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Female ♀
Hyur (Highlander)
Guildmaster, Miner
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (10.8,14.3)
Miners' Guild
Quest NPC

"It's not easy, managing a boisterous bunch of lads and lasses who'd sooner drain a tankard than swing a pickaxe, but I give it my best."

Adalberta was eight when the Garlean Empire occupied Ala Mhigo, and fled to Ul'dah as a refugee. Her role model has always been her father, a Highlander of humble beginnings who became a miner to support his daughter before dying in a cave-in. Now twenty-eight, Adalberta has become guildmaster, and it is said she focuses her energies upon training new miners for but one reason: so that they might develop enough skill with the pick and hammer to never be beholden to, nor exploited by, another. Friends with Mylla.

— In-game description

Adalberta is a Hyur in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
My First Pickaxe Class quest 1 Adalberta
Know Thy Land Class quest 5 Adalberta
The Cutting Edge Class quest 10 Adalberta
Getting in Deep Class quest 15 Adalberta
Old Wisdom, New Ways Class quest 20 Adalberta
Water from Stone Class quest 25 Adalberta
Obsidian Race Class quest 30 Adalberta
Amethysts Are Forever Class quest 35 Adalberta
To Die For Class quest 40 Adalberta
Gulley of Woes Class quest 45 Adalberta
Canyon of Regret Class quest 50 Adalberta
Breaking New Ground Class quest 50 Adalberta
Gift of the Gob Class quest 60 Adalberta

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Way of the Miner Feature quest 1 Linette
The Same Vein Class quest 55 Haimirich
A Miner Success Class quest 70 Nonowato