The Antitower
The Antitower
- Level
- 60 (Sync: 60)
- Item Level
- 180
- Difficulty
- Normal
- Party size
- Light Party
4 man • 11
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 90 minutes
- Duty Finder
- Dungeons (Heavensward)
- Roulette
- High-level Dungeons
- Tomestones
- Req. quest
The Word of the Mother
- Entrance
- Matoya's Cave (Zone) (X:6.8, Y:6.4)
- Modes
- Duty Support, Explorer
- Patch
- 3.2
“In all of creation, what greater mystery could there be than the fate of this very star? To sound the deepest depths, to study the aetherial sea itself─for these purposes and more was the Antitower built. Abandoned by her Sharlayan caretakers following the exodus, it has since been overrun by the magical guardians they left behind. Yet were one blessed with Her gift to brave these dangers and descend to the furthest reaches─to hear, feel, and think at the heart of this world─what would they find?
— In-game description
The Antitower is a level 60 dungeon introduced in patch 3.2 with Heavensward.
Duty Support
Thancred | Alphinaud | Y'shtola | |
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Role | Tank or DPS | Healer or DPS | DPS |
- Clear the Manifest. 0/1
- Clear Where Hearts Leap. 0/1
- Clear Where All Witness. 0/1
- Poroggo Rivertamer
- Tamed Leech
- Tamed Bifericeras
- Tamed Hropken
- Sharlayan Mimic
- Spriggan Doorkeeper
- Fire Homunculus
- Eroding Marolith
- Massive Marolith
- Wind-up Magus
- Wind-up Viking
- Centaur
Zuro Roggo
- Water Bomb: Spawns a circle AoE telegraph at the location of two players.
- The boss will spawn two bubbles that will explode as an untelegraphed point-blank AoE, inflicting moderate damage and the debuff
Damage Down.
- Odious Croak (no castbar): The boss will use a persistent untelegraphed frontal conal AoE. Move away from the front.
- Frog Song: The boss will begin singing, turning two players (the healer and one DPS) into frogs which will prevent them from attacking, while continually spawning Water Bomb AoE telegraphs. The party will take light persistent AoE damage. Defeat the two Poroggo Choirtoads to cleanse the frog debuffs and stop the singing. The mechanics will also conclude if the frog debuffs expire naturally.
- Toy Hammer: An untelegraphed tankbuster that will inflict Concussion for 10 seconds, stunning the target. This can be removed with Esuna.
- Gyrating Glare: Party-wide magical damage.
- The boss will summon four untargetable Stardust rocks, each of which will spawn a point-blank AoE telegraph (Mystic Light), leaving four small safe spots at the walls. The rocks will drop to the ground after using this attack.
- Jittering Glare: A telegraphed frontal conal AoE aimed at a random player.
- Jittering Jounce: The system message "Ziggy takes careful aim" and the boss tethers one player and marks them with a crosshair. The targeted player should hide behind a rock to prevent taking damage. The rock that is hit will explode as a telegraphed large point-blank AoE (Deep Fracture). This attack will repeat one or more times.
- Jittering Jab: Telegraphed tankbuster.
A giant doll that starts out as 6 smaller dolls, 3 Calca and 3 Brina, that do various telegraphed conal and donut AoE attacks (Heat Gaze). After defeating all of the smaller dolls, they will merge to form one larger doll.
- Terrifying Glance (no castbar): Targets a player with a red eye above their head and strikes them with large untelegraphed frontal cone. Causes confusion if hit. This attack can be avoided by looking away from the boss, even if players are within the AoE.
- Knockout: Telegraphed tankbuster.
- Brace: The boss summons three purple barriers, leaving one side empty. The boss will only be vulnerable to attacks from the empty side. Hitting it from a protected side will knock back and reflect damage to the player (Breach).
- Dollhouse: Transforms two players into dolls (Calca and Brina) that also inflicts a
bleeding damage-over-time. The dolls will use donut and conal AoE attacks as before. They need to be killed to free the players and end this phase.
- During this sequence, the boss will use Slapstick, dealing continuous magical party-wide damage.
