Obtain
- Purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire (x5.7,y5.2) for 825 Allagan Tomestone of Scripture
Used For