Red Mage Guide/Stormblood
Red Mage Rotation
This rotation is based on a Level 50 Red Mage(RDM).
Casting phase: This phase is when you accumulate your balance job guage.
-> Jolt - This is the spell you're gonna be using to activate Dualcast. Unless you have Verstone/Verfire proc'd.
->Veraero/Verthunder - You will cast one of these spells anytime you have Dualcast activated as they have a long cast time and cast whichever is your lower mana accumillated.
->Verstone/Verfire - You will use this as a replacement for Jolt as you proc these spells as they have a shorter cast time than Veraero/Verthunder.
Basically the idea in this rotation is for you to accumulate black and white mana as fast as possible. Once you have accumulated at least 85 for both mana you can then go to melee phase.
Melee phase:
Corps-a-corps -> Reposte -> Zwerchhau -> Redoublement -> Fleche -> Displacement
After using displacement you will want to go back to casting phase as soon as you can. If you have Verstone/Verfire proc'd you can start with it instead of Jolt.
Tips and Tricks:
You can use Acceleration to make sure that you get a proc on your next Veraero/Verthunder.
You can either use Fleche before or after Displacement as Fleche is only for extra damage for your melee phase before going back to casting phasd.