- See also: Dravanian Armor and Dravanian Accessories
Zuro Roggo
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Dravanian Bracelet of Aiming | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Casting | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Fending | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Healing | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Slaying | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Greaves of Fending | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Greaves of Maiming | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Jackboots of Casting | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Jackboots of Healing | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Aiming | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Casting | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Fending | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Healing | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Slaying | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Thighboots of Aiming | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Thighboots of Scouting | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Thighboots of Striking | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
- 20 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
- Faded Copy of Down the Up Staircase (Drops at a fixed rate)
- Calcabrina Card (Drops at a fixed rate)
- 56,000
Experience Points
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Brina | Minion | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Calca | Minion | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Dancing Calcabrina Orchestrion Roll | Orchestrion Roll | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Dravanian Coat of Fending | Body | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Coat of Maiming | Body | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Longkilt of Casting | Legs | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Longkilt of Fending | Legs | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Longkilt of Healing | Legs | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Longkilt of Maiming | Legs | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Robe of Casting | Body | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Robe of Healing | Body | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Trousers of Aiming | Legs | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Trousers of Scouting | Legs | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Trousers of Striking | Legs | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Tunic of Aiming | Body | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Tunic of Scouting | Body | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Tunic of Striking | Body | 195 | Green | 1 |
Additional Treasure Coffers
Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 15.0 Y: 15.8)
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Dravanian Greaves of Fending | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Greaves of Maiming | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Thighboots of Striking | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Thighboots of Scouting | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Thighboots of Aiming | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Jackboots of Casting | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Jackboots of Healing | Feet | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Fending | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Slaying | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Aiming | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Casting | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Bracelet of Healing | Bracelets | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Fending | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Slaying | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Aiming | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Casting | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Ring of Healing | Ring | 195 | Green | 1 |
Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 14.2 Y: 14.6)
Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 16.4 Y: 9.9)
Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 16.8 Y: 8.2)
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Dravanian Earrings of Fending | Earrings | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Earrings of Slaying | Earrings | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Earrings of Aiming | Earrings | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Earrings of Casting | Earrings | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Earrings of Healing | Earrings | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Choker of Fending | Necklace | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Choker of Slaying | Necklace | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Choker of Aiming | Necklace | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Choker of Casting | Necklace | 195 | Green | 1 |
Dravanian Choker of Healing | Necklace | 195 | Green | 1 |
This duty is associated with the following achievements:
Name | Points | Task | Reward | Patch |
Mapping the Realm: The Antitower | 10 | Discover every location within the Antitower. | - | 3.2 |
Dungeon Images
Other Images
Dungeon Dialogue Infographic Part 1 (credits: TrustInsighters)
A Porthole To The Aetherial Sea
In the year 1311 of the Sixth Astral Era, scholars from the northern nation of Sharlayan discovered natural caverns that descended deep into the subterrane of the Dravanian hinterlands. Judging the site ideal for observing the aetherial sea—the heart of Hydaelyn Herself—they constructed an observatory, the Antitower, and proceeded to study the fate of the very star. As the tower underwent expansion, so too did the little settlement that serviced it grow. This settlement came to assume the role of a waypoint for successive scholarly expeditions to Eorzea before eventually blossoming into the city-state of Sharlayan.
Generations later, as the exodus drew near, there were calls for the Antitower to be demolished in order to prevent its misuse. However, its immeasurable academic value ultimately prevailed, and instead it was locked behind a slew of protective seals, whose care was left to the lone individual who chose to remain behind, the Archon Matoya.
Zuro Roggo
Boasting extraordinary size and girth, this poroggo familiar fled its Sharlayan creators during the exodus and sought to establish a kingdom of its own kind inside the Antitower. With a voice lauded as divine by its peers, it croons out songs that brim with magical power.
This doll-like construct was created to protect the sanctity of the Antitower. Steeped in the energies of generations of mages, the powerful magicks instilled in this guardian have worked certain transmutations upon its form, which it conceals by dividing itself into lesser dolls, Calcabrina and Brina.
In the depths near the aetherial sea, the laws of nature are in disarray and the hold of gravity weakened. To facilitate movement in such an environment, the Sharlayans employed arcane platforms and teleportation devices.
Duty Dialogue
Zuro Roggo: Croaaak! Who dares approach the tower!? Ones with ears to listen!? How wonderful! Zuro Roggo: It''s not easy being... <croak>
Calcabrina: We are Calcabrina! Adorable dolls! Terrible dolls! Yip-ho-ho!
Duty Support Dialogue
Y'shtola: An aetherial path... No simple thing to create.
Thancred: ...Let's keep moving.
Alphinaud: By the Twelve, it's literally upside down! Y'shtola: The aether is so dense as to be blinding.
Alphinaud: Good gods, what an enormous poroggo!
Zuro Roggo: Croaaak! Who dares approach the tower!? Ones with ears to listen!? How wonderful!
Thancred: They must provide excellent board here.
Zuro Roggo: It''s not easy being... <croak>
Alphinaud: I pray I never hear that song again... Thancred: Right, into the aether we go. Thancred: Is this it, then? The aetherial sea?
Y'shtola: This is the shore, you might say.
Alphinaud: More homunculi! Thancred: We'll deal with them like the rest.
Alphinaud: All these spriggans here...
Y'shtola: I imagine they were drawn to the crystals.
Alphinaud: That was tougher than I expected...
Y'shtola: Come, the lowest level awaits.
Alphinaud: Even the candles burn upside down...
Y'shtola: How very Sharlayan to obsess over useless details.
Thancred: Defenses for the innermost sector, eh?
Alphinaud: Can't lower our guard even for a moment!
Alphinaud: Those dolls are the guardians of the viewing chamber?
Y'shtola: Have care─I sense tremendous power from them!
- Lore-wise, this dungeon can be considered a prototype of
The Aitiascope, the level 89 dungeon.