Hey, this is my sandbox. I'm going to toy around some css here and there to see if I can come up with pretty things. Please, don't mind me, just keep on writing and contributing. <3
Infoboxes are an integral part of a wiki page as it highlights info in a easy-to-understand fashion. Conveying data through an infobox becomes easy when it looks good.
Woot | ||
Testt | Oh woooot | 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 / 4b → 5 |
Additional Effect: Heavy +40%
Aetherdam$Enhanced Aethercharge$Aetherdam II$Maim and Mend$Enhanced Intelligence$Enhanced Aethercharge II$Enhanced Pet Actions$Supervirus$Ruin Mastery$Ruby Summoning Mastery$Topaz Summoning Mastery$Aetherdam III$Maim and Mend II$Enhanced Intelligence II$Enhanced Eye for an Eye$Emerald Summoning Mastery$Enhanced Rouse$Enkindle$Ruin Mastery II$Aethercharge Mastery$Enhanced Intelligence III$Enhanced Ruin II$Enhanced Energy Siphon$Corruption Mastery II$Enhanced Enkindle$Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance$Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance II$Ruin Mastery III$Enhanced Egi Assault$Outburst Mastery$Enhanced Tri-disaster$Enhanced Outburst$Enhanced Bane$Enhanced Firebird Trance$Enhanced Summon Bahamut$Outburst Mastery II$Ruin Mastery IV$Elemental Mastery$Enhanced Radiant Aegis$Enkindle II$Enhanced Fester$Arcane Mastery$Enhanced Searing Light$Enhanced Summon Bahamut II
- Enhanced Intelligence (Has canonical name: Enhanced Intelligence, Has game icon: File:Enhanced Intelligence.png, Has game description: Increases intelligence by 8., Is for class: Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Is for job: Black Mage, Scholar, Summoner, Red Mage, Has trait level: 20)
Skill icon
- Action = 40px / Background/Overlay = 48px
- Action = 30px / Background/Overlay = 38px
- Action = 20px / Background/Overlay = 28px
"Quarrymill Location~12, 45.0, 18"
"Quarrymill Location"
"12, 45.0, 18"
Display section with ul
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Teraflare
- Gouge
- Place
- Gust
- Stay
- Guard
- Ruin
- Away
- Steady
- Heel
- Backdraft
- Summon Carbuncle
- Radiant Aegis (pet)
- Radiant Aegis
- Bio
- Obey
- Physick
- Summon
- Gemshine
- Miasma
- Ruby Ruin
- Aethercharge
- Summon Ruby
- Energy Drain (Arcanist)
- Fester
- Downburst
- Glittering Topaz
- Egi Assault
- Resurrection
- Virus
- Summon Topaz
- Summon II
- Topaz Ruin
- Sustain
- Curl
- Summon Emerald
- Emerald Ruin
- Emerald Outburst
- Bio II
- Precious Brilliance
- Ruby Outburst
- Topaz Outburst
- Outburst
- Ruby Ruin II
- Mana Draw (PvP)
- Bane
- Emerald Ruin II
- Misty Veil (PvP)
- Ruin II
- Topaz Ruin II
- Stay
- Burning Strike
- Guard
- Away
- Steady
- Ruin
- Heel
- Backdraft
- Teraflare
- Gouge
- Wind Blade
- Place
- Shockwave
- Rock Buster
- Gust
- Summon Carbuncle
- Bio
- Radiant Aegis
- Radiant Aegis (pet)
- Physick
- Obey
- Summon
- Aethercharge
- Miasma
- Summon Ruby
- Gemshine
- Ruby Ruin
- Earthen Armor
- Egi Assault
- Energy Drain (Arcanist)
- Glittering Topaz
- Fester
- Downburst
- Aerial Slash
- Resurrection
- Virus
- Topaz Ruin
- Summon II
- Summon Topaz
- Sustain
- Curl
- Radiant Shield
- Earthen Ward
- Summon Emerald
- Emerald Ruin
- Outburst
- Topaz Outburst
- Bio II
- Emerald Outburst
- Precious Brilliance
- Teraflare
- Gouge
- Place
- Gust
- Stay
- Guard
- Ruin
- Rock Buster
- Away
- Shockwave
- Steady
- Wind Blade
- Heel
- Burning Strike
- Backdraft
- Summon Carbuncle
- Radiant Aegis (pet)
- Radiant Aegis
- Bio
- Obey
- Physick
- Summon
- Gemshine
- Miasma
- Ruby Ruin
- Aethercharge
- Summon Ruby
- Energy Drain (Arcanist)
- Aerial Slash
- Fester
- Downburst
- Earthen Armor
- Glittering Topaz
- Egi Assault
- Resurrection
- Virus
- Summon Topaz
- Summon II
- Topaz Ruin
- Sustain
- Curl
- Earthen Ward
- Radiant Shield
- Summon Emerald
- Emerald Ruin
- Emerald Outburst
- Bio II
- Precious Brilliance
- Ruby Outburst
- Topaz Outburst