Recruitment Drive
Recruitment Drive
- Quest giver
- Liplu
- Location
- Kozama'uka (X:38, Y:16)
- Quest line
- Pelupelu Main Quests
- Level
- 90
- Gil
- Previous quest
Earthenshire Awaits
- Next quest
A Guest From Across the Salt
- Patch
- 7.1
“Something seems to be weighing heavily on Liplu's mind.
※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Gather information in Many Fires.
- Speak with Liplu.
- Survey the designated location.
- Speak with Liplu.
- Search for Wawkesa.
- Speak with Liplu.
- Speak with Liplu again.
- Due to a shortage of guides familiar with upstream Kozama'uka, the Turali Travel Agency is struggling to make the most of its recent expansion into Earthenshire. When you posit that a certain bandit gang might make for potential recruits, Liplu balks at first, given that they kidnapped Vow Wuk Lamat herself. However, the Pelu then recalls that they not only turned themselves in, but were later released on parole. As they may be interested in making a fresh start, she requests your help in tracking them down, and suggests you begin by taking a trip to Many Fires and inquiring among the locals.
- ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
- After speaking with the townsfolk in Many Fires, you learn that Wawkesa and his crew were pardoned by Vow Wuk Lamat herself. Recent sightings suggest the Tonawawtan leader has been eking out a law-abiding existence in the wilds outside the settlement. Liplu will wish to hear what you have learned.
- Having heard your findings, Liplu is convinced there is merit in approaching Wawkesa with an offer of employment. You make for the Dewspun Bank, close to the former bandit's alleged hideout.
- In the wilds, you encounter a downtrodden Wawkesa trudging back from a fruitless attempt at fishing. Mistaking Liplu's proposal as a ploy to drag him back into some past servitude, the terrified Tonawawta flees the scene. It would be prudent to regroup and discuss your next move with Liplu.
- Before running off, the erstwhile bandit spoke of mines from which he escaped and resolved never to return to. As this was clearly a traumatic experience, Liplu is keen not only to hear the full story, but to clear up the misunderstanding, and to that end she asks you to find Wawkesa and bring him back.
- You come across the Tonawawta gasping for breath in the lee of a rocky outcrop. Resigned to whatever fate lies in store for him, Wawkesa agrees to speak with Liplu. You prepare to reconvene with the pair in the Dewspun Bank.
- Convinced at last that Liplu's proposal was genuine, the Tonawawta shares the harrowing tale of his past. Having been forced to toil in Shaaloani mines as children for many years, Wawkesa and his comrades one day realized they would need to escape or die beneath the earth. Though they made good their escape, their foreman attempted to hunt them down, and it was only by fleeing to Kozama'uka and turning to crime that they managed to evade recapture. Hearing this, Liplu reassures Wawkesa that she does not wish to bind or send him back, and once again extends him and his crew an invitation to earn an honest living at the Turali Travel Agency. Though he is unsure how precisely they may be of service, he is willing to accept, and so all leave to discuss matters further at Dock Poga.
- Back at the agency, Liplu is quick to assuage Wawkesa's concerns about returning to public life. Emboldened, he and his comrades resolve to do their part and give back to the community, with Wawkesa taking charge of the brand-new eatery. When queues of hungry visitors inevitably clamor to sample the local cuisine, Liplu and company will yet again have need of their special advisor.
Accepting the Quest (cutscene)
Liplu: What am I going to do... I can't seem to find anyone up to the task. Liplu: Oh, Forename! You have the wonderful habit of appearing exactly when I need you! I've got a problem on my hands... Liplu: Don't worry, the agency's doing just fine. The Earthenshire tours have been a runaway success, and if bookings stay steady, we'll soon recoup all the recent outlays. Liplu: Well, that's actually the problem. The upper reaches of Kozama'uka are proving too popular─we're struggling to meet demand with our current number of tour guides. Liplu: I want to address the issue before the burden starts wearing the staff down... You aren't aware of anyone in need of work who knows the region like the back of their hand, are you?
What will you say? > How about asking the Hanuhanu? > Sounds like a job for the Moblins. > A certain bandit gang comes to mind...
< How about asking the Hanuhanu? > Liplu: Hmmm. There are only a handful of Hanu who know the region around Earthenshire, and they're already on the payroll! Sorry to dismiss your suggestion, but do you have any other ideas?
< Sounds like a job for the Moblins. > Liplu: That would be ideal, but the Moblins have the potsworn to attend to... I'd be loath to ask any more of them. Do you have any other suggestions?
