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Rice to the Occasion

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Revision as of 21:08, 5 August 2017 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Feature Quest icon.png

Rice to the Occasion

Quest giver
Mor Dhona (X:22, Y:5)
Required items
HQ Doman rice balls icon1.png  Doman Rice Balls "HQ" is not a number.
Experience 1,725,300
Gil 804
Previous quest
Feature QuestFlavors of the Far East
Next quest
Feature QuestA Broth from the Brine

Raulf has the look of a man for whom things didn't go as planned.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


  • Gather information from Domans.


  • Raulf has the look of a man for whom things didn't go as planned.
  • Since you last spoke, Raulf has learned that the local Domans are sick unto death of bread and want to eat nothing more than rice balls. Simple as the dish seemed, Raulf tried making it himself, but the Domans were less than impressed with the results. Polite a people as they are, however, they will not tell him straight what he did wrong, and it falls to you to seek them out in town and ask their honest opinion.
  • It appears that Raulf cooked the rice with too much water and then squeezed and seasoned the balls to strongly. Return to the kitchen inside Rowena's House of Splendors and relay the information to him.
  • Raulf listens intently as you share the Domans' critique of his rice balls. Believing that you will do a better job, he asks you to try your hand next. Prepare your finest set of Doman rice balls and bring it outside for Raulf to hand out to the gathered Domans.
  • ※ In the event you lose the ingredients or the synthesis ends in failure, you may try again by speaking with Popin.
  • Your rice balls meet with the Domans' resounding approval, and trying a bite himself, Raulf discovers what the fuss is about. As he marvels at how you harnessed the best qualities of rice, a Doman woman named Anzu appears and affirms that such is spirit of Far Eastern cuisine: to respect each ingredient and allow it to shine. Her sudden arrival causes Raulf to break out in panic, and she soon takes her leave, satisfied that he is in good hands. Join Raulf back in the kitchen to discuss the next step in your endeavor.
  • With your Rice balls a success, Raulf declares that he will begin serving them at the café. Before you part ways, he confides that Anzu is in fact his fiancée, but there appears to be some manner of complication that he is not ready to reveal. For now, remain focused on the task at hand and be ready to assist Raulf again when he moves to the next stage of his culinary endeavors.
  • ※ The next culinarian quest will be available from Raulf upon reaching level 65.

