Treasure Hunt

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Finding Maps
Uncovering Treasures

Treasure Hunt is an activity released in patch 2.1. While gathering resources as Miner, Fisher or Botanist at level 40 or above gathering points, players have a chance of receiving Timeworn Maps. Players can decipher these maps to receive a location where treasure can be found. After arriving at the correct location, players will have to defeat one or several monsters guarding the treasure before it can be opened. The maps come in 8 grades. Grade 8 is the hardest and gives the greatest rewards.

  • Players can only receive 1 map through gathering once every 18 hours Earth time. They can decipher as many maps as they like however.
  • Fisher must have the Snagging action active to find maps.
  • While players can sell the Timeworn Maps, they cannot be sold after they are deciphered.
  • Rewards listed below are possible outcomes of what might be in the treasure. Its possible for some of the rewards to be HQ. You will get many chests that do not contain these rare items. Its possible to find another treasure map.

To unlock Treasure Hunt, players need to complete the level 36 quest: Treasures and Tribulations. Players can start the quest by talking to H'loonh in Eastern La Noscea (x21,y21).


Finding the Maps

In the course of gathering, Disciples of the Land will now be able to obtain items known as timeworn maps. These maps can then be used to reveal the location of hidden treasures. Maps are found in level 40 or above gathering nodes throughout Eorzea. Higher level nodes will offer more difficult maps with better rewards. Players cannot find maps at unspoiled gathering points or guildleve gathering points.

  • Timeworn map locations are not recorded in gathering and fishing logs.

Examining a Timeworn Map

Players can examine a timeworn map by using the action Decipher. Doing so will change the timeworn map into a treasure map key item. Only one treasure map can be in your possession at any given time.

Discovering Treasure

Using a treasure map will bring up a window indicating the general area of the treasure. Players must cross-reference the area map to discover its precise location. Using the action Dig in the approximate location will cause a treasure chest to spawn.

Examining Treasure Chests

Treasure chests are armed with a trap, which, when triggered, will lure an enemy (or several) to your location. If the enemy cannot be defeated within the allotted time, or you and your party leave the area, the treasure chest will disappear and the hunt will end.

  • The treasure map will be lost upon triggering the trap.

Obtaining Treasure

Players will be free to examine the treasure chest after defeating the abovementioned enemy. All party members will receive rewards such as EXP, gil, Allagan tomestones of philosophy and mythology, minions, aetherial gear, crafting ingredients (including HQ), housing materials, medicine, and elemental shards. The contents of the treasure chest will vary depending on the type of treasure map.

  • Gil and Allagan tomestones will be distributed evenly between party members.

Unhidden Maps

Occasionally players will find Unhidden Leather Maps in the Treasure Chests. Unhidden Maps lead players to even rarer treasures.

  • Unhidden Maps were introduced in patch 2.3.


Timeworn Leather Map

Timeworn Leather Maps are grade 1 maps found in level 40 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes.

  • It is the easiest map and recommends the player to have a level 40 or above combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.


Timeworn Goatskin Map

Timeworn Goatskin Maps are grade 2 maps found in level 45 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes (The Weeping Saint).

  • It is recommended for the player to have a level 45 or above combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.


Timeworn Toadskin Map

Timeworn Toadskin Maps are grade 3 maps found in level 50 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes (South Umbral Isles and Rathefrost only).

  • It is recommended for the player to have a level 50 combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.


Timeworn Boarskin Map

Timeworn Boarskin Maps are grade 4 maps found in level 50 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes (Reaver Hide and the Tangle only).

  • It is recommended for player to have a level 50 combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.


Timeworn Peisteskin Map

Timeworn Peisteskin Maps are grade 5 maps found in level 50 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes (Lake Tahtotl, Parata's Peace, and the North Shards only).

  • They are the highest grade and most difficult maps available in A Realm Reborn. It is recommended for player to have a group of 8 level 50 players with combat classes to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.


Timeworn Archaeoskin Map

Timeworn Archaeoskin Maps are grade 6 maps found in level 55 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes.

  • It is recommended for player to have a level 55 combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.


Timeworn Wyvernskin Map

Timeworn Wyvernskin Maps are grade 7 maps found in level 60 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes (Iron Feast, Thaliak River, Upper Thaliak River,Aetherochemical Spill, Delta Quadrant).

  • It is recommended for player to have a level 60 combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.


Timeworn Dragonskin Map

Timeworn Dragonskin Maps are grade 8 maps found in level 60 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes(Middle Thaliak River,The Eddies,Clearpool,Dragonspit,The Pappus Tree,The Flagship).

  • It is recommended for player to have a group of 8 level 60 players with combat classes to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.

Added in patch 3.3, Occasionally, after completing a Dragonskin Map, a portal leading to The Aquapolis will spawn. The portal has about 20% chance of spawning. Players will have 10 minutes to enter the portal. Item levels are synced to 180 inside the Aquapolis. It is recommended to have 3 to 4 or more players.
