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Kirlirger the Abhorrent

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Kirlirger the Abhorrent


Kirlirger the Abhorrent is a Rank S Elite Mark in Urqopacha.

Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to Sack of Nuts 100 Sacks of Nuts, Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics, Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 80 Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics, Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry 30 Allagan Tomestones of Heliometry, 1 Cracked novacluster icon1.png  Cracked Novacluster and 1 Cracked prismaticluster icon1.png  Cracked Prismaticluster.


Zone Coordinates Level range

Spawn Conditions




84 to 132 hours after it's been killed; or alternatively 50 to 80 hours after maintenance has ended.

Tips and Tricks


Kirlirger's a knight of the Yok Huy, though he knows no chivalry. The blood of many a Pelupelu merchant or mountain explorer has wet his blade.
It would be bad enough if he'd just turned outlaw, attacking folk to relieve them of their valuables. But no, the only things he takes from his victims is pleasure: in their screams and in their tears. Even his fellow giants have a bounty on his head.
The Yok Huy value honor above all else, you see. It's their custom to boldly announce what grudge they bear their enemy before ever drawing their blades. Not Kirlirger's, though. He'll use every dirty trick in the book to avoid a fair fight─especially with someone who might fight back.
Someone like Bol Ogaw. He was on Kirlirger's trail once when the bastard caught wind of him, and sprung an ambush. Old Bol Ogaw fought back as best he could, but he took a bloodying.
How a giant like him managed to get close enough to ambush Bol Ogaw without him noticing, I don't know. All I know is, if you're going after him, you'll need to keep the eyes in the back of your head open.

— Xax Rruk, Wachunpelo, Urqopacha

