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Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Fog.png Clouds.png Wind.png Gales.png
Western La Noscea
(La Noscea)
Swiftperch (X:34.5, Y:31.8)


Not much to see around here except the aetheryte. Don't know why they bothered to put one in a half-dead hamlet like Swiftperch.

— In-game description

Swiftperch is an area in Western La Noscea, La Noscea.


Swiftperch is a settlement within the Quarterstone area of Western La Noscea. It was built as part of an initiative to rebuild the farmlands and aetheryte camps destroyed during the Calamity. Despite the now-barren surrounding lands, a few farmers still operate out of the small camp, using it as a safe place to grow and experiment with crops.



Side Quests

See also: Western La Noscea Sidequests
Quest Level NPC Location
Simply the Hest (Limsa Lominsa) 10 Swygskyf (x34,y31)
Need to Breed 12 Lyulf (x34,y32)


Battlecraft Leves

Leve Name Level Type Category NPC Location
Jackal and the Livestock 10 Battle Tenacity Swygskyf (x34,y31)
Fresh Meat 10 Battle Resolve Swygskyf (x34,y31)
Grabbing Crabs 10 Battle Tenacity Swygskyf (x34,y31)
No Egg to Stand On 10 Battle Confidence Swygskyf (x34,y31)
Shock Therapy 10 Battle Veracity Swygskyf (x34,y31)
At the Gates 10 Battle Temperance Swygskyf (x34,y31)
A Tall Odor 10 Battle Valor Swygskyf (x34,y31)
The Sprite of Competition 10 Battle Diligence Swygskyf (x34,y31)

Fieldcraft Leves

Leve Name Level Type Category NPC Location Item Needed
Fish by Many Other Names 10 Fisher Concord Swygskyf (x34,y31) Moraby Flounder x3
Just Add Water 10 Fisher Concord Swygskyf (x34,y31) Tiger Cod x3
The Fertile Incandescent 10 Fisher Sincerity Swygskyf (x34,y31) Harbor Herring x3
Brain Candy 10 Fisher Sincerity Swygskyf (x34,y31) Pebble Crab x3

Tradecraft Leves

Leve Name Level Type Category NPC Location Item Needed
Cook Intentions 10 Armorer Constancy Swygskyf (x34,y31) Amateur's Skillet
Stadium Envy 10 Armorer Ingenuity Swygskyf (x34,y31) Bronze Gauntlets
Still the Best 10 Armorer Constancy Swygskyf (x34,y31) Brass Alembic
Twice As Slice 10 Blacksmith Ingenuity Swygskyf (x34,y31) Spiked Bronze Labrys
I'm into Leather 10 Blacksmith Constancy Swygskyf (x34,y31) Brass Head Knife
Peddle to the Metal 10 Blacksmith Constancy Swygskyf (x34,y31) Amateur's Chaser Hammer
The Bango Zango Diet 10 Culinarian Ingenuity Swygskyf (x34,y31) Parsnip Salad x3
Fisher of Men 10 Culinarian Constancy Swygskyf (x34,y31) Salt Cod x3
Chew the Fat 10 Culinarian Constancy Swygskyf (x34,y31) Grilled Dodo x3