The Magitek Menace
Sylph Daily Quests
Participate in the FATE A Wrench in the Works in east Larkscall and return with proof of your triumph. Proto Armor Identification Key is obtained by participating in the FATE.
In-game Description
Tonaxia is in dire need of an adventurer's aid.
The continued presence of the Garlean Empire in the forest has Tonaxia and her fellow sylphs fearing for their lives. Participate in the FATE “A Wrench in the Works” in east Larkscall, then deliver proof of your triumph to Tonaxia to put the poor sylph's heart at ease.
Tonaxia is profoundly impressed by your triumph over imperial technology, and appears eager to share tidings of your triumph with all in Little Solace. The sylphs cannot rest easy yet, however, and would be greatly heartened were you to sojourn among them a while longer.