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Male ♂
Mor Dhona (22.5,6.2)
Quest NPC

"We learned how to wait silently and unseen in Doma."

Another member of the Doman Adventurers' Guild, Shiun is calm and logical, and often assists in his best friend Yozan's plans. He is skilled with his hands, and is said to have built, unassisted, a working clockwork puppet at the age of five. Now eleven, the Hyuran boy's dexterity serves him well in his training, as he can master complex new techniques with relative ease. However, it seems that he has less vital energy to draw upon than others, and once almost collapsed upon pushing himself too hard during one of these training sessions. Shiun eventually exhibited a full recovery from the incident, with rest and a healthy diet of his favorite pickled foods believed to have sped the healing.Shiun exhibits some talent in the art of archery—skill developed over the course of testing a bow he himself built.

— In-game description

Shiun is a Hyur found in Mor Dhona.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Toll Booty Sidequest 54 Rhesh Polaali
Li'l Rascals Sidequest 54 Yozan
Short Arms of the Law Sidequest 54 Yozan
A Thousand and One Farewells Feature quest 70 Hozan