< A certain bandit gang comes to mind... > Liplu: You don't mean the bandits who kidnapped Dawnservant Wuk Lamat during the rite of succession!? I'm sure they know the area well, but...
Liplu: Ah, hold on... I do remember hearing about a group of miscreants who turned themselves in to the Landsguard not long after the ascension ceremony. Apparently, they were later released on parole. Liplu: I suppose if they're willing to atone for their crimes and genuinely wish to make a fresh start... Liplu: My inner abacus is clacking away! It says we should speak with them, at the very least! Liplu: Reduce the strain on our staff, have former bandits give back to the communities they wronged... Yes, yes─everyone stands to gain much from a potential arrangement! Liplu: Would you be willing to help track down these bandits? Liplu: I knew I could count on you! Let's head to Many Fires and see what we can glean from the locals!
Gather information in Many Fires
Languid Angler
Languid Angler: Has Mobbie heard windtalk of bandits? I'm afraid not. These parts have been peaceful of late. Plenty of time to fish! Languid Angler: Although I did eyecatch a scrawny fisher in the woods not far from Deceiver's Mantel... Languid Angler: A Tonawawta with crazyhair as bright as jinglyshine! I wonder who he was...
Concerned Merchant
Concerned Merchant: Ah, you seek news of the bandits let out on parole? Sneakytakers, the lot of them! Concerned Merchant: They spread many badfeels in the village with their crimes. Cheese was not for them! Concerned Merchant: Apparently, they were eyecatched not so long ago. Mobbie dreads to think about the inevitable recidivism... Concerned Merchant: I hope they've had time to reflect on the wrongness of dirtytaking and are ready to make an honest living!
Busy Peddler
Busy Peddler: My goodness, it's you! You came here with Dawnservant Koana seeking information about the bandit that waylaid me. Is there anything I can help you with this time? Busy Peddler: Ah, you wish to know what happened to Wawkesa and his band of brigands after all that? Well, I gather they surrendered to the Landsguard. Busy Peddler: They even confessed the whereabouts of their stolen goods, that everything might be returned to their rightful owners. Sure enough, my merchandise made its way back to me. Busy Peddler: Apparently, some of their victims were so moved by the gesture that they petitioned the Landsguard for a more lenient sentence. Perhaps that's why Vow Wuk Lamat granted them parole. Busy Peddler: I don't know how they've fared thence, but I've heard nothing to suggest they've been causing trouble. Busy Peddler: Anyhow, you'll have to excuse me. I must meet with a client in Urqopacha. I do hope we meet again someday!
Speak with Liplu
Liplu: Any news of our bandits? Liplu: Hmmm. So they turned themselves in, returned the stolen goods, and are now living in the wilds after being pardoned. What's more, it seems they haven't fallen back into old habits... Liplu: Let's make for the woods to the south. That's where the angler spotted Wawkesa, right? Hopefully we'll run into him there!
Optional Dialogue
Liplu: I must admit, I regret being so bold... But then again, what do I have to fear with you by my side!
Survey the designated location (cutscene)
Wawkesa: Starting to think I'm not cut out for fishing...and a man can't live off scrounging berries forever. What to do... Wawkesa: Aaagh! Y-You're that salted devil of a sellsword! Wawkesa: L-Listen, I turned myself in─even gave back what I stole! Put that life behind me for good. What more could you possibly want from me!?
What will you say? > I have a proposition for you. > I came to personally ensure you got what you deserve. > Oh, I don't want anything from you...
Wawkesa: And why should I trust you!? You're here to get revenge for the kidnapping, aren't you!?
Liplu: I assure you, as my associate says, we really do have a proposition for you. I'm Liplu. It's a pleasure to meet you. Liplu: I'll get straight to the point. If you're serious about keeping to the strait and narrow, and making amends for your past crimes, perhaps you'd like to work with the Turali Travel Agency!
Wawkesa: Work for you!? Hah─I see your scheme! Plotting to haul me off to the mines under the guise of “employment,” aren't you!? Wawkesa: Curse you blackhearts! I ate dirt to survive after I escaped! I won't set foot inside another mine while there's still breath in my lungs!
Liplu: Wait!
Speak with Liplu
Liplu: ...That was unexpected. And all that talk of mines... He seemed genuinely traumatized. Liplu: Forename, I want to find out what happened to him. Hopefully, that way, we can clear up this misunderstanding and have a proper discussion. Liplu: I hate to ask, but could you find Wawkesa and bring him back here? He was awfully fast, but I doubt he could outrun you!
Optional Dialogue
Liplu: If you could bring Wawkesa back, it would be much appreciated! I'm sure he's still nearby.