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Warrior wearing Artifact Armor

"On the northernmost edge of Abalathia's Spine exists a mountain tribe renowned for producing fearsome mercenaries. Wielding greataxes and known as warriors, these men and women learn to harness their inner-beasts and translate that power to unbridled savagery on the battlefield.
In former times which saw war waged ceaselessly in Eorzea, the warriors featured prominently on the frontlines of battle. With the arrival of peacetime, however, their art has descended into the shadows of obscurity, where it remains to this day." — Game Description

Warrior wearing Artifact Armor

Warrior, armed with a greataxe, projects a savage and intimidating presence on the battlefield. Warrior is one of the tanking jobs of A Realm Reborn. Warriors have all the abilities and traits of Marauders. They can also use all the cross-class abilities of gladiator and pugilist. The most important stat for the warrior is vitality, which increases HP. The level of your warrior is equivalent to that of your Marauder.



Warriors use all the Marauder Actions in addition to having their own unique actions for their Job:

Action Icon Level TP Cost Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description
Defiance defiance.png 30 0 Instant 10s 0y 0y Increases maximum HP by 25%, while lowering damage dealt by 25% and increasing enmity. Increases HP recovery via curing magic by 20% for self. Also increases chance to hit by 5%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Using certain actions while under the effect of Defiance will grant Wrath.
Each unit of Wrath increases parry rate by 2%. When five units are stacked, you will become Infuriated. All Wrath is lost when Defiance ends.
Cannot be used with Deliverance. If Deliverance is executed while using Defiance, all Wrath is converted into Abandon.
Shares a recast timer with Deliverance.
Inner Beast inner beast.png 35 0 Instant 2.5s 3y 0y Delivers an attack with a potency of 300.
Ignores the 25% damage penalty inflicted by Defiance.
Can only be executed when Infuriated. All Wrath is lost when used.
Additional Effect: Absorb 100% of damage dealt as HP
Additional Effect: Reduces damage taken by 20% for 6 seconds
Unchained unchained.png 40 0 Instant 120s 0y 0y Nullifies the damage penalty inflicted by Defiance for 20s.
Can only be executed when Infuriated. All Wrath is lost when used. Effect is canceled if Defiance ends.
Steel Cyclone steel cyclone.png 45 0 Instant 2.5s 0y 5y Delivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all nearby enemies. Ignores the 25% damage penalty inflicted by Defiance. Can only be executed when Infuriated. All Wrath is lost when used.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Infuriate infuriate.png 50 0 Instant 60s 0y 0y Instantly grants five units of Wrath, changing status to Infuriated.
Can only be used when Defiance is active.
Deliverance Deliverance icon1.png 52 0 Instant 10s 0y 0y Increases damage dealt by 5%. Effect ends upon reuse.
Using certain actions while under the effect of Deliverance will grant Abandon. Each unit of Abandon increases critical hit rate by 2%. When five units are stacked, you will become Uncontrollable. All Abandon is lost when Deliverance ends.
Cannot be used with Defiance. If Defiance is executed while using Deliverance, all Abandon is converted into Wrath.
Shares a recast timer with Defiance.
Fell Cleave Fell cleave icon1.png 54 0 Instant 2.5s 0y 0y Delivers an attack with a potency of 500.
Can only be executed when Uncontrollable. All Abandon is lost when used.
Raw Intuition Raw intuition icon1.png 56 0 Instant 90s 0y 0y Parries all attacks taken from the front for 20s. All attacks taken from the flank or rear will result in critical damage.
Grants Wrath when used with Defiance for 30s.
Grants Abandon when used with Deliverance for 30s.
Equilibrium Equilibirum icon1.png 58 0 Instant 60s 0y 0y Restores own HP when used with Defiance. Cure Potency: 1200.
Restores 200 TP when used with Deliverance.
Decimate Decimate icon1.png 60 0 Instant 2.5s 0y 2y Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies with a potency of 280.
Can only be executed when Uncontrollable. All Abandon is lost when used.

