
From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
< User:Valento
Revision as of 20:48, 2 June 2017 by Valento (talk | contribs) (read!)
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Wikis are wild beasts when it comes to organizing them, and thus a bit of practices are always healthy. Here's what I think any wiki should follow:

  • Templates shouldn't be heavily used because they stress the server and increase unecessary traffic; always use as few as possible, but do cover whatever structure is needed to make the page look and feel concise.
  • Template pages should have description of itself, complete markup, explanation of each parameter and available parameters, and usage examples.
  • Templates should avoid including others unless this makes sense.
  • Page files should have a copyright notice stating who such art belongs to; this is always overlooked and, besides not being nice, can cause legal issues at some point.
  • There should be guides for each and every page with a similar structure to aid editors on what they should do, guides are what makes a collaborative website grow.
  • Talking about collaborative, wikis _are_ collaborative by nature. Editing and fixing wrong info should be widespread because it benefits mainly the players and once the accuracy is delivered people will love the wiki.
  • Images are so important I couldn't stress enough. Editors should always try to sparsely convey data through images because it's been proven by science a lot of our neurons associate information more easily through visual representation, so try and use them!

(To be continued...)