The Parting Glass
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Main Scenario Quest
- Speak with the lady-in-waiting on the Royal Promenade.
- Speak with Pipin.
- Speak with Haurchefant at Camp Dragonhead.
- Judging by Momodi's grin, your star could not rise any higher.
- Before you make your entrance at the banquet, you must answer the summons of Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo. Speak with her handmaiden on the Royal Promenade when you are ready to meet the monarch.
- In private, the sultana reveals to you her intent to abdicate the throne and establish a fair and equitable republic. However, she is not so naive as to think that the transition will be without difficulty, which is why she asks that you support Raubahn however you can in the days ahead. You agree, and see relief wash over Nanamo's face... only to be replaced with confusion and terror as her body is racked by convulsions. Time seems to slow down as she falls to the floor and lies motionless, and as you rise to your feet to aid her, Teledji Adeledji and a contingent of Brass Blades burst into the room. The scen thus set, Teledji proclaims to all and sundry that Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo has been murdered with poison-- and that you, the Warrior of Light, are the man responsible.
- Captain Ilberd of the Crystal Braves delivers you bound into the Fragrant Chamber and declares that you stand accused of regicide. Your bewildered allies vehemently deny Teledji's claims, but the Syndicate member counters their protestations with accusations that they too had a hand in the assassination. Ludicrous as it sounds, you see fear and doubt spreading across every face in the room-- save for that of Raubhan Aldynn, a man foundering in a sea of disbelief and despair. Yet it is not words of comfort which serve to bring him back to shore, but Teledji Adeledji's unconcealed glee at ridding himself of the sultana once and for all. Unable to resist, he goads the Bull of Ala Mhigo into action, and is cleft in twain for his t roubles, never to mock Nanamo again.
- Lost to fury, Raubahn then advances upon Lolorito-- only to be taken unawares by Ilberd, who severs his arm with a single practiced stroke. His true colors thus revealed, he delights in tormenting his rival in Teledji's stead, going so far as to claim credit for Nanamo's murder. His rage rekindled, the general rises to his feet, and in the ensuing struggle succeeds in freeing you from your bonds. As he and Ilberd eye each other from across the room, Raubahn bids you and the Scions escape-- to clear your names and see justice done-- before preparing to cross swords with the man he once called brother.
- Bereft of allies and branded fugitives, you and your fellow Scions flee the scene, with a legion of Braves and Blades in hot pursuit. But it soon becomes plain that they are not to be outrun. One by one, your comrades choose to remain and hold back the tide of pursuers, until at last, when you emerge from the Sil'dihn ruins, you find yourself alone. For a mercy, you are soon reuinited with Alphinaud, at least, as well as an unexpected friend: Bremondt, the peddler whom you met when traveling to <town> long ago. Together with Pipin Tarupin-- Vice Marshal of the Immortal Flames, and Raubahn's adopted son-- you flee to Black Brush, where Bremondt asks you to wait until help arrives.
- Your promised help turns out to be none other than Cid Garlond, who is prepared to spirit you away from Thanalan aboard the Enterprise. But where will you go? Somewhere beyond the reach of the Monetarists and the Crystal Braves both, Pipin offers, prompting Alphinaud to conclude that Coerthas is your best choice. And so you part ways with the young Vice Marshal, who swears to do what he can to clear your names, and climb aboard the Enterprise. After what seems a short journey, you disembark near Camp Dragonhead, where a downcast Alphinaud proposes you seek Lord Haurchefant's counsel.
- You receive a customarily warm welcome from Lord Haurchefant, who has already had the particulars of your tale from Alphinaud. Though plainly sympathetic to your plight, it would seem that he has a tale of his own to tell...