Cross-Class Actions

Gladiator Pugilist
Action Icon Level Action Icon Level
Savage Blade Savage blade icon.png 4 Featherfoot Featherfoot.png 4
Flash Flash icon.png 8 Second Wind Second wind.png 8
Convalescence Convalescence icon.png 10 Haymaker Haymaker.png 10
Provoke Provoke icon.png 22 Internal Release Internal release.png 12
Awareness Awareness icon.png 34 Mantra Mantra.png 42

Cross-Discipline Actions

Botanist Miner
Action Icon Level Action Icon Level
Triangulate Triangulate.png 1 Prospect Prospect.png 1
Arbor Call Arbor Call.png 3 Lay of the Land Lay of the Land.png 3
Arbor Call II Arbor Call II.png 6 Lay of the Land II Lay of the Land II.png 6
Truth of Forests Truth of Forests.png 46 Truth of Mountains Truth of Mountains.jpg 46

PvP Actions

Action Icon Description Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Mythril Tempest Mythril tempest icon1.png Delivers an attack with a potency of 170 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback and Stun for 2 seconds
Enhanced Mythril Tempest: Shortens recast time to 150 seconds. Enhanced Mythril Tempest II: Increases potency to 200. Enhanced Mythril Tempest III: Increases duration to 3 seconds.
Thrill of War Thrill of war icon1.png Increases maximum HP of self and nearby party members by 15% and restores HP by 15% for 20 seconds. Enhanced Thrill of War: Shortens recast time to 150 seconds. Enhanced Thrill of War II: Extends duration to 25 seconds. Enhanced Thrill of War III: Increases HP increase and restoration to 25%.
Full Swing Full swing icon1.png Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Damage over time with potency of 30 for 15s.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 10% for 15s.
Enhanced Full Swing: Shortens recast time to 150 seconds. Enhanced Full Swing II: Increases duration to 20 seconds. Enhanced Full Swing III: Increases HP increase and restoration to 25%.
Purify Purify icon1.png Removes all detrimental effects. Can be used regardless of status affliction. Enhanced Purify: Shortens recast time to 150 seconds.
Push Back Push back icon1.png Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 every time you suffer physical damage for 10s.
Additional Effect: Counters any knockback attacks with a knockback and knock down for 2s.
Enhanced Push Back: Shortens recast time to 120 seconds. Enhanced Push Back II: Increases potency to 180. Enhanced Push Back III: Extends counter attack duration to 15 seconds.


Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Reward
Pride and Duty (Will Take You from the Mountain) 30 Wyrnzoen Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11,y6) 7410 Soul of the warrior icon1.png, Defiance icon1.png
Embracing the Beast 35 Curious Gorge Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) 9020 Inner beast icon1.png
Curious Gorge Goes to Wineport 40 Curious Gorge Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) 11270 Unchained icon1.png
Looking the Part 45 Curious Gorge Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) 12420 Fighters breeches icon1.png, Fighters gauntlets icon1.png, Fighters jackboots icon1.png, Fighters burgeonet icon1.png
Proof Is the Pudding 45 Curious Gorge Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) 12420 Steel cyclone icon1.png
How to Quit You 50 Curious Gorge Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) 0 Fighters cuirass icon1.png, Infuriate icon1.png
A Relic Reborn (Bravura) 50 Gerolt North Shroud (x30,y20) 0 Bravura icon1.png
Better Axe Around 50 Curious Gorge Eastern La Noscea (x30,y22) 24000 1479 Gil
Duty and the Beast 52 Broken Mountain Upper La Noscea (x30,y21) 26400 Deliverance icon1.png
The Bear Necessity 54 Broken Mountain Upper La Noscea (x30,y21) 31200 Fell cleave icon1.png
Pirates of Shallow Water 56 Broken Mountain Upper La Noscea (x30,y21) 36000 Raw intuition icon1.png
How to Train Your Warrior 56 Storm Captain Western La Noscea (x27,y28) 36000 631 Gil
Slap an' Chop 58 Broken Mountain Upper La Noscea (x30,y21) 40800 Equilibirum icon1.png
And My Axe 60 Broken Mountain Upper La Noscea (x30,y21) 0 Decimate icon1.png

Warrior Guide


Defiance.png --> Infuriate.png --> Unchained.png --> Tomahawk.png --> Bloodbath.png --> Heavy swing.png --> Maim.png --> Berserk.png --> Storm's eye.png --> Internal release.png --> Heavy swing.png --> Draconian potion of vitality icon1.png --> Skull sunder.png --> Brutal swing.png --> Butchers block.png --> Heavy swing.png --> Maim.png --> Storm's eye.png --> Pacification 


Deliverance icon1.png --> Heavy swing.png --> Maim.png --> Brutal swing.png --> Storm's eye.png --> Berserk.png --> Heavy swing.png --> Internal release.png --> Skull sunder.png  --> Draconian potion of vitality icon1.png --> Butchers block.png--> Fell cleave icon1.png --> Infuriate.png --> Fracture.png --> Heavy swing.png --> Fell cleave icon1.png --> Maim.png --> Brutal swing.png --> Storm's eye.png --> Pacification

Warrior Macros


Warrior Concept Art

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